472 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar gopankarichal

interesting work

(5 years and 3404 days ago)

avatar gopankarichal

Good humor...merge the neck properly

(5 years and 3404 days ago)

Two faced?
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Nice job with the lighting effects

(5 years and 3406 days ago)

avatar arca
arca says:

Very, very funny!

(5 years and 3406 days ago)

Two faced?
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

The neck line is visible; try to vanish it.

(5 years and 3406 days ago)

Two faced?
avatar themadrone

gross!!! ....cool!!!

(5 years and 3407 days ago)

Two faced?
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:


(5 years and 3407 days ago)

Two faced?
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Cool pot! I would like to have one in my garden

(5 years and 3410 days ago)

Smiley faced pot
avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:


(5 years and 3410 days ago)

Smiley faced pot
avatar George55
George55 says:

yes, it is nice idea as Drivenslush said...gl

(5 years and 3410 days ago)

Jump for joy?
avatar George55
George55 says:

you entry is good, but I think you could have done much better...gl

(5 years and 3410 days ago)

avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Very clever use of the source, especially the indents.... well done

(5 years and 3412 days ago)

Smiley faced pot
avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Wow, I missed this contest. Very good job my friend, it makes me smile . Congrats on your first!

(5 years and 3413 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar Drivenslush

very cute Idea author.. best of luck

(5 years and 3413 days ago)

Jump for joy?
avatar pingenvy
pingenvy says:

I would suggest enhancing the highlights on the violin to better match the lighting of the environment arount it. Compare the top of the instrument to her shoulder. Good luck.

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

congrats Although I did congratulate in advance lol

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Congrats on 1st!!!!!

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar hereisanoop

Congrats... good job done....

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Congrats on 1st ...............great image ..........

(5 years and 3416 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar madamemonty

Congrats, really well done

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar erathion
erathion says:

good work author...nice composition...best of luck

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

Smiley faced pot
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great great great work author...best of luck

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar erathion
erathion says:

cool work author...

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

Baby joy!
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Agrees with Lamantine. And it's definitely

(5 years and 3417 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar arca
arca says:

May not be the best technical image (see above critiques for more on that) ... that is just time, practice and a willingness to learn (which the author has shown).

BUT ...on the other hand; it is a very emotional image and when I first looked at it (before reading the comments) I got goosebumps. You get points from me for that alone. Great concept!

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice job. A little more shadow on the left side would match the light source.

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Smiley faced pot
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

Very good work ! I'd say that's the best you've done. You're improving, keep it up !

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar itgik
itgik says:

Also it looks like a bit of an artifact on her left hand - slipped with the brush maybe?

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

LOL author, just find a pic of someone holding a violin and you'll see the correct proportions...it ain't rocket surgery!

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The lighting on the violin (front left) does not match the light source on the woman (above front left.
It also does not look like she is holding it, because the edges are too sharp in comparison to the rest of the image, and the position of her fingers would have it slipping through them.

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Actually, it's too small now.

(5 years and 3418 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Fantastic! congratulations

(5 years and 3419 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Awwwwwww now that sums it up right there! ..... great entry author... best of luck

(5 years and 3419 days ago)

Baby joy!
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Top part of violin is transparent, part of a sound hole is showing through the woman's hand, violin could be smaller.

(5 years and 3419 days ago)

Silent violin
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

oh how adorable!!!

(5 years and 3420 days ago)

Baby joy!
avatar hereisanoop

Looks like he is the happiest animal in the world... , good source found.. Good luck author

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar mistic
mistic says:


GL author

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar arca
arca says:

An apple a day gives us a chuckle! Great picture ... wouldn't want to be the apple though ... not with those teeth coming at me

(5 years and 3421 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar creativefreedom


(5 years and 3421 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar Drivenslush

make the apple bigger.. or more.. just that.. Horses LOVE apples hehehehe.. just a thought and IMHO.. hehehe.. great image

(5 years and 3422 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar MnMCarta
MnMCarta says:

now this is something I'd come to when I feel down just to get a great smile outta it!!! GOOD WORK! LOVE MR. ED!

(5 years and 3422 days ago)

Pure joy, joy, joy!!
avatar hereisanoop

congrats... nice work

(5 years and 3422 days ago)

Open wide....
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3423 days ago)

Open wide....
avatar Geexman
Geexman says:

Congrats Disco diva! great work

(5 years and 3423 days ago)

Open wide....
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats Diane...

(5 years and 3424 days ago)

Open wide....
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

Nice concept, but you need to have more reflection of the statue in the water to match that of the bird.

(5 years and 3424 days ago)

High tide?
avatar erathion
erathion says:

nice creation...GL

(5 years and 3424 days ago)

High tide?
avatar erathion
erathion says:


(5 years and 3424 days ago)

Open wide....