136 comments given:
no avatar

This is just amazing...i know who is the winner now

(5 years and 2572 days ago)

The Swan
no avatar

Those highlight are distracting...

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

low night cityscape
no avatar

You have some nice pictures in you portofolio, wich seems to follow the minimum "rules" in photography...so i ask myself why you participate with this snapshot?

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Passing by
no avatar

The skin tones from the fingers it's not good, but the overall image is nice! Good luck!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

floor level
no avatar

This is nice!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Down express way
no avatar

Very OOF...

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

no avatar

This is a picture who tell a story, very nice! Good luck!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Fallow me human.
no avatar

The perspective is nice, but the overall feeling (at least to me) it is not very good.

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Riding The Rail
no avatar

To white in the lower part...

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

shiny floor, cheap bikes
no avatar

You don't have a well defined subject....

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

On the Hilla
no avatar

I like the idea. Good luck!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

no avatar

I like the eyes. Good luck!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Happy Face
no avatar

Extremely well done, again, one of my favorite!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Puppy !
no avatar

This is one of my favorite! Good luck!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

no avatar

Very "messy" image in my opinion, my attention is not drawn in to the subject...

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

no avatar

Very creative, so far, for me, this is the best!

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Smell the Back
no avatar

Without those leafs in the foreground, it would be better

(5 years and 2577 days ago)

Roman tower
no avatar

I like it very much! Good work!

(5 years and 2583 days ago)

no avatar

Congratz, very nice image!

(5 years and 2586 days ago)

no avatar

Nice and simple, congratz !

(5 years and 2586 days ago)

Ice Cream?
no avatar

Nice...it contain light bulbs, but the accent is not on the light bulbs in my opinion...

(5 years and 2592 days ago)

Xmas Cheer
no avatar

It's out of focus...so you didn't try enough...

(5 years and 2592 days ago)

God enough to eat
no avatar

Good for stock image i guess... You should work on the creative part. Good luck!

(5 years and 2593 days ago)

Flower power
no avatar

Don't be dissapointed, even with that weak camera, you managed to be creative and make an awesome photo. In my opinion should be in top 3... Good luck & hope you get that new camera !

(5 years and 2600 days ago)

Rice PXL
no avatar

Judging by the quality, i'd say it's not a DSLR. It's a compact, or a cell phone camera. Either way, i think you got to close to that apple core, beyond camera capabilities, i suggest moving a bit backward and try again, or activate macro setting if the camera have that.

(5 years and 2600 days ago)

no avatar

I like it very much. I don't know, but for me, this picture stand out very nice. Good work!

(5 years and 2602 days ago)

no avatar

Well deserved place, well done!

(5 years and 2615 days ago)

Logical reasoning
no avatar

Congratulation, you deserve first place !

(5 years and 2615 days ago)

The contract...
no avatar

I voted, the idea is not bad, it could be a winner with the right editting skills. You should try harder, and always learn and perfection your skills. Good luck!

(5 years and 2620 days ago)

Dark uni
no avatar

This 100% ... author, you have very nice friends )

(5 years and 2620 days ago)

Dark uni
no avatar

Very nice and bold take on the theme... I like it very much! Good luck!

(5 years and 2621 days ago)

We should leave things where they belong.
no avatar

Yes, is beautiful, imagine how you could photograph this with a long lens...
Anyway, this is good too !

(5 years and 2627 days ago)

Beauty Full Moon..!
no avatar

I agree, like it very much, good work!

(5 years and 2627 days ago)

Sun Rise
no avatar

Very, very cute little girls!
Fantastic shot author

(5 years and 2628 days ago)

no avatar

Like your eyes

(5 years and 2629 days ago)

no avatar

This could be easly a stock photo
Good work author!

(5 years and 2629 days ago)

Uno Cerillo (One Match)
no avatar


(5 years and 2629 days ago)

my nephew by the window
no avatar

Nice shot!

(5 years and 2629 days ago)

looking up..
no avatar

I like it!
Good job

(5 years and 3118 days ago)

no avatar

I've seen these before...somwere else.. But i can't remember right now were...

(5 years and 3128 days ago)

Royal Flush
no avatar

Not painful, but itchi..

(5 years and 3135 days ago)

no avatar

Funny picture

(5 years and 3136 days ago)

Wait 20 Minutes!
no avatar

uuu, nice shot

(5 years and 3142 days ago)

pieces of me
no avatar


(5 years and 3143 days ago)

Childs Play
no avatar

All the people are the same...but maybe this is the effect that you have been wanted...
Very nice picture. Sorry about my english

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

no avatar

Nice picture and beautifull girl

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

B&W selfportrait