8255 comments given:
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(5 years and 473 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Oh man, it should be UNDERHILL!!!! (sorry, LOTR nut here... and well,.. Underhill is just well.. a better title.. (great job!)... my two cents anyway..

(5 years and 473 days ago)

Underground Giant
avatar Drivenslush

oooooo la la... hehehe

(5 years and 478 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

I know it's weird, but that little change makes a world of difference.. I now look at the WHOLE picture and do not focus on just the eyes.. though I also wanted to open up my own belly button lint knitting studio, so there ya go.. (good job..wink)

(5 years and 481 days ago)

Mother Nature
avatar Drivenslush

What a little snuggle bug! (reducing the size of the second eye (experiment with it) will help a little with the perspective, as the model is set at a slight profile)... No need to make a change as it is a comical piece (artistic liberty) but if you made that change it would give it a little more stability.. in my eyes anyway.. GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 482 days ago)

Mother Nature
avatar Drivenslush

Rut Roh! Ouch ouch ouch

(5 years and 482 days ago)

Nasty peach of work...
avatar Drivenslush

Oh man, I can feel all the sand in my car at this very moment.. hehehe, fun chop

(5 years and 484 days ago)

The Ship
avatar Drivenslush

YAY POLAR COOR.. woo HOO! hehehe

(5 years and 484 days ago)

Mini Planet Egypt
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This SOOOOOOOO reminds me of the times on the lake blowing bubbles on a very still day and seeing if I could get them to bounce on the water's surface without popping... all day activity (I didn't have many friends, so I had to stay occupied LOLOLOLOL)

(5 years and 489 days ago)

My Teddy Bear
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Electrical tape on the belt loop... you kill me... hehehe

(5 years and 490 days ago)

Doc Brown
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Reminds me of this Pixar animation.. hehehe


(5 years and 492 days ago)

Carola Paradise
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Let it go.... let it GOOOOOOO!!!! hehehe

(5 years and 492 days ago)

Snow princess
avatar Drivenslush

The baby really throws it over the top.. yipe yipe yipe

(5 years and 493 days ago)

Nightmare corridor
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(5 years and 493 days ago)

The Fall
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Oh come on now, who's going to clean up this mess? hehehe (great job)

(5 years and 493 days ago)

The Joker strikes again
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(5 years and 500 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Oh that'll do it! YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE!!!!

(5 years and 502 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Nonsense.. it's creative and unique, very very well done. Imagination is a very weird monster, this comes from a realm of originality that is often misunderstood by many many people. Glow in fact that you created something that no one else thought of... a very hard thing to do. Or your insane, and that's okay too.. hehehe

(5 years and 503 days ago)

Introducing Marshal Mary Moonshine
avatar Drivenslush

This is really AWESOME!!!! I love it!

(5 years and 503 days ago)

Introducing Marshal Mary Moonshine
avatar Drivenslush

So Sweet

(5 years and 503 days ago)

Color my Life
avatar Drivenslush

That's A LOT of work for a "Thank You"... hehehe

(5 years and 505 days ago)

The crow and the courtisan
avatar Drivenslush

ACK! Who folded the photo! EEEEKKK... (great job)

(5 years and 506 days ago)

Old photo
avatar Drivenslush

Dat''s a lot of attitude! hehehe

(5 years and 506 days ago)

The crow and the courtisan
avatar Drivenslush

YOWZA!!! Great JOB!!!

(5 years and 509 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Really love the texture.. gives it that earthen feel

(5 years and 510 days ago)

Getting almost discovered
avatar Drivenslush

EEEEKKKKK! Game of Thrones! Oh wait, there are no naked ladies.. never mind LOL

(5 years and 510 days ago)

Waiting for the eclipse
avatar Drivenslush

HEY! You're using my color scheme hehehe

(5 years and 510 days ago)

power flower
avatar Drivenslush

Great job with the clone tool. You can increase the smoothness by using FILL with CONTENT AWARE to get rid of any "duplicates/repeats". I like the middle point A LOT! Good luck!

(5 years and 510 days ago)

Entry number 108720
avatar Drivenslush

Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!

