
For: split rocks contest
Credits to MariaAmanda Rune Hammelstrup
Credits to WolfcatStock A-Hahn resurgere
“I used to desire many, many things, but now I have just one desire, and that's to get rid of all my other desires†. John Cleese
A sport only a few privileged get to see.
For: destruction therapy contest
Credits to auroradreams
For: cawdor wood contest
thanks EveLivesey -
Brushes, Masks, Basic editing Original Artwork credit to DavGoss Blood Brushes By: AnnFrost-stock
All the images used are my own
Unseen beach photo manipulation, thank to every stock provider. Suggestions are most welcome.
Sorry about the lack of sbs. I don't have time to make one right now. Credits to faestock
For: new transportation contest
Thanks to obsidian dawn for the frost brushes
For: circular contest
I couldn't help but think of the old B&W portraits of movie stars when I saw the shallow depth of field on this photo. Some people don't react to b&w too well, so comments requesting the colour version are most welcome. Had to reduce image a bit, as original was almost 5MB.
For: owl face contest
Thanks to NASA's Marshall Space Center at for the sky background; to sleight82 at for the pinetree source; Birds and fruit are all drawn with brush tools. Please see SBS
...this isn't going to end well."
For: model road contest
Books 1- Books 2- Books 3-
For: owl face contest
This work should be finished for the mod birthday contest but I didn't have enough time to finish it. 100% done by digital drawing. Happy belated birthday Lelaina and MnMCarta :) References for this works are portrait photos of our two Mods plus our beloved Admin, Mr.M (as you can see in the cloud ...
Credits to auroradreams faestock
image modified to give a better lighting consistance to the image as mentioned by a few in my coments.
For: oops contest
i removed the light reflections on the honey as asked by some viewers. tks for the tip guys
For: honey drip contest