8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

WOW.. huge Improvements... GOOD LUCK author!!!

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Nasty volcano
avatar Drivenslush

lots of fun with this one author!!! good LUCK!!!!

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

author.. great entry.. but you need to remove the signature at the bottom... it would be a shame to have this removed on a tech issue

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

The gaze
avatar Drivenslush

CRITIQUES WELCOME.. not critics... hehehe.. great job and good luck!!!

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Most Wanted
avatar Drivenslush

It's a really neat concept author.. but I have trouble seeing the Female character... (maybe add a little contrast/brightness..to the girl so you can see her clearer..) just my opinion of course.. excellent work and good luck

EXCELLENT!!! she is much clearer author

(5 years and 3355 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Quite wonderful.. good luck author

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

Winter Love Triangle
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. reminds me of Fantasia when the plants start dancing... GOOD LUCK!!

(5 years and 3356 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Banana Bing!!!! (Merry Christmas and happiest of Holidays author!!!)

(5 years and 3358 days ago)

Flower Pots
avatar Drivenslush

Geexman.. I do believe PASKO has something to do with a Philippine celebration of xmas Eve... not sure.. I tried to google it but I got to much static stuff... but my friends in the Pilippines use to mention Pasko as a something to do with Christmas Eve... god bless.. and happiest of holidays to everyone..(and a gift at midnite would be most welcome

(5 years and 3360 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Happy Holidays! ... great job

(5 years and 3360 days ago)

Peace on earth
avatar Drivenslush

Happy Holidays! fun image

(5 years and 3360 days ago)

Winter Infinite
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3365 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

author.. I get the concept, but you might want to research Josephine Baker and her famous "Banana Dance" to get a better grip on the "skirt" placement... as it stands.. it kinda looks like the banana's are paper dolled on... good luck.. and as always, this is just IMHO.. others will be along to help

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Is that Modern?
avatar Drivenslush

Oh boy.. flash back to the hospital waiting room paging through a Highlights magazine LOL

(5 years and 3371 days ago)

The Story Teller
avatar Drivenslush

very well done woo hoo

(5 years and 3372 days ago)

Come a little closer....
avatar Drivenslush

Really great use of the Source!

(5 years and 3372 days ago)

Glass Mushrooms
avatar Drivenslush

hehehehehe... great job

(5 years and 3373 days ago)

On My Bucket List
avatar Drivenslush

YOU GAVE US A CHEAT SHEET!!!... LOL.. you are so fired!!!

Great job darling.. hehehe.. AWESOME IMAGE!!!

(5 years and 3374 days ago)

Wooden I Spy
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3374 days ago)

The Fuzzy Snockfrabber
avatar Drivenslush

well I wouldn't say STUNNING.. but I would say absolutely FABULOUS... hehehehe.. (I'm afraid of bugs... so fabulously cute is as far as I can go..hehehe.. GREAT JOB

(5 years and 3374 days ago)

Arizona Sand Dancer
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3374 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats!!!!! hehehehe bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(5 years and 3377 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

I FOUND IT!!! hehehe.. won't give it away though

(5 years and 3378 days ago)

Leaf Butterfly
avatar Drivenslush

wonderfully thought out author..tiny nit pic... straighten out the edge along the white leg of the maroon jockey (It's great just the way it is.. but if you clean that tiny edge you will get much higher votes..) great concept and well executed...

The edge all the right down to the boot along the dog is just a bit hurdy gurdy but the overall creation is very well done

(5 years and 3379 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3379 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

FANTASTIC FIX... just those little tiny tweaks and it looks SO much more fun... GREAT JOB!!!

I LOVE being able to really see the figure now... awesome!!

(5 years and 3379 days ago)

Internal Struggle
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. great job.. reminds me of not without my handbag here's the link


(5 years and 3379 days ago)

Evil on the Playground
avatar Drivenslush

A little transparency to the smoke could be helpful so you can see the figure better.. nice concept (the pills and the gun are a bit lost... might be because they are very small.. high res you can see them fine,,, but I think the noose is enough information.. if you remove the pills and the gun and lower the noose (enlarge just a teeny noodge to give it more umph) I think the balance would be fine.. BUT THAT IS JUST IMHO... making the noose more prominent and a bit lower into the image will balance out the yin yang of the black and white theme

Good Luck and Great Job!!!

(5 years and 3379 days ago)

Internal Struggle
avatar Drivenslush

very cool!!!

(5 years and 3380 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Author... just find the brushes again on Deviant Art and put a link in your STEP BY STEP or place a cut and paste link in the comment area... (It really shouldn't take you long to find them again.. find out what name the brushes had in PS file and search it out..

Good Luck... (and very nice image

(5 years and 3380 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

(5 years and 3381 days ago)

high flyer
avatar Drivenslush

good luck author.. wonderful concept.. well done (love your concept of the ohm's.. fantastic planet.. woo HOO)

(5 years and 3381 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

YOU ARE SILLY AUTHOR!!! ... in a very great way LOL.. awesome

(5 years and 3381 days ago)

come around and play....again?
avatar Drivenslush

kinda Martha Stewart heheheh.. great job

(5 years and 3381 days ago)

 Flowers By The Wall
avatar Drivenslush

very interesting take on the theme.. (You may want to go around the edge of the bunny with a soft blur brush to get rid of the choppy edge (It's super noticeable in high RES and you know how some of the voters get about that nit picky stuff)... a little burn highlight tool set super soft to enhance the shading to give a stronger 3d effect might be helpful as well ... (very clever idea and good luck)

(5 years and 3382 days ago)

Lost Treasures
avatar Drivenslush

Huggable and sweet!!!

(5 years and 3383 days ago)

Wazeye Redo !
avatar Drivenslush

(5 years and 3385 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Dreadfully fantastic great job author

(5 years and 3390 days ago)

The Charger
avatar Drivenslush

great job

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Locked Heart
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Residual Delusions
avatar Drivenslush

super congrats

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

wonderful contrast and composition... very very wonderful image GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 3391 days ago)

Just look the other way :)
avatar Drivenslush

I Faved it first... hehehehehe (Great work author.. the body language of your creation is awesome)

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

Gas Mask Creature
avatar Drivenslush

CHEESE SAUCES ... CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! already...!!!!! I haven't even finished my Halloween candy yet... hehehehe.. great job author.. very well done

(5 years and 3393 days ago)

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la!!
avatar Drivenslush

Really reminds me of The Nightmare Before Xmas or the Corpse Bride.. wonderful imagination and creations

(5 years and 3395 days ago)

A Nightmare Honeymoon Trip
avatar Drivenslush

This is VERY well done author.. is there any chance you could find different versions of the Dutchman.. or alter them a bit.. they're perfect duplication is a bit too obvious..(they represent worn out ships and it'd be strange that they got worn out all in the same way)

LOVE THE WIGGLY MOUNTAINS!!! good luck! and fine chop

(5 years and 3395 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

great job

(5 years and 3395 days ago)

An Eye
avatar Drivenslush

spooky and FUN!!!! (GOOSE PIMPLES)

(5 years and 3395 days ago)

Wookey Hollow
avatar Drivenslush

Lovely adventure piece... very nice job clever thinking

(5 years and 3396 days ago)

Cramped Feet. Ouch.
avatar Drivenslush

HE'S SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEE.. and he looks totally pooped!! great elephantroach (still looking for a snail)

(5 years and 3396 days ago)

An insect never forgets