8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

What big (long) EATS you have! hehehe (great job) so cute!!!

(4 years and 295 days ago)

Young cat cadet
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Just suggestions! You can put it back to the original, it's great no matter what silly smooch

(4 years and 308 days ago)

Sunset on the lake
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"Carnival of Souls"... EEEP!

(4 years and 320 days ago)

Lockdown madness syndrom
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Reminds me A LOT of Fantastic Planet (1973). May cause me to re-watch it.. (though as a child it scared the bejessus out of me )

(4 years and 320 days ago)

Somewehere out there..
avatar Drivenslush

Purdy Burdy (a little light burning (super light) along the bottom edges could give a little more "depth" to the birdy, not necessary but could aid in getting rid of the bit of flatness, just a suggestion) you can see the "shading" on the neck that gives a solidity to the image and weight

(4 years and 320 days ago)

Sunset on the lake
avatar Drivenslush

Reminds me of the "special" history books in the library

(4 years and 320 days ago)

Herbier 1969
avatar Drivenslush

What drugs are you on? ...and I want some.... JUST KIDDING... hehehe (AWESOME)

(4 years and 323 days ago)

My mind
avatar Drivenslush

doot da doo

(4 years and 323 days ago)

Long way to go...
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(4 years and 323 days ago)

Artistic Nude
avatar Drivenslush

Oh man, exhausting amount of work.. great job

(5 years and 359 days ago)

Granville Street Theatres
avatar Drivenslush

Really love how you made the couple into such a wonderful silhouette.. awesome!!!

(5 years and 360 days ago)

Edible love
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I wants to rub her on a chalk board ...hehehe

(5 years and 367 days ago)

Pastel queen
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SUPER ARM!!!! hehehe fun chop

(5 years and 367 days ago)

The rain-maker
avatar Drivenslush

No problem, I was just pointing out some things that we used to do for full page Print Ads and street posters.

If you notice in the original poster, Charlie Chaplin is stacked upon itself to form a rectangle. If you put He's (four characters) Back (four characters) you make a rectangle, (He's Back forms a LONG rectangle).. little stuff like that to improve the cohesion of the image. There's plenty of fun stuff going on in this, and there is no need to change, I was just spit balling GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 378 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Only a suggestion (and because there is still time), you might want to consider not stretching the text and just enlarging it into the space. This would put it into the date line of the original film. (they didn't have photoshop back then hehehe). Also consider borrowing the XX from the uniform and placing it into the text where the xx are now text, this would lend to cohesion of the overall creation, along with creating a triangle within the image (old newspaper trick) which would make the eye bounce around the image without realizing it.

I would also suggest an old film filter, or even masking/blending/opacity a film debris over the image to give it an "antique" feel to further the idea. I know blurring the edges would be a bit over the top, but there are some filters that do that automatically (especially film noir filters). Really is a fun chop and you don't have to change anything, I'm just giving you my insight GOOD LUCK! and great job.

(5 years and 378 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 378 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Oh that's just silly LOL I'm originally from Wisconsin, and we sculpt butter.. and those people are WEIRD!!! (still lovable.. but.. well just butt LOL) https://www.pinterest.com/kellycole2323/butter-sculptures-state-fair/?lp=true

(5 years and 383 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Curled Butter? WTH?.. hehehe, funny

(5 years and 383 days ago)

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"Grate" thinking (chortle)

(5 years and 383 days ago)

Bear in mind
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(5 years and 386 days ago)

Rainbow and zebrunicorn
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. it could have been a Unibra.. but that would be weird LOLOLOL

(5 years and 386 days ago)

Rainbow and zebrunicorn
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Lady BIRD! hehehe

(5 years and 389 days ago)

Miss Lilly Bug
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Reminds me of the TV show from the 80's... V

(5 years and 390 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Author, you may want to smudge/modify the repetition of curl in the blonde's hair, it makes it look obviously Photoshopped. When cloning, always be aware of repeat images that can cause this effect. It really helps when doing advertisements or art works. Really is an original idea Good luck

(5 years and 392 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Considering the weirdness of the source, you did a really bang up job. GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 393 days ago)

Hailing a Cab
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(5 years and 394 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

HOW FUN! You don't have to, but if you ran a soft burn brush under the edge of the dragon layer, it would give it some more depth (I'm a pest, I know). At the moment it's a bit flat (still fantastic), just a suggestion. Really is fun.

