20 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar RickLaMesa

this needs more black

(5 years and 1535 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

Come on author! Tail wag, cute head tilt with adorable puppy whine... PLEASE..... you have three days left, that's plenty of time. sigh

(5 years and 1537 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

As you might have noticed turning your image into a black entry does not mean your entry will be removed from the contest. Replacing your original with a neutral image (in this case black) is seen as forcing the mods to remove an entry. In such a case mods DO NOT remove such entry, they do remove the votes already made on your original entry so members can vote again (as they always do if an entry is dramatically changed). In the end this will result in a low score of your entry and a dip in your average score.

It is better to leave the original entry in the contest and try to solve problems from there. Mods are ALWAYS willing to help you to solve problems with your entry, as are our Gold Members (that's why they are here!). Please do take advantage of that!

(5 years and 1538 days ago)

sting in the tail
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

oops... double

(5 years and 1538 days ago)

avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

As you might have noticed turning your image into a black entry does not mean your entry will be removed from the contest. Replacing your original with a neutral image (in this case black) is seen as forcing the mods to remove an entry. In such a case mods DO NOT remove such entry, they do remove the votes already made on your original entry so members can vote again (as they always do if an entry is dramatically changed). In the end this will result in a low score of your entry and a dip in your average score.

It is better to leave the original entry in the contest and try to solve problems from there. Mods are ALWAYS willing to help you to solve problems with your entry, as are our Gold Members (that's why they are here!). Please do take advantage of that!

(5 years and 1538 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

As you might have noticed turning your image into a black entry does not mean your entry will be removed from the contest. Replacing your original with a neutral image (in this case black) is seen as forcing the mods to remove an entry. In such a case mods DO NOT remove such entry, they do remove the votes already made on your original entry so members can vote again (as they always do if an entry is dramatically changed). In the end this will result in a low score of your entry and a dip in your average score.

It is better to leave the original entry in the contest and try to solve problems from there. Mods are ALWAYS willing to help you to solve problems with your entry, as are our Gold Members (that's why they are here!). Please do take advantage of that!

(5 years and 1538 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Darn it author, please post the original picture (the girls in the well) into the SBS and return your fixed entry into the contest. It was well done and should be back where it belongs. Grumble grumble. (Coming from a Crusty old goat). I'll hit you with my cane if you don't.
With this black square, the voting might suffer, but the chop should be here anyway, so it won't screw up your portfolio.

(5 years and 1539 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar nilknarfsoive

I only see black...

(5 years and 1542 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Well what the Foo? Where did this entry go?

(5 years and 1544 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar thefinalcut

It's not petty, it's the rules. How would you feel if someone was using your images and passing them off as their own? This site is about having fun and learning new skills. Try www.freeimages.com for some source images.

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

err umm.. all I see is a big black square... is that right?

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

sting in the tail
avatar spaceranger

It's obvious you don't understand the rules of these contests nor what images are acceptable for use.

First you MUST post working links for ALL images used in your entry. Finding images anywhere on the web does not guarantee they are usable, you have to show a link that displays the image and the usage terms for that image.

Illustrations not made by yourself cannot be used no matter what license they use.
The image of the hands holding the globe is owned by Getty Images: http://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/photo/womans-hands-holding-a-glass-globe-royalty-free-image/84472764

I assume you are saying you took the image from Google Play. Just because you see the image there does not mean you can use it for these contests. The image MUST be purchased from Getty and the license terms must be honored. A comp version is available but may not be used for any purpose not permitted by the comp license terms.

I strongly suggest that you read the Rules and Guidelines found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/ and also the Photoshop Rules found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/photoshop/ You should also read this Forum post: http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5644 to learn about sources.

If you don't comply to the rules you will receive an official warning from the Contest Moderator and your entry will be removed until it is corrected.

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Please fix your links. They should lead to the actual image used, not the hosting site. As you can see, your image is very low resolution & pixelated. You should be able to fix that and resubmit.

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

sting in the tail
avatar spaceranger

Your source links don't work you need to correct them. The photo of the hands with the globe need to be purchased and you have to show the receipt in your SBS.
From Photoshop Rules: 5.2. Use of Paid External Images as Source:
All source images that you purchased must have a screenshot of the download receipt (blackout anything which identifies you to keep the contest anonymous).

The leaves appear to be illustrated and if you didn't create them they can't be used.

(5 years and 1546 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

OMG..this is a whole new chop.. totally new.. and much mucH muCH mUCH MUCH better!!! Completely different.

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

You'll have to put the original photo in the SBS and may I suggest that retain the full Head of the smiling girl. It would add to the image and not make her look a bit like a victim of a botched beheading. hehehe J/K ...great little Droste... and just a suggestion.. IMHO on a side note, WOW getting kids to pose in a Well. Wow.

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar MyMindsEye

Nice find, although, Im disappointed in the sharpness of the focus and excessive grain in the overall composition. Closer attention to those details would probably garner better scoring for this work IMHO.

(5 years and 1548 days ago)

Lollypop Lollypop oo lolly lollypop
avatar MyMindsEye

Looks like a great location but the image is terribly out of focus.
Sorry, Author

(5 years and 1562 days ago)

Pistyll Read Falls
avatar wind
wind says:

Ha! What a intriguing view!

(5 years and 1568 days ago)

Railway Bridge
no avatar

The "model" is so serious

(5 years and 1573 days ago)

avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

I am puzzled by how the reflection on the far left appears to face backwards but the reflection seen is of the track ahead?

(5 years and 1575 days ago)

Steam Age
avatar Mambo5
Mambo5 says:

Great first piece! Hope to see more of your work around! Good luck to you!

(5 years and 1597 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

You did a great job on your first entry author, we all start some where, and you can learn a lot from this website. Good Luck, and welcome to pxleyes

(5 years and 1604 days ago)

avatar spaceranger

Members aren't allowed to remove their entries once posted, only mods can do that. In your comment you wrote: "Distorted the wings using fisheye, changed the hue, used solarization , changed the texture.". You should post that in your description. That might be enough explanation since the rules do state:
"5.4. No External Source used in your Entry:
In this case, write in your description how your entry was made.

Keep in mind that if there's something not clear, the moderators might ask you to explain or post a step by step guide. This way we can keep the contests fair for everyone!"

It's great that you're learning Photoshop and you've come to the right place to help you learn. Members are very helpful and will give you advice on your work. If you have any questions or need help just send me a PM (Private Message) and I'll be glad to assist you.

To send a PM just click on the member's avatar then click on the green bar "SEND (member's name) A MESSAGE".

(5 years and 1604 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Hey author! It's good to learn, and you're never too old (or young) for that! Spaceranger has a point though, but in case you'd like to keep the entry as it is, can you explain in a Step By Step how this is done? Good luck!

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

avatar spaceranger

This looks like you only used filters. That's not enough for these contests, rules state: "In a source contest it's mandatory to use the provided source image in your entry. Not only use it, but also manipulate it in some way. Of course you can also combine it with other external source images."
I suggest you read the rules and guidelines found here: http://www.pxleyes.com/guidelines/

(5 years and 1606 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Cute "monster," but did you want to rotate your image? You can do that under "My Entries."

(5 years and 1609 days ago)

spooky fun