8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, I thought that the roll on top was a Kitty sleeping (because of the thumbnail) hehehe.. neat idea good luck author

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

The Candy House
avatar Drivenslush

Super freaky textures ... AWESOME!

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Old Womans Shoe
avatar Drivenslush

To help you in making a Step by Step for your entry.. it's good to save your progress in a file you can recall later as you go along.. a Screen Capture program is a big help, so you can describe what you've done as you go along. Great to see your entry and good luck

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

When Realities Collide Just pxleyes
avatar Drivenslush

Very Wallpapery.. good luck author

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Entry number 97374
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(5 years and 1284 days ago)

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Very good job author

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Entry number 97213
avatar Drivenslush

Glad you found a function for her hand... hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Magic Carpet Ride
avatar Drivenslush

Great usage of your own images You can change the title by going to PROFILE/MY ENTRIES and then click the title and it will give you the option to change it. Good luck author

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Entry number 97322
avatar Drivenslush

Love the "CHUBIFICATION" of the kitten.. hehehe

(5 years and 1284 days ago)

night flight
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(5 years and 1284 days ago)

Sunny Day At The Poppy Field
avatar Drivenslush

Well this is TOTALLY different than the original one, but it is Very VERY well done... I'm just a bit perplexed as to why you didn't just replace the Earth with a CC pic and then submit this as a NEW ENTRY.. but I know you are new to this site so everything comes from experimentation and learning. I'll let the MODS handle anything from here (resetting the vote and or deleting the entry and allowing you to resubmit)... Good luck author.. great to see your talent

(5 years and 1285 days ago)

pxleyes wallpaper
avatar Drivenslush

WORLD of difference! I CAN SEE THE CONE NOW... (it was just a visual thing,, I thought the cone was just a pinched sphere at first, but My eye sight sucks so I wasn't sure.. you can really see the difference now.. GREAT JOB (And thank you for stabilizing my sanity, what little I have hehehe)

(5 years and 1285 days ago)

Driven to Abstraction
avatar Drivenslush

I'm not sure why author, the cone looks a little "dark" compared to the white sphere to my eyes and it's causing a flattening effect. It took me a little time to figure out it was a cone. I'm sure the 3D modeling program handled it properly, but I'm wondering once you added color and texture/text it caused a darkening effect that the 3D software couldn't handle. Or I could be totally wrong and it looks fine.. who knows. Though I think a little burn/dodge might help with the definition and make the cone the same brightness as the white sphere. Great job all round, and the textures are fantastic!

(5 years and 1285 days ago)

Driven to Abstraction
avatar Drivenslush

All fixed author.. told you it was easy peasy... It's always a good thing to make sure your creation is completely yours, just in case someone comes along and tries the "Lift" it and claim it as their own. It's a nightmare. Good luck

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Logo Contest
avatar Drivenslush

Then just place the RAW picture in the SBS.. easy peasy fix.. (It's just a rule to prevent Copyright infringement). By placing it into the SBS it makes the chop completely yours and legal. Without the unaltered photo in the SBS we have no way of knowing it is your photo. Good Luck author.

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Logo Contest
avatar Drivenslush

Author, you need to post a RAW UNCUT image of the photo in the SBS of the person holding the polaroid or give the Source where the image was offered as creative commons. I'll hold my vote til you fix this so I know it can stay in the contest. It's a neat idea, now just bring it into the realm of the contest so there's now trouble Good Luck

Just go to Profile and MY ENTRIES and it will give you the option to add an SBS or Sources. (ask Spaceranger for help if you have trouble)

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Logo Contest
avatar Drivenslush

Dat's a LOT a BUBBLES!!! great idea

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

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(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Meerkat dressage
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(5 years and 1287 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

JUST AWESOME, though darkening the front of the astronaut would add to the feel (It's abstract I know). I would think his front would be as dramatic as the front of the Logo.. but that's just me... I love lovE loVE lOVE LOVE this!!!

