8255 comments given:
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...and the two girls were immediately rushed to the hospital for hypothermia for not dressing correctly for cold weather, and the one girl who is giggling was sent to the psych ward for observation.. the mother cried and the father made a sound that was very similar to the sound he makes when his wife serves him liver...hehehe.. Merry Xmas.. hehehe (great job, just teasing )

(5 years and 435 days ago)

Snow is fun
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(5 years and 436 days ago)

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Author, you will need to post your sources for the saddle and the floral patterns. You can also change the "title" by going into your profile and clicking the title and it will allow you to edit. It really is a stunning chop, I like it A LOT... I'd hate to see it removed on a technicality. GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 436 days ago)

Siver Horse
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Lilliputians perform at the Library! News at 11

(5 years and 440 days ago)

Exercise books
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Not enough wrinkle cream in the universe to fix this one... hehehe.. GREAT JOB!

(5 years and 442 days ago)

End of the road
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I'm from Wisconsin where we had deerflies, horseflies, and mosquitoes up the rump, and this chop made me want to slap the screen... BWHAAAA HAAA HAAAA... great job

(5 years and 442 days ago)

alien mosquito
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Such a simple change, but now the brain is no longer floating an is on the cup (floating is kind of the wrong world, more like out of place, now it is part of the image, good fix )

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Brain Freeze
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(5 years and 443 days ago)

Entry number 109556
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hehehe, my roommate had one of those (way back when) and she could get into the kitchen sink by opening the oven door and climbing up onto the counter. She liked the cold of the metal sink.. thanks for the memory refresher.. adorable

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Hot Dog
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The heads "lips" are fantastic! As well as very unsettling.. hehehe

(5 years and 443 days ago)

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This is so much FUN!!! Do you think matching the color tones of the body up with the head.. making the head more into the blue zones? Just me, but I think that would pull the chop closer together... unless you wanted the head to POP then it's just fine, I was thinking more in the "decor" sense. Just a suggestion and TOTALLY up to you. Great either way.

(5 years and 443 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

A little burning of the brain on the shaded side would ground it more I think. The all round brightness makes it float off the cup a bit.. it's a great chop and only a suggestion. Just follow the shading on the side of the cup to match on the brain and it will ground the brain so it doesn't pop off the image so much. IMHO GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 443 days ago)

Brain Freeze
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(5 years and 444 days ago)

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ew ew ew ew (great) but still.. ew ew ew

(5 years and 445 days ago)

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...and then we have to pay the bills... dammit (great job)

(5 years and 445 days ago)

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I have no idea why, but this reminded me of Planet of the Apes for some reason.. I really need to check my meds

(5 years and 447 days ago)

The leaning lighthouse of Pizaza
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It's all Greek to me.. hehehe

(5 years and 447 days ago)

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I was talking about Paris Hilton the Socialite.. you silly head.. hehehe.. but thanks for the giggle LOL (Paris Hilton used to say.. that' HOT.. ALL THE TIME.. and it was annoying LOL)

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Dandelion sparkler
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Does he stuff her in his back pocket after he's done with her, just like a lighter? hehehe (fun chop and that flame could light a hundred cigarettes.. hehehe.. which is what makes it fun )

(5 years and 447 days ago)

The light fairy
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SOOOOOOOOOO COOL it's HOT! hehehe (Oh lord, I just sounded like Paris Hilton... oh the humanity)

(5 years and 447 days ago)

Dandelion sparkler
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(5 years and 447 days ago)

Rally Serious!
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(5 years and 448 days ago)

Wedding cake
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AH... now it's much much better.. EXCELLENT fix!!!!

(5 years and 448 days ago)

The polecat and the polestar
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Oh lord, now I get it (I do know what a bagpipe is and what a limelight is) I was just wondering if it was some sort of saying I didn't know (you know, like an idiom)... hehehe (though I do feel like a total nerfburger now )

(5 years and 448 days ago)

Bagpipe in the limelights
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How fun! zoom zoom zoom.. photo finish

(5 years and 449 days ago)

Race against Time
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The star fish is just like.. well.. placed there like "Surprise!", like an 18 wheeler just splattered it on the windshield.. something like that (sorry, my meds are kicking in and I can't focus, but I feel like babbling).. it's just that the starfish isn't blended well enough.. like it doesn't belong.. if you blended/warped the leg to look like it's actually attached to the pole would make it more balanced... that's just me.. I do like it a lot, oh hell in a hand basket, it's wonderful work, I'm just thinking of how it would look in a frame on display, and the starfish just looks like it would fall off after time.. does that make sense? Great job all round, just my opinion.. and shockingly, I do have one... hehehe

(5 years and 449 days ago)

The polecat and the polestar
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WTH?,,, hehehe.. I have no clue what this means.. in any level.. but I like the image.. so there ya go.. LOLOLOLOLOL

(5 years and 449 days ago)

Bagpipe in the limelights
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Oh lord... that's SOOOOOOOOOOOO Disney... hehehe... good luck!

