8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats!!! hehehe

(5 years and 1273 days ago)

Pipe Dream
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(5 years and 1273 days ago)

Pachyderm Wrestling
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(5 years and 1273 days ago)

take aim
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1273 days ago)

Meerkat dressage
avatar Drivenslush

Simple and too the point.. great job

(5 years and 1274 days ago)

wallpaper painter
avatar Drivenslush

Peek a BOO! hehehe.. really neat author.. good luck

(5 years and 1274 days ago)

Entry number 97488
avatar Drivenslush

Yipe Yipe Yipe Yipe (COOL) Yipe Yipe Yipe

(5 years and 1274 days ago)

The Guardians of Time
avatar Drivenslush

Super fun texturing

(5 years and 1274 days ago)

Time Travel
avatar Drivenslush

Great job author!!! Awesome use of the Toot Toot

(5 years and 1274 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Rut Roh! Poor girl. hehehe.. good luck author, fun chop

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

Too late !
avatar Drivenslush

EEEP! It's the END of the WORLD!!!! Yipe Yipe Yipe Yipe neat thinking

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

The fog.
avatar Drivenslush

Something I do to ground an object. You open a layer behind the item (blank) draw a disk where the shadow would be underneath it (marque tool) You see them all the time when a car tire is against the ground. You fill the oval with black and then Gauss blur it to create a grounding shadow. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong, it works for me. It's not the actual shadow of the item, it's a dark spot that is JUST around the very edge of object where it meets the ground.. thusly it "Grounds" the object so it's not floaty. Oh I'm explaining it all wrong, but you can ask Spaceranger.. he's an ace at that kind of stuff.. he's always drawing wonderful characters that have wonderful grounding shadows. Look at his profile to see how he does it. If you use drop shadow it ends up looking like the item is just levitating off the page, not a bad thing, but that doesn't seem to be the goal here. I wish I was better at photoshop but I really have no idea what I'm doing... hehehe I just make things.. that's about it.

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

A second coat? Better just sand blast the wall and start from scratch. hehehe.. really great job author.. good luck!

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Wonderful first chop author.. and welcome to pxleyes. This is a great subject and you created a very readable image. I suggest you experiment with the burn tool on the base of the bunny and girl to ground them better. At the moment they look a tad bit cut out which causes them to "Float" off the page. This can be remedied by experimenting with gaussian blurred black disks placed underneath them added with the burn effect. Experiment with the settings and see what works best.
Good luck and once again.. Welcome to Pxleyes. Look forward to seeing more of your work

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Much better author, much more believable

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

A new lighthouse in Brittany
avatar Drivenslush

Very sweet

(5 years and 1275 days ago)

looking for water
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on third.. great job

(5 years and 1276 days ago)

Hurricane Destroyed
avatar Drivenslush

BURP! Now where's mine?.. and I want a cute umbrella in mine hehehe Good luck author

(5 years and 1277 days ago)

Frog cocktail on the moss
avatar Drivenslush

Excellent!!! and awesome thinking. An HDR filter on the crows face might be helpful making it more readable. I can see it okay in high res, but a little more OOMPH might help. Good luck author.. great work!

(5 years and 1277 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

You know they fed one of those to the Queen once.. they called it Cuy I think.. hehehe... I just couldn't eat a cuddly rat .. hehehe

(5 years and 1277 days ago)

take aim
avatar Drivenslush

HEY! hehehe (side ways wink) hehehe

(5 years and 1278 days ago)

Pipe Dream
avatar Drivenslush

Neat creation author and I can see what you were trying to do here. I'm not sure if the light is working in the faucet mouth. I think if you experiment with brightening the "upside down" tower head by placing a bright ball behind it, it might give it more of a light feel. (Experiment with blending filters. With only two days left in the contest it might be difficult to change (it's fine the way it is) but I think a little more work might give it more "real" feel.. if you know what I mean. Good luck no matter what

(5 years and 1278 days ago)

A new lighthouse in Brittany
avatar Drivenslush

Great move retaining the full source in the background, excellent thinking.. and really great job.. Good Luck.

(5 years and 1278 days ago)

Bird Of Paradise
avatar Drivenslush

He's so CuuuUUuuuUUUUuUUUTE!!!! Great job

(5 years and 1278 days ago)

take aim
avatar Drivenslush

Make the dragonfly bigger... I thought he was a cymbal hehehehe Great job

(5 years and 1279 days ago)

Froggy Rich - Shroom Drummer
avatar Drivenslush

Author, just go to your profile, then to My Entries and click the SBS button and there will be an "Add Step" Button. Upload the Raw picture there. (Also, when using STROKE be careful to check for debris around the islands, they get little round dots from not being erased, it will help to make your creation more refined and precised, and in map making that is very important). Great job and this is just lovely. Good Luck.