(5 years and 1287 days ago)

PXLEYES Out of this World
avatar Drivenslush

LOVE the alignment great blending

(5 years and 1287 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Great job on this.. you might want to work on the water a bit, it looks a bit vacant.. still a great job all round. The perspective on the flower pot should match that of the fire hydrant for more realism, but it reads very well... good luck

(5 years and 1287 days ago)

This plants watering works too
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on 5th

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

at the bottom of the sea
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Congrats on 4th

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

yellow sub
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Mrs Minion Day Out In The Garden
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Minion Outhouse
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Minion Moon Dance By The Molokai
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on Placing

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

dumbo and his friend mouse
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Tweety Pie
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Betty Boop
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Good job
Weird lighting on the wolf (the bluing thing) but no big whoop.. you got the message quite right

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

The Guardian
avatar Drivenslush

There ya go

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Mrs Minion Day Out In The Garden
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

art  gallery
avatar Drivenslush

poor little guy.. reminds me of the "Nowhere Man" hehehe

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

at the bottom of the sea
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(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Minion Moon Dance By The Molokai
avatar Drivenslush

Toilet humor? Really? Seriously? (I think I'm smiling so wide that the top of my head may pop off ) Waka Waka (still giggling)

(5 years and 1288 days ago)

Minion Outhouse
avatar Drivenslush

Author, your talents are very excellent, and you should have no problem fixing this entry with the proper sources. Great LOOK!!!

(5 years and 1290 days ago)

pxleyes wallpaper
avatar Drivenslush

The Last Sunset? Aweeeeeeeeeeeee... sniffle..
Just kidding.. wonderful talent on the masking, though I'd make the Whales a bit bigger.. they don't really seem like much at that size.. but then again, that's just me.. hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1291 days ago)

Last sunset.
avatar Drivenslush

Great job author... especially using Deviant Art.. the rules are off the tank over there, also.. trying to discern photo stock from art is a nightmare. Extra points for doing a WHOLE NEW chop... really gives me a bright light in my heart on the human spirit. (and that's all the Pollyanna you're going to get out of me today hehehe)

(5 years and 1291 days ago)

its just a dream
avatar Drivenslush

ah poop balls.. great chop author, but I'm afraid you've been double thunked and I won't add to the mix.. you can fix it.. with your talent it should be no problem .. good luck

(5 years and 1292 days ago)

its just a dream
avatar Drivenslush

LSD... spanking author for good measure hehehehe

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

On cloud nine
avatar Drivenslush

Simple side note.. to change the title of your entry (hehehe) just go to your profile/my entries and click the title and it will give you the option to make a more appropriate name. 97224 kind of sucks. hehehe

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar Drivenslush

I may be wrong, but I think you used Scale or Distort to "Stretch her" (not sure as you have already blended her into everything and you have no step by step to show before and after)...using warp or puppet warp (which you might have used, once again I don't know is usually best to retain realism. I think you've done a very fine chop to be proud of. I really like the serendipity of the trees pattern gives off the allusion of the character's hair.. a happy accident or intentionally done really adds to the mystery. Good luck author

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar Drivenslush

GOOD JOB AUTHOR! I think it's okay now, but the Mods have final say.. and I think from what I've seen they are okay. Great job on the fix. The cloning at the base is not noticeable unless you are looking for it. The fact that you repaired it so quickly is excellent

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

Floating island
avatar Drivenslush

Awe gee author... You're going to have to double check some of your sources (as I'm sure the Mods will also). The Floating Island source looks like a per-manipulation which is usually a no no here at pxleyes. Also the "Cosmos Texture and the pre Masked birds" will be called into question. But I don't think it would take much to replace these items. The floating island chop is always a fun concept and you should have no problem finding usable sources. If you have trouble.. just look at other contests and THEIR sources and you probably will find some applicable to this idea. Good luck author.. very good talent

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

Floating island
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe.. reminds me of those horror films when you scream at the screen "TURN AROUND TURN AROUND.. It's RIGHT BEHIND YOU".. hehehe

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Interesting effects .. As this is ethereal, the stretching effect is okay, but it does distract a bit. I find myself just thinking she looks a bit stretched out in my minds eye... NOT a bad thing.. just giving you my opinion... good luck.

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar Drivenslush

maybe give just a tiny bit of a punch to the bird (nothing major) It's just I didn't see it at first. NOT NEEDED. My eyes aren't the greatest so it could just be me Really Great job

(5 years and 1293 days ago)

beutifull afternoon
avatar Drivenslush

One pill makes you taller and one pill makes you small.... hehehe

(5 years and 1294 days ago)

On cloud nine
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1295 days ago)

Majestic Ladys