The Secret Box

used the pen tool to cut out the honey image. created a gradient radial background. added grass. added trees one by one and placed shadows with the black brush tool. added a bluish color to the botom part to look like water and overlayed fish one by one. added seagals around and blurred them with ga...
For: honey drip contest
I found a great source image and just went from there...I do wish she had a head haha but oh well I think the composition worked out in the end. The card source images are in the SBS and I didn't end up using the rabbit in the final picture so I wasn't sure if I needed the link but I gave it just in...
For: wonderland contest
All sources used are my own images (a lot of them, lol)
I change the frist Idea to this, i hope you like ...
For: old blue bus contest
"I invite you to rest there, without fear" lol Hope you enjoy, comment and take a look at the SBS and high resolution *Vertigo*
For: white bench contest
"Just a trip" Hope you Like! (See SBS and High Definiton before your vote) Thx!!
For: tomato contest
ugggh frankenchicken!
For: fight contest
I decided to really run with the "inspiration" part of this contest and make a heavily Tron inspired picture but not something seen in the movie. I ended up using a horse!
Jupiter's moon, Europa, is mainly made of ice and silicate. "The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath it, which could conceivably serve as an abode for extraterrestrial life." (Charles, 2002)
Bullying...It happens now, but you bet 65 million years ago it wasn't much different. Check for example Gerry the Bronto. Every time again he's Tyrone Rex's target. There's no day that Tyrone doesn't nag Gerry with stupid things and Gerry is too insecure to reply. Until today, because he just can'...
For: avocado contest
It must be his worst nightmare: when Death can has to do his job, getting lost! Ow well, you can't blame him, after all he's not the youngest anymore. No outside sources or references, just the source image and some handdrawing. There's a pretty big High Resolution version available, you'd make ...
For: cursed gold contest
Our hero Winsor glorifies high in the sky in his Splutfire vehicle. Together with his companion Balthazar the Bear they seem to be undefeated. But what is that out there, as a flash light in a clear sky? It's the evil Duke McBastard who, sneaky as he always is, suddenly appeared with a cowardly atta...
For: metal barn contest
Being a bounty hunter is not easy. Sandy Clowes can tell you about it, because she is one of them. Although you live for the danger and excitement, it's also a lonely and exhausting life. In the end you can't trust anyone... But ok, after all these years she's kind of used to it, the people, the t...
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
This is some sort of dinosaur shark...thing...I hope you like it! Its late so I'm just going to upload my step by step without explanation for now. Hopefully I'll have time later in the week to describe the steps.
I made this entry for a contest on deviantart, and i decided to submit it here too.
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest
Thanks to Goblin-Stock, Step-In-Time-Stock and Geek-Stock.
For: bird origami contest