(5 years and 394 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Audrey II: I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad!

(5 years and 395 days ago)

Feed meeeeee!!!
avatar Drivenslush

dats alotta fun!!!

(5 years and 396 days ago)

Peacock Carnival
avatar Drivenslush

Adding a little shading to the interior of the mouth might give it some depth. All the lighting is even at the moment and if the plant is eating some one, there would be a darkness inside the mouth.

..and yes, I live in Florida, and as beautiful as Orchids are.. they are a tad bit creepy... Great Job!

(5 years and 397 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Taking a picture of a picture? You have issues. hehehe good job!

(5 years and 397 days ago)

The photographer
avatar Drivenslush

Awe... so cute. Not necessary but you may want to consider a very light shadow cast for the bills. This works fine, I'm just thinking about a little tweaking. LOVE the color enhancement/matching colors/feathers of the skin. You may want to shape the head of the 4th duck, it has some obvious cut/erase marks that draw the eye to them. The first duck head has some shape issues but not as noticeable. Duck heads are very very ROUND and any kind of disruption to the curve creates distraction. Really is a great idea for a very very hard source image. Too much subject matter and you handled it brilliantly.

(5 years and 397 days ago)

Duck faces
avatar Drivenslush

glug glug

(5 years and 401 days ago)

Wintery flight
avatar Drivenslush

Is the bunny a bumble bee? The aerodynamics say he should be on his butt LOL.. (cool chop)

(5 years and 401 days ago)

Rabbit dream
avatar Drivenslush

Step away from the liquor cabinet... I worry about you.. (hehehe)

Great Job!

(5 years and 401 days ago)

Wintery flight
avatar Drivenslush

you put the EEP! In crEEPy! hehehehe.. LOVE IT!!!

(5 years and 402 days ago)

Drone XX
avatar Drivenslush

fun fun fun

(5 years and 403 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

I want to ride on THAT! No sea sickness

(5 years and 403 days ago)

Drop-Shipping Gone Wild
avatar Drivenslush

NOM NOM NOM... hehehe

(5 years and 403 days ago)

Shark II NYK Line
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(5 years and 408 days ago)

La Baudruche enchantée
avatar Drivenslush

I love it!!! (even though it makes me go.. ew!) hehehe (Really is a lot of fun!!!)

Your body source goes to the tree link (bad author.. bad bad author) giggle snort

(5 years and 410 days ago)

Open Heart
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(5 years and 415 days ago)

Inside space
avatar Drivenslush

I'm calling the ASPCA, there's got to be a law about keeping a pet fish in such a small container.. poor thing (on a serious note, I thought this was Cornelia for a minute.. hehehe)

(5 years and 420 days ago)

Leather Fish
avatar Drivenslush

He listens to music through his eyes? hehehe (great job )

(5 years and 426 days ago)

Flies like music too
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(5 years and 428 days ago)

Santa Fée
avatar Drivenslush

On a side note (just a suggestion) you may want to puppet warp the feet/legs on the first person, so they look more dangly, at the moment he looks like he's standing on an invisible plate, (though he could be a great mime..hehehe) also, you could "gray" the top on the middle figure to match the other two people's outfits, so they look more like a team .. just a suggestion, it might cause the image to form a nice triangle (old design trick).. really is a lot of fun.. good luck not necessary, just offering my opinion

(5 years and 431 days ago)

Exercise books
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. GREAT! You can add a little more "shape" to the hands using the burn brush (not necessary since it has a cartoon feel, but if you wanted to make it more 3d, it would give it more depth, think of Mickey Mouses hands) SO MUCH FUN!!! No need to change anything, just IMHO

(5 years and 431 days ago)

Little Christmas monster ornament
avatar Drivenslush

ACK... sorry about that, I thought it was a new chop.. eeekk (wink wink nudge nudge)

(5 years and 432 days ago)

Siver Horse
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Blush... oh boy

(5 years and 434 days ago)

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Oh yeah, they were also banned from watching Disney's "Frozen" for a year, they're allowed to sing the song "Let it Go" but only if they hum.. Sorry, meds are playing with me brain.. hehehe "HUG"

(5 years and 434 days ago)

Snow is fun