8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

Fun swirly whirly effect just love the lighting
Placing the upside down "house" top point infront of fire blast then experimenting with removing with a circular erase brush might help make and add to an illusion of the fire coming out of the saucer/house. At the moment, it looks like the exhaust is kind of floating in front of the spaceship and not coming out of it from the bottom.
The people and car are spectacular, the texture effect is awesome. The clouds as well. Great Job!

(5 years and 1509 days ago)

Going Home
avatar Drivenslush

Come on author! Tail wag, cute head tilt with adorable puppy whine... PLEASE..... you have three days left, that's plenty of time. sigh

(5 years and 1510 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

I'm moving to Germany! (no I'm not, hehehe, but it would be fun to visit)

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Just Gallop right in there like a "Knight in CBR'd Armor" there huh, Solaris?
man crush...maN crusH...mAN cRUSH...MAN CRUSH...
Oh I'm just TEASING
I kind of like seeing other members stepping forth to defend (All in good Heart) other people's work. Makes me all gooey inside.
(Yikes, this entry got me quoting Steel Magnolias and Giggle Snorting again)
I do declare, I have the Vapors. Where's my hand fan?

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Darling, I dated a drag queen, believe me that is pink.
From Steel Magnolia's:
[Referring to her daughter's many pink wedding decorations]
M'Lynn: That sanctuary looks like it's been hosed down with Pepto-Bismol.
Giggle snort.

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Very pretty cover

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

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(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Corpse Wagon
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(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Hobbit Hot Rod
avatar Drivenslush

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Steampunk Trio
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on Second

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Steampunk Trio
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Red Forest
avatar Drivenslush

Darn it author, please post the original picture (the girls in the well) into the SBS and return your fixed entry into the contest. It was well done and should be back where it belongs. Grumble grumble. (Coming from a Crusty old goat). I'll hit you with my cane if you don't.
With this black square, the voting might suffer, but the chop should be here anyway, so it won't screw up your portfolio.

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

Oh author, just toss the UN Processed image of the White chair into your SBS by itself. (It's obvious it's from the same photo shoot of the Rainbow Chair) Okay, it's not exactly a chair, the Beach Wicker Reclining Sun Block Rental Sitting Station thing-a-ma-jig, but you know what I mean. I wish they had those on Fort Lauderdale Beach, they are really cool Much better then the KMart crap they use here and charge 10 dollars an hour. Again, great chop and good luck.

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

There ya go...PEW! PEW! PEW! I was waiting for one of these

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Attack of the water raiders
avatar Drivenslush

Well done and good luck. A bit prosaic but the work is excellent!

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

Darth Vader
avatar Drivenslush

Pink doorknob? Really. PINK? I'M JUST KIDDING! great job

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

It took me forever to figure out what the heck that Chair thingy was LOLOL, great chop, good luck author.

(5 years and 1512 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

“May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
SUPER DUPER, love the fattening of the tires, just like Hobbit's Feet

(5 years and 1514 days ago)

Hobbit Hot Rod
avatar Drivenslush

So much fun and so professional. Cool!!!

(5 years and 1514 days ago)

Is Apple Rotten?
avatar Drivenslush

Love the City
Bloop burple gurgle beep DING peep DING (best submarine impression I could think of )

(5 years and 1515 days ago)

Underwater World
avatar Drivenslush

Solid work here very nice image

(5 years and 1515 days ago)

Red Forest
avatar Drivenslush

Like the fact that you change the position of the bullets down the line, good luck

(5 years and 1517 days ago)

Just Shooting
avatar Drivenslush

Well what the Foo? Where did this entry go?

(5 years and 1517 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

Damn Me? Oh dear, get in line...hehehe.. great improvement, the glare is gone as well as the sun stroke on the tires the back ground now matches the foreground and is very believable... congrats I'm not as crazy as most think of me LOL

(5 years and 1517 days ago)

Corpse Wagon
avatar Drivenslush

You might want to use the burn Brush set on a super softness and gently brush the bright areas on a separate layer that you can later blend into the bright layer. That sometimes works. I find if I work on a separate layer and go a tad overboard with the reduced brightening, then placing it over the original and reducing it's opacity that sometimes works. You really did a great job on this creation... you can also brighten the background, but that would defeat the theme of the creation. Good luck and great job

(5 years and 1517 days ago)

Corpse Wagon
avatar Drivenslush

Zzub Zzub Zzub (Sound of a hummingbird flying backwards)

(5 years and 1517 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

This is really cool!!! Do you think the light on the tires and window is too bright for the light in the graveyard (blending issue)? Masking and assembling is awesome. Really neat idea Good luck

(5 years and 1518 days ago)

Corpse Wagon
avatar Drivenslush

err umm.. all I see is a big black square... is that right?

(5 years and 1518 days ago)

sting in the tail
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats baby girl

(5 years and 1519 days ago)

Seasons Greetings
avatar Drivenslush

WOO HOO, congrats on FIRST!!!