(5 years and 1279 days ago)

Trying to read the map
avatar Drivenslush

AWE..so sweet.

(5 years and 1279 days ago)

Little house
avatar Drivenslush

Who? Who? Who? Who?

(5 years and 1280 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

really neat textures and bending Just be aware when drop shadows/burn hits the blurred background... but that could be what you wanted, it just causes a floating effect..not a big whoop but it makes it more illustrative (South Park) than a photo.. GREAT JOB!!!

(5 years and 1280 days ago)

Lady Bug in Rainy season
avatar Drivenslush

awe....sniffle.. fun job getting rid of the scarring

(5 years and 1280 days ago)

black and white photo taken in 1974 at Trikorfo village in Greece colored and retouched
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1281 days ago)

The Guardian
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1281 days ago)

night flight
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1281 days ago)

Magic Carpet Ride
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(5 years and 1281 days ago)

beutifull afternoon
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. snorkle.. giggle snort

(5 years and 1281 days ago)

The Emperor
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(5 years and 1281 days ago)

Fairy house
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(5 years and 1281 days ago)

its just a dream
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats.. WOOT!

(5 years and 1281 days ago)

Old Womans Shoe
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. NOT something you would want to wake up to if you were staying on the 5th floor hehehe... The hotel staff would be crushed.. hehehe.. neat idea .. good luck author

(5 years and 1281 days ago)

Castle in the sky
avatar Drivenslush

Author, while I'm all for the abstract, something you see in almost every bank in America, but what you've done is completely obliterate the source and created something where You can't see the source at all. I'm sure a mod will contact you and explain. It's great to see the effort, but for this contest, you might need to rethink it.

(5 years and 1282 days ago)

Entry number 97398
avatar Drivenslush

Great thinking and I LOVE the chain pull.. not the one at my house, I can never find it and end up feeling around the furniture to get to the next room. Lighting is amazing as well.. great JOB!

(5 years and 1282 days ago)

Shrooming the Light
avatar Drivenslush

Very Harry Potter via Asia

(5 years and 1282 days ago)

Wizard and her pet
avatar Drivenslush

Shocking.. yes he is a "Real" artist.. hehehe.. I remembered the name from one of the million magazines I came across in the waiting rooms at the doctors. Don't ask me which one, I've been in an out of the hospital so much in the last two years it would be hard for me to figure out which waiting room I was in. For a split second I thought this was one of his pieces Great job and good luck.

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

Music is life...
avatar Drivenslush

Head slap! It was just the saturation wasn't equalized. IT'S A ZILLION times better now. I always keep my saturation at full tilt because I can't see very good so of course I couldn't figure it out (I only figure it out playing with levels and when I see improvement I stop). It's much more stable now and you got rid of the "Floaty" feel.. Great job and good luck!

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

The Bus Stop
avatar Drivenslush

Slushy one? I don't do that anymore. I got tired of waking up on a futon in a room full of strangers.. giggle snort

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

PXLEYES Out of this World
avatar Drivenslush

Yippee! All "Legal" now... good job author

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

Logo Contest
avatar Drivenslush

Fun image author. Do you think it could be improved by doing something that would pull it all together? It feels a bit choppy. Not a bad thing, but it just seems that the characters are floating off the image. You did an INCREDIBLE job with the lighting and blurring, but it still feels choppy. I'm thinking of an equalizing filter over the whole thing or maybe a overlay with a soft texture? IT'S ONLY A SUGGESTION, this is great as is, but I'm just thinking of the overall feel. Good Luck!!!

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

The Bus Stop
avatar Drivenslush

CALL THE PARENTS! Wash the baby! That's a Destroying Angel! EEEEEKKKKK.. hehehe (sorry, child hood flash back of how much trouble I'd get in if I went anywhere near those little buggers (not the child, the mushroom) hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Bwhaa haa haa haa haa haaha ahaa... Surf's Up? hehehe

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

Antarctic Past time
avatar Drivenslush

Tang Yau Hoong? (I had to google the spelling). Tag Yo Hoog gets you some very interesting google results.
I always think of him when I see the "Apple" logo on the back of someone's laptop or other digital device. Even though he didn't create it, it always reminds me of him. This entry put me there as well. Good luck author. Very inventive and creative.

(5 years and 1283 days ago)

Music is life...