(5 years and 510 days ago)

Trouble coming
avatar Drivenslush

How fun is that! WOO HOO!!!

(5 years and 511 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Oh now that's too much work (hehehehe) Super Duper Great JOB!!!

(5 years and 512 days ago)

Bric-a-brac (10 differences to find)
avatar Drivenslush

The beret is my FAVORITE PART!!!.. I WANT ONE!!! hehehe

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Donald Duck
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hehehe.. at first I was going to say she looks like a mannequin.. then I looked at the sources.. boy am I the dummy... hehehe

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Mary Poppins
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Balloons and Barbed Wire... oh the humanity! (hehehe)

(5 years and 520 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

While I really love this, you may want to add the "texture feel" of the hat to the rest of the image. It's just that the hat kind of Pops out at you with it's realism while the rest of the image is severely "cartoonie and flat". Not a criticism, just an observation. By adding a texture or deeper shading to the face parts (enhancing their realism) would pull the piece together more in my opinion. Basically, I'm just thinking about the wonderful sources you used to create the piece would look even better if they retained some of their reality instead of the flattening effect that happens when the detail is lost. It's fine just the way it is, but I think it could be better if more detail was added, just to balance with the glory of the beret IMHO

(5 years and 520 days ago)

Donald Duck
avatar Drivenslush

...awe gee.. this makes me tear up a bit... great job! (love the emotional feel)

(5 years and 521 days ago)

Spirit of the Drummer Boy
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(5 years and 525 days ago)

Tam Tam
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Happy Happy!

(5 years and 525 days ago)

Once upon a yellow night
avatar Drivenslush

Ya got that whole LOTR's thing going on here.. with a sprinkling of Wizard of Oz.. hehehe

(5 years and 527 days ago)

Portal Attack
avatar Drivenslush

ACK! also.. by enlarging it, you could fiddle with the distort/perspective of it (again, in the 10 percent range) and it would give it more stability.. then again, live monkeys could fly out my butt.. don't spend too much time on it if it's not worth it to you.. Thank you very much for considering my advice, it means more than you know

(5 years and 528 days ago)

Necessary things in life
avatar Drivenslush

I think what's causing you trouble is it's size, if you enlarged it and brought it more forward into the image, it would make it's perspective less obvious.. it's very small (you could enlarge it to complete a triangle (think of Jesus in the Last Supper by Leonardo)... now it's just a suggestion, but if you enlarged it triple it's size (yes I know that sounds big) but it would lock the whole image together by creation a giant triangle, pulling the whole image together... ack.. it's been years since design class.. so I could be a total nutter, but I think if you visualize it (the grinder) larger, you could see what I'm talking about

(5 years and 528 days ago)

Necessary things in life
avatar Drivenslush

LOVE the Impala...they always look like they are saying, "Be my friend" then boing boing boing ...

(5 years and 529 days ago)

An Artist
avatar Drivenslush

I think the parents may have to invest in a staple gun with this child.. hehehe.. so Trekkie

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Toy story
avatar Drivenslush

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. though you might want to change the name if you plan to market the image.. copyright lawyers are bastards.. they see "Kermit" and scream "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE" hehehe

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Croa Croa
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I WANT TO LIVE THERE.. only have to find someone to help me turn the pages.. you could read and run at the same time.. hehehe

(5 years and 529 days ago)

home of apple
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A whole bunch of Picasso's Blue Period pieces just ran through my head.. thanks a lot! hehehe

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Domestic bliss
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Your perspective is a bit wonky... but this is a surreal still life so I guess anything goes.. it's just that meat grinder is on a level plane while the floor boards are really tilting forward.. it's a great chop, but I think if you changed the perspective on the board, it would ground the objects tighter (Distortion works when only about 10 percent is alter, after that the image looks manipulated)

(5 years and 529 days ago)

Necessary things in life
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 529 days ago)

Catch of the Day
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Upside downy and it makes my eyes warble. LOVE IT!

(5 years and 535 days ago)

Little girl
avatar Drivenslush

Very Crisp!

(5 years and 535 days ago)

In the time machine