8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

very fun image

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

The Flood
avatar Drivenslush

pretty clever.. great use of the stainglass filter.. hehehe.. awesome

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

trip the light fantastic

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

The Observer
avatar Drivenslush

very pretty face on this.. very nice Idea.. good luck

(5 years and 3576 days ago)

hehehe...it tickles!
avatar Drivenslush

you a goofy head!!!! hehehehe

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

really fun image

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Renewable Resource
avatar Drivenslush

EXCELLENT perspective work on the canoe.. good luck author!!!

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Rubber boat ride!
avatar Drivenslush

very clever Idea author... good luck

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Bad idea...
avatar Drivenslush

woo hoo

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Are you Ready.....???
avatar Drivenslush

NIFTY COOL!!! fun fun fun... great JOB!!! woo HOO!!!!

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Creating Time
avatar Drivenslush

very Sweet author... very cute!!

(5 years and 3577 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3577 days ago)

Corn Hole Mortgage
avatar Drivenslush

author... as terrific and great of an image as this is.. save your self some heartache and add some of the textures from the source so you get a higher score.. while I can see the color scheme was used (kudos for that) try to incorporate more of the source for a higher score .. this is of course IMHO... I really hope this gets high placement .. it really deserves it (it's just really hard to see the source)

EDIT: CAN SEE SOURCE much more now... good job

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Mission Complete
avatar Drivenslush

here here.. pearlie and lchappell

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Cafeteria Café Petit Paris
avatar Drivenslush

woot!!! (as dawg would say)

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Go Fast Aviation
avatar Drivenslush

very well done.. I BUY IT.... hehehehe

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

electronic b.card
avatar Drivenslush

this is a very pretty card.. really well thought out

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Cafeteria Café Petit Paris
avatar Drivenslush

bhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahah!!! super funny.. and I know it's true..there are tons of retirees down here in Florida with the same exact card... LOLOLOOL

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Lover - Sailor - Gourmet
avatar Drivenslush

great work on the rain.. as to the copyright kerfuffle.. I think you can use it if you don't alter it and keep it in it's original form... but red flag it yourself author so you don't get in any trouble.. its a really great image

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Fighting Demons
avatar Drivenslush

check links author.. I think you made a boo boo (anon issue) please double check.. (GREAT JOB)

You got it!!! looks good now... (newbie.. giggle snort)

(5 years and 3578 days ago)

Wondering Thoughts
avatar Drivenslush

The disturbing effect this has on the senses is part of it's charm.. I'm very drawn to it because I can't look away... and I'm sure I want to.. hehehe.. good luck with this

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

Spot the Diff
avatar Drivenslush

very weird.. well done.. but still very weird LOL.. good luck author

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

Mod Trek
avatar Drivenslush

oh please make what happened in the movie.. please please please LOL J/K nice idea

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

Damn Paparazzi
avatar Drivenslush

super well done

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

Mortal jump
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3579 days ago)

The Gangster Of Love
avatar Drivenslush

OH THIS IS TERRIBLE... terribly funny.. hehehehehehehe Great JOB AUTHOR... great thinking.. and super fun!!!

(5 years and 3579 days ago)

Shotgun Heard
avatar Drivenslush

BRAVO... tail wag

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

A Peek into the Future
avatar Drivenslush

very neat Idea

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

New world
avatar Drivenslush

men are jerks!... hehehe

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

very nifty Idea... I'd like a little more detail on the hands so I could see them better... but only if you want to...the overall design is wonderful!!

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

Never ever give up!!
avatar Drivenslush

mama gets around..hehehehe

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

congrats on 2nd place... woo hoo

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats CHAPPY!!!!

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

Rocky Racoon
avatar Drivenslush

congrats... GRANDMA..hehehehe

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

grannys fav
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3580 days ago)

horse ride? (updated)
avatar Drivenslush

Author just tell everyone that those blocks are mine.. then Everyone will understand why they are a little OFF!.. hehehehe (great job)

(5 years and 3580 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

hehehehe... where are my cookies!!! grandma.. giggle snort (snickerdoodles would be very nice)

(5 years and 3581 days ago)

grannys fav
avatar Drivenslush

this is very funny.. but frighteningly very close to the truth LOL

(5 years and 3581 days ago)

Bomb Disposal
avatar Drivenslush

very silly.... as it should be (smacking Razor) hehehe

(5 years and 3581 days ago)

Higher Learnin
avatar Drivenslush

fantastically Cheesy.. hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 3581 days ago)

Beyond the Blue Horizon
avatar Drivenslush

very excellent idea

(5 years and 3582 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

erikuri.. you should see when the author bakes cookies or darns socks... HEHEHEHEHE

(5 years and 3582 days ago)

grannys fav
avatar Drivenslush

very melty.. like sucking on a jolly rancher and tasting the colors

(5 years and 3582 days ago)

Cosmic Exploration
avatar Drivenslush

pretty cool!!!

(5 years and 3582 days ago)

grannys fav
avatar Drivenslush

woo hoo!!!

(5 years and 3582 days ago)

Floating in the Universe
avatar Drivenslush

very sweet chop its actually exudes kindness

(5 years and 3583 days ago)

Fish Tank
avatar Drivenslush

very different.. me likie

(5 years and 3583 days ago)

Scorpio crew
avatar Drivenslush

happy fun.. reminds me of the everglades for some reason

(5 years and 3583 days ago)

Evil castle