(5 years and 451 days ago)

Forest fairy
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This is my opinion of course, but I would like to say that this gives it a much more "vintage" feel. The brightness of the previous image (and the harsh saturation of the red) really punched you in the face. Not a bad thing for a night club or a bar, but now it can go anywhere... IMHO of course

(5 years and 451 days ago)

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AH!!! NOW it's ON her head.. hehehe.. I was so worried LOL

(5 years and 452 days ago)

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ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

(5 years and 452 days ago)

New age travellers
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Oh lord I'm such a knuckle head.. I thought Venin was a misspelling of Venom and I was going to go all ape poop on you LOL... (French for Venom) ooo La La.. hehehe (fun and neat )

(5 years and 453 days ago)

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Okay...a gigantic Gothic Sword with a pink rose hilt being thrust through heart graffiti painted on a blue fence by some community organizers? Is that right? ... and people call me weird... hehehe (fun chop)

(5 years and 453 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

This is SO vintage Pulling back on the saturation might push it more into the "old film" era, but it's fine just the way it is. I was just thinking of the feel of the overall image, and the bright orange/reds are a bit harsh (not that that is a bad thing) it's your creation. I'm almost waiting for film lines and debris to show up.. hehehe.. great image

(5 years and 453 days ago)

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The look is so powdery and fluffy I wonder if tightening the shadow against the head to stop the "floating" feel of the head piece might help put it closer to the babies forehead. If it disrupts the "powder" feel, don't do it (not necessary) it just seems in my eyes that the flower quaff is just a bit too forward and not coming in contact with the head. IMHO... great JOB!

(5 years and 453 days ago)

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Tale as old as time... crap.. now that damn song is going to be stuck in my head all day.. Be our guest be our guest... EEEEEEKKKKKK... HELP HELP... (great job)

(5 years and 453 days ago)

Enchanted Rose
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He's so fluffy!!!

(5 years and 454 days ago)

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Looks like you squished a spider... hehehe (fun chop)

(5 years and 457 days ago)

Never settle
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LOVE the blending good luck

(5 years and 458 days ago)

Pink Frog
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hehehe, you might want to add a little definition to the mouth, it's almost blended too well... just a suggestion. Only if you want to, you could experiment with filters and contrast/burn/dodge to get it to pop a little more. There's a gazillion blending options. Love the overall image.. GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 459 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

The visual is just wonderful. What an imaginative creation of fun and lots LOTS to look at. My eyes are bouncing.. boing boing boing Kind of neat how the black and white photo of the monkey paw hits you in the face that you don't notice the legs of the table/chairs at first... reminds me of a magic trick ... Good Luck (I would also like the beer as well.. hehehe)

(5 years and 459 days ago)

Home sweet home
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Such a subtle change, but it really created a world of difference.. the rubber ducklings retained their plasticity but now are blended into the lighting of the scene.. GREAT JOB!!! (IMHO)

(5 years and 463 days ago)

Confused Duckling
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hehehe.. great chop , You could play with the saturation/brightness of the rubber ducks to make it blend more with the outdoor lighting. You can tell the rubber ducks have been studio lit (pretty much).. not necessary to change it, just a nitpick, because you got the message across brilliantly GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 464 days ago)

Confused Duckling
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(5 years and 464 days ago)

The Ugly Duckling
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(5 years and 465 days ago)

Camelnose Polarlope
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(5 years and 465 days ago)

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hehehe, the print version would have never shown the straight line, but in the world of digital, it really seems to piss the crap off of a lot of peeps ... hehehe

(5 years and 466 days ago)

Troll cursed
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hehehe.. she done got a water mushroom on her head! hehehe... the water creature is pretty awesome (though there is a straight line cut near his face, part of the water debris (YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIX IT) just doing a nitpick. I really love the water creature, he could have been the whole chop on his own, and the woman could have been used as another entry... I do like it that you combined them good luck

(5 years and 466 days ago)

Troll cursed
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Yep yep.. tail wag

(5 years and 473 days ago)

Underground Giant
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(5 years and 473 days ago)
