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The installation of this plane (Fouga Magister) : https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/morlaix/fouga-magister-installation-reussie-a-l-entree-de-l-aeroport-21-09-2017-11672004.php
(5 years and 460 days ago)The lizard does not support his fellow travelers :-P
(5 years and 528 days ago)In French the term yacht refers to a much larger and much more luxurious boat
(5 years and 528 days ago)'Photograph ONE of the numbers which lay between 51'...
(5 years and 528 days ago)'Photograph one of the numbers which lay between 51' : the boat on the right has another number and in addition it exceeds 100...
(5 years and 528 days ago)Honestly, I prefer the good looking one but this is only my opinion
(5 years and 575 days ago)A very nice car but you can not go inside because there is no handle at the door ... a question in passing, while you have respected the general shapes of the car, why did you you change the shape of the windshield and the roof?
(5 years and 576 days ago)I found the door :
(5 years and 588 days ago)https://www.google.com/maps/@43.7731559,11.255505,3a,77.4y,88.98h,99.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDw_hSLH6O0J1GIQPAKouuw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
A lot of work but I'm not sure this image matches the theme of the contest ...
(5 years and 589 days ago)What is the right place for a Spooky Tree?
In my opinion the whale and splash are too sharp, it would be good to soften them to better integrate them into the background.
(5 years and 589 days ago)Agreed with still, the photo seems to be tilted to the left.
(5 years and 591 days ago)I like this picture but I like less the filter that was applied on it.
(5 years and 591 days ago)Since you wrote this sentence:
(5 years and 591 days ago)"Built from 1922 to 1931, that's the point of monochrome."
Nice idea but this hydraulic excavator must date from the 60s-70s
(5 years and 595 days ago)This is not dirty, this is ...old !
(5 years and 607 days ago)Perfect illustration of the rule !
(5 years and 611 days ago)Outcome of the survey: 2 out of 5 bald men wear a cap
(5 years and 625 days ago)Result of the survey: one cowboy out of 6 does not have a horse
(5 years and 639 days ago)This is the kind of failure that I would like to take every day
(5 years and 639 days ago)I would like to understand, did you take the picture with the lens cover?
(5 years and 639 days ago)The background is not very valuing...
(5 years and 646 days ago)I found the real John Deere tractor here :
(5 years and 653 days ago)https://midwestmaize.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/il-john-deere-antique-tract.jpg
Much better
(5 years and 657 days ago)A Flying Turkey !!! :P
(5 years and 657 days ago)With the drop shadow you added it looks like your zebra is against a wall, why did not you keep the original shadow by shortening it? there is also a small transition problem between the animal's back and mane.
(5 years and 657 days ago)A good half one !
(5 years and 657 days ago)Beautiful effect of painting but there is one thing that upsets me: it is the position of the shadow, I would have personally put it to the right of the portrait because we see some light coming from the left.
(5 years and 681 days ago)11 bis rue du Mont-Cenis Paris :
(5 years and 697 days ago)https://www.google.fr/maps/@48.8871609,2.3414103,3a,52.2y,254.62h,83.41t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sagcMcyaMQGRmlMZGRoAXew!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DagcMcyaMQGRmlMZGRoAXew%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D40.550636%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656
Saw him in concert at Paris-Bercy many years ago (in the 80's), a real living legend of electric guitar !
(5 years and 697 days ago)Sorry to contradict you but this "bee" is not one! I think it is rather a dipteran of the family of syrphids of the genus Eristalis tenax or Eristalis arbustorum. It's difficult to differentiate them from this angle
(5 years and 700 days ago)...or O for Ogoponthus
(5 years and 703 days ago)Yes I noticed, your photo has only more valuable!
(5 years and 703 days ago)https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5745479,2.8084516,3a,69.4y,162.21h,116.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm9Mmrz3lYnRGOlZJ22-I1Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5 years and 703 days ago)C'est au 19 Rue du Capitaine Chazotte, Vive l'Art Nouveau !
(5 years and 703 days ago)I ask the fateful question: Where is the fish?
(5 years and 722 days ago)Select all the link with your mouse
(5 years and 728 days ago)Right click and select Open Link in a new Tab
That's all !
(5 years and 728 days ago)Your 5 proposals are very well made and make us travel back in time but you have a little diverted the theme of the contest which was: "Use one of your photos and photograph the scene again".
(5 years and 730 days ago)Mary Poppins' brother?
(5 years and 738 days ago)This metal skier may wait a while before he can ski !
(5 years and 738 days ago)I did not know that Bambi was cryogenized !!
(5 years and 745 days ago)http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2011001/Santa-Monica-Los-Angeles-beach-Arlington-West-crosses.html
(5 years and 745 days ago)All I hate: running and fog :-P
(5 years and 745 days ago)I agree with photonut, there are many things to look at this picture: motorcycle, bike, taxi, monument, statue, street scene... this photo could have participated in multiple contests
(5 years and 745 days ago)The Kodak No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie was a folding camera for the type 120 Autographic film. More than half a million models were made between 1915 and 1926, with various design tweaks made along the way. This model has apparently lived well
(5 years and 745 days ago)The fact of having removed the reflection in the eyes of the dog gives him a weird look
(5 years and 745 days ago)Not a lot of interaction between these two characters: the woman looks at her pictures on her camera! it's a shame because the backlight was rather well managed.
(5 years and 745 days ago)Is he a little late or is he a lot ahead?
(5 years and 755 days ago)As luck would have it
(5 years and 758 days ago)This photo is really beautiful but I find that you divert a little the theme of the contest: the letter F does not come directly to my mind when I see this picture
(5 years and 758 days ago)