Family Album

Thanks to the following: sundesign for the photo corners, milenabl for the lock, magerleagues for the tassle and Henkester for the atlas.
For: closed book contest
Thanks to the following: sundesign for the photo corners, milenabl for the lock, magerleagues for the tassle and Henkester for the atlas.
For: closed book contest
Thanks to demordian for the image of the hand
For: door knocker contest
Thanks to oktavianim for the image of fish
For: blue dolphin contest
Thanks to straymuse for the image of the car
For: door knocker contest
My thanks to: Nrbelex for the dolphins, jespha for the rocks, and mordoc for the web.
For: blue dolphin contest
Thanks to leisha for the use of her image
For: door knocker contest
For: single tree contest
With thanks to the following: faranqio for the wall IceYeti for the sapling lusi for the coins
For: single tree contest
With thanks to the following: Cemetery by andrewconn Tree by kaleff Poppies by alitaylor
For: open field contest
With thanks to the following for use of thier photos: Boat by Nick Stenning Basket by bongo vongo Vietnam man by zamario Fire basket by Nicholas Watts
With thanks to unfoldedorigami for the background image
For: white wine contest
With thanks to: TheOneKidKyle for Bride and groom by quinn.anya for the certificate Flower by bjearwicke 2 gold rings by puellakas Wedding dress by e.t
For: white wine contest
With thanks to the following: Soldier by Rotorhead Butterfly by Paraflyer The butterflies were added as a symbolic rememberance of lives lost...
For: undergrowth contest
With thanks for the: Bridge by jlacy304 Bird by doc Water by dyet
For: undergrowth contest
With thanks tothe following: Playground by Agrid Legs by klsa12 Ball by IJeyash Boy by Annalog85
For: steep stairs contest
With thanks to the following for the: Plaque by cinezi BUDDHA by OKcomputer
For: pests contest
With thanks to duchessa for the background image.
For: pests contest
With thanks to: Parchment by andreyutzu Indian horse by Karmalize
For: indian head contest
With thanks to: craiova for background image, and elizevans, for the stone statue.
With thanks to AdamKR for the background image.
Thanks to the following: hole by ginsnob Smoke by hrannsa66 Lava by gregw66
With thanks to Jeff Kubina for the background image.
For: stone turtle contest
With thanks to gavro for the image of the totem pole and sateda for the lion head.
For: stone turtle contest
Thank you to the following for the use of thier images: Hand by demordian. Croc by doc. Stone statue by porah
For: idioms contest