8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

clever and well done.. love the feel of motion and the fear of height!!

(5 years and 3597 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

love the use of source.. good luck!!!

(5 years and 3597 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

No peeking into my mind author!!! I feel so violated... hehehe


(5 years and 3597 days ago)

Psychotic Soup
avatar Drivenslush

The light work is outstanding!!!!

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Table Lamp
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Alone in the Air
avatar Drivenslush

lovely countryside!!!

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Brothers In Arms
avatar Drivenslush

Love the work on the brick walkover thingy.. very cool.. nice result.. good LUCK!!!

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Wings are not working
avatar Drivenslush

Love the overall mood and effect.. you do want to see her walking in motion ... you can almost see the fog exiting out of her way great job

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

This is so amazing.. with the lightness.. the actual print work would be OUTSTANDING.. definitely looks like something you'd put into a magazine in the real world.. (Back light is SO hard to work with when you need to print it)

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Arcane Warrior
avatar Drivenslush

does look like a screen shot!!! good luck author

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Lightning Battle
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3598 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

you sure succeeded and making the BRRRRRRRRRRRRR factor.. great job

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

ABSOLUTE PERFECTION (even though I have no clue what an AION is .. LOLOL.. wonderful entry!!!!!) ZING

EDIT: Do have to admit.. the censor bars in the SBS are hysterical.. electronically generated naughty bits.. LOLOLOL.. great job!!!

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

DADDY... not dady.. (very important.. Daddy is father.. dady is is a soccer player.. I think.. LOL) very fun image..

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Come to Daddy!!!
avatar Drivenslush

Very Well done.. very unique entry.. good luck

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Future Transportation
avatar Drivenslush

Little House on the Scary!!!.. hehehe.. great job!!

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Little house
avatar Drivenslush

very unique answer

(5 years and 3598 days ago)

Mushroom world!
avatar Drivenslush

like the spooky ghosty feel.. good luck author

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

Ghost Ship
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3599 days ago)

An underwater Gift....!!!
avatar Drivenslush

waka waka waka waka waka

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

Todd-Stool and Fun-Gus
avatar Drivenslush

hehehehe earthion has no eyes.. LOLOL

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

I do love the winter you put into the reflections..hehehe good luck author

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

lots of fun!!!

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

great thinking!!!

(5 years and 3599 days ago)

Doll Factory
avatar Drivenslush

Yeah heart of a tiger.... RIGHT!!.. My cat acts all tough and brave and then one thunder clap and her head is wedged into my armpit.. hehehe.. GREAT IDEA AUTHOR!!! good luck

(5 years and 3600 days ago)

Heart of a Tiger
avatar Drivenslush

just wonderful.. GOOD LUCK AUTHOR.. but I think you really don't need it.. woo HOO

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

"Whats up dock"
avatar Drivenslush

what a crazy name.. Vileplume? (googled it) I'm wonder if the creator of that term realizes how.. well.. disturbing it sounds.. LOL..

Great Image author.. really is nice .. good luck

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

not very fair... IT's NOT ON THE MENU.. damn.. somebody bring me something deep fried and smothered in Chocolate... (Shrek quote).. man.. am I hungry.. thanks a lot author.. grrrrr.. hehehe.. super great job

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

Chocolate Covered Shroomberry
avatar Drivenslush

I still see the destroying angel..hehehe (name of the mushroom) wonderful Idea author.. good luck!!!

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

strawberry cake
avatar Drivenslush

super duper congrats!!! (ack.. sorry I didn't see the entry earlier) Busy torturing people..hehehe.. wink wink.. nudge nudge LOL

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

Insane in the membrane
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

Happy Company
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

congrats.. great piece

(5 years and 3601 days ago)

Call of the Loon
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

Strange flower
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

The Dragon Rider....!!
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

I catch you, babe
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3601 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

well just set the bar into the next universe..wonderful entry

(5 years and 3602 days ago)

mushro kung fu
avatar Drivenslush

very squiggly and wiggly.. Very cute

(5 years and 3602 days ago)

Fat robot
avatar Drivenslush

reminds me of the movie My Little Toaster..hehehe

(5 years and 3603 days ago)

Happy Company
avatar Drivenslush

very very very cool!!!... looks like a Rock Biter's brother.. woo HOO

(5 years and 3603 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


The head dressing is SPEC TAC U LAR!!!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

hhheeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee's BRUCE!!!!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

The Shark and the clown fish
avatar Drivenslush

Tra la la la la la la la la ... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Rite of Spring
avatar Drivenslush

good job... now he wants to be a REAL boy

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Master Puppet
avatar Drivenslush

AcK.. sorry about that author.. yes you are correct.. one little flip causes a domino effect of fixes.. hehehe.. AWESOME and Great work (old newspaper layout.. we flipped faces like pancakes.. but had to always watch out for text or there would be hell to pay..hehehe) very excellent work

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

GREAT Idea.. now add a MOBIUS Strip.. woo hoo.. GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

funny stripe
avatar Drivenslush

very neat use of the liquify tool.. good luck author

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Polly Monroe
avatar Drivenslush

I'm trying to figure out what is stupid about it... very nice effect author.. I like the intro of the milky earths to replace the yo yo thingies... good luck

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Blue... Sky