(5 years and 1519 days ago)

Christmas Card
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(5 years and 1519 days ago)

Redneck Ride
avatar Drivenslush

Great use of source

(5 years and 1519 days ago)

The Hanging Village
avatar Drivenslush

OMG..this is a whole new chop.. totally new.. and much mucH muCH mUCH MUCH better!!! Completely different.

(5 years and 1520 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

You'll have to put the original photo in the SBS and may I suggest that retain the full Head of the smiling girl. It would add to the image and not make her look a bit like a victim of a botched beheading. hehehe J/K ...great little Droste... and just a suggestion.. IMHO on a side note, WOW getting kids to pose in a Well. Wow.

(5 years and 1520 days ago)

Oh Well
avatar Drivenslush

Looks like he was absent through most of the relationship and then popped back into her life LOLOL.. wonderful use of your own photos.. AWESOME

(5 years and 1520 days ago)

walk into the future
avatar Drivenslush

Author I applaud you on your modification on this chop. Your talent is quite obvious. I'm a bit concerned about your sources, as I don't see any Creative commons references etc..., I will leave that up to the MODS (that's their Job and I wouldn't want it for the world hehehe)... When searching for sources it's very important to make sure what you use is Creative Commons, this makes your work TRULY yours and then it can be used in Marketing and Commercial as well as display. Learning this early will make your work much more enjoyable to you because you can say THIS IS MINE and no one can take it away from you. Nothing is worse then putting a lot of effort into an image, then having someone come up behind you and saying, YOU CAN'T USE THAT, and if you've sold any of the image you have to hand it ALL over to the original creator. Good luck, I hope to see more of your work, for you are a talent. Not an easy thing to be.

(5 years and 1520 days ago)

Steampunk Sneak-Peak
avatar Drivenslush

Simple sweet! good luck

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Author, there is still plenty of time to collect/check your sources (7 days). It's a nice approach but with out knowing if the images are all yours it's very hard to place this within the contest. Please take the time to fix this entry and follow the guidelines. Good luck.

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

Steampunk Sneak-Peak
avatar Drivenslush

Merry Merry!!!

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

Seasons Greetings
avatar Drivenslush

Well good then.. the mystery continues (not that it needs the fix (the base I mentioned), I just felt my eye drawn to that area, and if this was ever printed (Say a poster) that area would draw the eye...) Not a big whoop, as said before, just a suggestion )Great job all round

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

10th time
avatar Drivenslush

Wow... very honored you took my comment to heart.. great job (I just love those legs ) The little boy in the camouflage is adorable And I AM NOT A NAG... oh wait.. yes I am.. never mind. (Definite Mystery Science Theater)

(5 years and 1521 days ago)

The Day They Attacked!
avatar Drivenslush

Okay author, you got me... What exactly is this? I like it, I'm just not sure what it is? An impossible to pick up Tea Kettle? Or does it have something to do with Japanese Anime (considering the title). No matter really.. it's pretty nifty.. the Mystery is perplexing, but that is part of the fun as well. Oh poop, I really would like to know though, a little attention to the sharpness of the bottom edge of the 'pot" might be useful, it's a very sharp cut (Blurring or burning etc...only a suggestion)the beauty of the other side really is excellent, and I kind of want the other side to match hehehe GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 1522 days ago)

10th time
avatar Drivenslush

I want a bag of Popcorn... and kool-aid (we were poor) LOL It's very cute (I don't know how you resisted not including the wonderful wooden legs of the original photo of the TV, they are terrific, may want to consider including them just to give this a bit of a boost... (but that's just me) Simple just isn't me LOL. Very good work... I think I can even hear the speaker

(5 years and 1522 days ago)

The Day They Attacked!
avatar Drivenslush

I almost want the penguins to be stepping out of the image (over the red border) It's great just the way it is as well

(5 years and 1523 days ago)

Merry Christmas
avatar Drivenslush

Awesome blending and compression bringing the trio together. SOOPA SMOOTH!!!

(5 years and 1523 days ago)

Steampunk Trio
avatar Drivenslush

Actually the Font would make this a great Military/Patriotic card, I know my Armed Forces Friends would love it Though author, with your painting skills, I think a hand written title with your flare would be awesome as well. Good luck and Good Job... again!

(5 years and 1523 days ago)

Christmas Card
avatar Drivenslush

Down under what? we ask our selves hehehe.. great job

(5 years and 1523 days ago)

Greetings from Down-Under
avatar Drivenslush

...and Booty! Happy Holidays

(5 years and 1523 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Using a simple line isolation filter (neon glow/chrome/comicbook filter etc...) is great for your own personal work, but in photoshop contests, a more productive use of your time and skills would be great to increase interest. Also using an Auto Refresh program to increase your views is a bit, well third world. ...or worse Alex from Target. EEEEKKKKK! A little more work in the DESIGN department and a little less work on trying to "HACK" the system is in order here.

(5 years and 1524 days ago)

Steampunk in the 50
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(5 years and 1526 days ago)

Little Mermaid