8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1203 days ago)

From espadrilles to this......
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1203 days ago)

The Nest
avatar Drivenslush

Nope, just a pacemaker.. really neat dreams, especially when I sleep too deeply and it wakes me up LOL

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Espadrille string theory
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Flotilla at The Floating Gate
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Floating Tea Party
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

What? Dream
avatar Drivenslush

woo HOO.. congrats!

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Elephant Float
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

apple trols
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Apple Computer
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1210 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Look at those toe nails.. they match the shoes perfectly

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Tweet tweet!

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

The Nest
avatar Drivenslush

There aren't many voices like Florence LaRue, hehehe, and this vision made me hear her

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

Espadrille string theory
avatar Drivenslush

There was a exterminator commercial down in Florida that had a live cockroach running across the screen and it caused such a stir that they had to cancel it because it LOOKED real and scared the crap out of people. I think someone actually broke their TV swatting at it. This chop reminded me of that feeling and I remember how I got the creepy crawlies just looking at it. hehehe that's were EEEEPPP! comes from LOL

(5 years and 1210 days ago)

You Cockroach!
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1211 days ago)

You Cockroach!
avatar Drivenslush

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius, Aquarius

(5 years and 1211 days ago)

Espadrille string theory
avatar Drivenslush

Oh No! (Giggling like a silly right now)

(5 years and 1211 days ago)

black bra
avatar Drivenslush

Luke, I am your FATHER... pew pew pew... hehehe.. neat!

(5 years and 1211 days ago)

Don Quijote
avatar Drivenslush

Boing Boing Boing Great use of your own photos

(5 years and 1212 days ago)

Flying Dorias.
avatar Drivenslush

I'd live there.

(5 years and 1212 days ago)

Aunt Apple
avatar Drivenslush

Rotten! hehehe

(5 years and 1212 days ago)

A Bad Apple
avatar Drivenslush

HEY! I had that computer LOLOLOLOL

(5 years and 1212 days ago)

Apple Computer
avatar Drivenslush

Hi marks for the clever sugar cube mountain

(5 years and 1215 days ago)

Sugar climbing
avatar Drivenslush

Hello - Bello
Goodbye - Poopaye
Thank you -Tank yu
I'm sorry - Bi-do
Can we start? - Pwede na?
For you - Para tu
How dare you? -Sa la ka!
I hate you - Tatata bala tu
I swear... - Underwear...
I'm hungry - Me want banana
Look at you - Luk at tu
We love you - Tulaliloo ti amo


(5 years and 1215 days ago)

Minions escape
avatar Drivenslush

Look at that Kitty in a Tea Pot... hehehe

(5 years and 1215 days ago)

tea party
avatar Drivenslush

ouch ouch ouch... hehehe

(5 years and 1215 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Very Hallow Weenie

(5 years and 1216 days ago)

Welcome  Samhain the  "darker half."
avatar Drivenslush

It will be... Spectacular, spectacular!
No words of the vernacular
Can describe this great event
You'll be dumb with wonderment

(5 years and 1216 days ago)

Decorative flower pots.
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1217 days ago)

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(5 years and 1217 days ago)

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(5 years and 1217 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on the top 5

(5 years and 1217 days ago)

Monkey Business
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on 4th

(5 years and 1217 days ago)

No Henry, I did not go home last night....
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1217 days ago)

This Modern World...
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(5 years and 1217 days ago)

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(5 years and 1217 days ago)

time for a break
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(5 years and 1218 days ago)

Still Life With Apples, and a Turtle,
avatar Drivenslush

What an odd take on the contest.. well done.. but still odd... and inventive.. Kudos!

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

Floating pontoon
avatar Drivenslush

I WANT THAT HAT!!!!! hehehe.. great take!

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

Floating Tea Party
avatar Drivenslush

Now Now, considerable skill was put into this.. though I've been on those late night brilliance rides and in the morning I'm like, "What the hell were you thinking?" then I see the wine glass and say.. Oh yeah... hehehe

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

Construction Team
avatar Drivenslush

Author.. you're being a Silly Silly.. hehehe.. I love it

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Fun take on the contest author.. you may want to double the layer that contains the CUBE because you can see through it.. though that could have been your goal.. I like the overall color balance and the humor.. especially the High Five and the "Head Slap" hehehe.. good luck

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

Construction Team
avatar Drivenslush

Oh No! hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1218 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

There ya go, (Seriously, it took me FOREVER to figure it out at first.. hehehe) It was so simple that's why it was so hard

(5 years and 1219 days ago)

dance TEAM
avatar Drivenslush

You have to double click the title and it will give you the edit option... It works when I'm in Firefox as a browser.. just click the title in "Your Entries" and it should let you edit .. hehehe

(5 years and 1219 days ago)

dance TEAM
avatar Drivenslush

(and it's team.. not taem.. hehehehehe.. _) Great Fix

(5 years and 1219 days ago)

dance TEAM
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. so funny .. you might want to fix the shadow of the pups. You got a very sharp cut line there .. a little cloning would fix that lickedy split .. really is a great little chop (And I had dolls from Poland with that almost EXACT pattern on them when I was a kid)

(5 years and 1219 days ago)

dance TEAM
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, how you made a Chinese Woman hat into a Hangover Cure is beyond me.. hehehe Great Job

(5 years and 1220 days ago)

No Henry, I did not go home last night....
avatar Drivenslush

While I see the association with "Who Framed" this immediately put "Nighthawks" in my head... pretty neat to get a double whammy out of this... pretty cool idea

(5 years and 1220 days ago)

Sorry to Hear About You and Roger,Jessica
avatar Drivenslush

Fun idea with this author, especially now that Halloween is just around the corner (though I'll never get those dern hanging bat decorations out of the bottom of the linen closet.. next year )... Great take on a rather lully source

(5 years and 1220 days ago)
