Bird of prey

With thanks to rolveth for the wheat field image. With thanks to kolthoorn for the bird image.
For: cones contest
With thanks to rolveth for the wheat field image. With thanks to kolthoorn for the bird image.
For: cones contest
Used part of the original image, polar coordinates, duplicated, joined together, blue background, then gradiant.
For: metal heart contest
Thanks to kalierin for the inspiration. (Image not used.) Thanks to olivia93 for the background image.
For: metal heart contest
With thanks to MsDotty for the image of the larger lizard.
For: street pawn contest
With thanks to michaelaw for the use of his sky image
For: street pawn contest
Blue pot making a fountain
For: flower pots contest
Sunflower and straw hat combined. Lots of warping, some cloning then used "overlay" on the sunflower to sort of mould it onto the hat. Should have used "displacement map" but haven't got to grips with that yet!
For: sunflowers contest
Added two vases and extra leaves manipulated in various ways.
For: sunflowers contest