8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

Calling PETA for what you did to that poor mouse and those birds. Watching them bump against the glass is just sick. Don't get me started on the dolphins, we have Seaworld down here and there's always someone with a bug up their rump over that. (Giggle Snort) Excellent job, the alignment of the water inside the glass is SPEK TACK YOU LAR and the merge of the edge of the glass into the sand is awesome. Good luck author

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Under The Boardwalk
avatar Drivenslush

Stunning technique author... I'm just having issues trying to figure out what the planet is.. it looks more like an inter-dimensional rift such as a wormhole (which fits the idea of this chop perfectly) or the porthole in Stargate.
Your use of Polar Coor is awesome as I always get stuck in the symmetry quandary and the work to make it line up drives me nuts...hehehe
It's your interpretation so I'm sure it's okay, I'm just offering up my opinion. (Excellent skill all round). I'm just thinking if a clear sphere or something might add to the piece (ONLY FOR THE CONTEST).
I always give a high vote for good work, and you have it in spades here
This version is fantastic.. I'm just thinking planet. An Oort Cloud around it would be cool as well. IMHO of course. I just love anything Sci Fi (super Geek) so this was a trip right from the start. Good luck author and great job.

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Planet Bookworm
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HEY! That's where I'm from! Though I'm on a diet now (doctors orders) so I have to live in exile. Fun CHOP!

(5 years and 1253 days ago)

Donut eclipse, d
avatar Drivenslush

I hate it when this happens to me, especially when the cauldron drops on my toes. Great job

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

The Spark Watch
avatar Drivenslush

Dat's a lotta fun! Good luck and great composition.

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

Dance Of The Baby Blue Dolphin
avatar Drivenslush

Love the title great job author.

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

Fest Briends
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That's not surreal..that's my neighborhood every other Tuesday... hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1255 days ago)

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Boing Boing Boing

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

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Boing Boing Boing

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

oh yeah, and your variant choices and blurring is great, really adds depth and some humor (especially the ship.. awesome)

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar Drivenslush

Such a subtle change but a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Really locks the image together now.. more fun to look at and take in. Well for me anyway. Great job author. Now my eye doesn't jump all over the place, but moves from object to object as if taking in the scene instead of pop pop pop. Don't know if that makes sense, but then again, I never make sense so there ya go.

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar Drivenslush

Why do I hear the "Flight of the Valkyries?" fun idea

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

We all need a little helper.
avatar Drivenslush

English Dentistry? (I'm terrible) hehehe great job.. but yeesh!

(5 years and 1256 days ago)

Zombie Love
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The "EYE" has it.. hehehe

(5 years and 1257 days ago)

Ice Cream On Offer
avatar Drivenslush

Very clever author (the theme). I'm not going to approach at making it more realistic as it is surrealistic contest. It is your imagination and I don't like to step into that field. Funny all the same

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

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(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Ice Cream On Offer
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Don't want to see the chiropractor bill on this one...hehehe

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Social Interaction
avatar Drivenslush

I see what you are doing here author, my only suggestion is to get rid of the water spray around the sand water hole to give the water a better feeling of passing through the desert floor. At the moment it looks like the water is splashing all around but has no reason for being there. As it is a surrealistic image, it really doesn't matter but I find if the water looked like it was shooting straight through the sand it would make more sense and not just look like two photos on top of each other. ONLY A SUGGESTION.. It's fine just the way it is, but I'm just thinking of continuity. Good luck.

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

An Ocean Beneath The Sand
avatar Drivenslush

Give the girl some Alka Seltzer... she's gassy (couldn't resist)...

Great idea repeating the "Big Apple" but you might want to variant them a bit to give them more interest. Blurring the ones farther away will give them depth, but as this is a surrealistic contest... that's not really a factor. Having the same exact city in each apple is a bit repetitive and with SO MANY creative common cities available, a selection of different cites would really enhance this chop IMHO of course. Good luck .. now light a match.. hehehe

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar Drivenslush

Yep yep..

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Thinking outside the googlebox
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Just love the texture

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Thinking outside the googlebox
avatar Drivenslush

That's messed up great job

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Hooded Zeke
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You're weird author.. snortle..

(5 years and 1258 days ago)

Hungry Babies
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Beiber Fever? hehehe

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Say aaaaahhhhhh!
avatar Drivenslush

What an incredibly fun image.. this would look great on a bank wall.. especially near the investment department.. awesome...(FANTASTIC personal photo as well)

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Branching Boy
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Gives a whole new meaning to "Say AW".. hehehe good luck author

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Say aaaaahhhhhh!
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats of 5th!

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Snow Globe Holiday Decoration
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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Snack Globe Envy
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Congrats on 3rd as well.. woot!

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Fortune Teller
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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

A Storm Cometh
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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Castle in the snow
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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

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(5 years and 1259 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats fun fun fun

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

Alarmed Clock
avatar Drivenslush

Not a good day for advertising...hehehe, Great job

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

tv and surrealism
avatar Drivenslush

WOO HOO.. flying TURD airlines.. woo HOOOOoOOOOOo... (couldn't resist LOL) though where you found PooP texture is beyond me hehehe (I killlmyself) Though it does give a whole new meaning to Poop Deck. Oh, terrific job by the way.. hehehe (Still grinning from ear to ear)

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Just get her tons of gifts at Xmas hehehehe

(5 years and 1259 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Just a suggestion on the Text (usually frowned on in most cases) but to lock it tighter, just reduce the size of Oscar Wilde and add a tilde {~) in front of his name and then place it at the end of the Quote under "That is All". At the moment, Oscar Wilde doesn't look like the author of the Quote, but just an extension of the Quote itself. I could be wrong, but as I'm bombarded with enough "Quote Meme's" on facebook to choke a horse, I do see this is usual the practice in the best of them. Good luck author, reminds me of the Advert for the new "BULL" series coming up on TV...hehehe

(5 years and 1260 days ago)

double exposure boy
avatar Drivenslush

YUCK! and that's a GOOD THING in this contest. Great use of your own photo. Good luck author.

(5 years and 1261 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Excellent work! Good luck

(5 years and 1262 days ago)

Hungry bird
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I want it in a bowl! (Rainbow Sorbet!)hehehe.. good luck

(5 years and 1263 days ago)

Peacefull Dawn
avatar Drivenslush

Much fun!

(5 years and 1263 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Bwhaa haa haaa haaaa

(5 years and 1263 days ago)

Alarmed Clock
avatar Drivenslush

BEEEEEE BOOOOOO BEEEEEE BOOOOOOOOO (Hallmark ALERT!!!) Can't breathe... too.. much...... cuteness.. I'm going DOWN dOWN doWN dowN down....

Feels like I just ate a Greeting Card Sandwich. Great JOB!!! hehehe

(5 years and 1264 days ago)

Snow Ball In The Lilac Garden
avatar Drivenslush

talk about Creepy Cool! Great Job

(5 years and 1264 days ago)

A Storm Cometh
avatar Drivenslush

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! You cursed brat!
Look what you've done!! I'm melting, melting.
Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world.
Who would have thought that some little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness.
OHHHHHHH!!! NO!!! I'm going...ohhhhhhh..ohhhhhhhhhhhhh....
~Last words of the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of OZ... best exit EVER! great job

(5 years and 1265 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

GREAT! hehehe

(5 years and 1265 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

There he is.. now he's a grandpa hehehe

(5 years and 1265 days ago)

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(5 years and 1265 days ago)

Music is life...