354 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice image

(5 years and 3160 days ago)

Mystery  Man
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very cool idea author....gl

(5 years and 3328 days ago)

super bicke
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I agree with Geexman, the hand placement is perfect. Great work

(5 years and 3328 days ago)

super bicke
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Very nice work, the hand placements are great ... good luck author

(5 years and 3329 days ago)

super bicke
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice idea -- res of the bike is a bit low and the masking in areas needs a touch up -- the rear reflector, front sprocket, top edge of the top tube, and the grassy area on the front wheel need works

(5 years and 3330 days ago)

super bicke
avatar George55
George55 says:

love the colors..... and the landscape is beautiful... good luck...

(5 years and 3335 days ago)

Sweet Retreat
avatar erathion
erathion says:

good work author...best of luck

(5 years and 3336 days ago)

Neighborhood Bully!
avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice work author...good luck

(5 years and 3336 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Shed is nice constructed,background is fantastic,but this could be better with few adjustments...i wish u best of luck author

(5 years and 3336 days ago)

Sweet Retreat
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 3336 days ago)

Neighborhood Bully!
avatar arca
arca says:

Very cute!

(5 years and 3337 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The drop shadow under the shed, combined with the cast shadow makes it float...Also, the front of the building needs to be darker, and not show a light source shining on the side of the door.

(5 years and 3337 days ago)

Sweet Retreat
avatar JPDesigns
JPDesigns says:

I love this one, soooo creative. And it just fits! Wonderful creation, author. If only it were real, I'd want one! hehe.

(5 years and 3338 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar greymval
greymval says:

I think it's cool, good blend.

(5 years and 3338 days ago)

Neighborhood Bully!
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

These make me smile!!!

(5 years and 3338 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar spaceranger

Really good combination, works well!

(5 years and 3339 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar lolu
lolu says:

Soo Cute !!

(5 years and 3339 days ago)

Lady Turtle
avatar donarkz
donarkz says:

nice! i wonder if Santa can make it to the town with this "Insect-Deer"

(5 years and 3340 days ago)

Neighborhood Bully!
no avatar
toztone says:

looks like fun place

(5 years and 3341 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats...well deserved...

(5 years and 3341 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3342 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your second place!

(5 years and 3342 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar erathion
erathion says:

great fun...good luck author

(5 years and 3342 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Oh, so tempting, I would like to play there too

(5 years and 3344 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar bompy
bompy says:

looks cool but the drop shodows on the plants wouldnt be there like that. makes them look flat in high res

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar hazem
hazem says:

it is very sweet

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

I dont' think the kids would see it as deadly but this sure is a parents nightmare! Great job and thinking.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice one -- well blended and good choice of images

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

Wild Canyon
no avatar
sivakbio says:

nice one....except the snake

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

Wild Canyon
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Great idea to make the girl window shopping

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

avatar arca
arca says:

Great image ... it would be nice to see it in Hi res but I think you have done a great job anyway!

Too late now but for future reference ... the Hi Res problem ... I had the same thing happen with a photo contest image. I opened my original PSD file and resaved it as a slightly large file and then uploaded the new one. That seemed to work ... it is worth a try at least.

(5 years and 3350 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice work author...good luck

(5 years and 3352 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Very good work author...100% realistic...high resolution would be nice...best of luck

(5 years and 3352 days ago)

avatar craigers
craigers says:

simple but effective, well done!

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar JStaes
JStaes says:

I like this one. I see that you used the birds on the luggage. I like it when people dont neglect detail points.

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

avatar zahra
zahra says:

Landscape is beautiful and quiet colors

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

I think the birds could be better not so symmetrically positioned in the air, for a more natural feel, IMHO.

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

Frequent Flyer
avatar DanLundberg

Creative and clever use of her trailing arm, plus her luggage neatly hides the fact that she is walking. The repositioned handbag is appropriate given that she has halted her forward movement, but a hint of shadow on her pant leg (and possibly coattail) might seem more realistic.

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

avatar Concrete
Concrete says:

Smooth photo manip

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar Concrete
Concrete says:

Smooth photo manip

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar Concrete
Concrete says:

Smooth photo manip

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Idea is good, but the girl definitely needs legs (unless she's half human, half bird). If you flip the castle it will receive the same light as the mountains & I think you'll be better able to fix the main entrance (which is now fading away and has a bit weird perspective).

Now that I'm checking the composition (which is not bad), you may want to flip the mountain image, put the castle left on top (so it'll become higher) so you get a nice diagonal composition between the foreground (girl, right under) and the background (castle, right above). Just an idea. Good luck!

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Frequent Flyer
avatar donarkz
donarkz says:

Looks like she wants to pass through that glass...

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

cmmon fellas don`t behave jerk... thmsup RAY ..have fun.. y so serious??
that was a cool mistake

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

lol keiley hahaha
@ray happens...

@author i love this one but i think the BG too need to be color-rich (don`t know d appropriate term..not used to photoshope ) like the girl n the horsemen source imho..
nevertheless pretty cool

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
no avatar
Keiley22 says:

@ Ray, think you need to go look at the source image mate lol

(5 years and 3357 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar RayTedwell

(5 years and 3357 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar Oriel
Oriel says:

Hi - at hi res you can see that there is still 1/background to be cut away between the rif=ders plat and her neck 2/ at the back of the sadle there is still background. 3/ There is too much blurring & softness around the figure. if you are using Photoshop you need to adjust the selection >MENU>Select>refine edges.
Good luck its a nice composition.

(5 years and 3357 days ago)

Lost Cowboy
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Very nice! GL!

(5 years and 3363 days ago)

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I think it's clever. GL!

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

Raging Water