8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

Fun Idea author, but I think your attempt at a drop shadow under the bust and the pedestal pieces pops it apart and it becomes floating chunks. You can see it happen in steps 4 and 5 in your SBS. BOINK. Repeat the top of the pedestal under the original to give it a 3D effect. Apply slight darkness (very similar to bevel emboss). This will give the top of the pedestal thickness and ground it. Look at your ORIGINAL pedestal bust creation, you had it quite right there. Careful with your under shadows, they can cause a floating effect as well. Yikes... You know what to do and I'm beginning to sound like the hum of a refrigerator. hehehe Great Job

(5 years and 1544 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Just lovely! love the interruption of the feet

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

The Night Watch
avatar Drivenslush

hehehehe.. great!

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Break out the DYSON... oh what a mess Great JOB! Just love the lavender!

(5 years and 1545 days ago)

Life into the Dead
avatar Drivenslush

dernit.. should have place higher.. sigh.. brilliant work

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

I Have a Dream
avatar Drivenslush

Yadda Yadda great job

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Tempted Napoleon at the battle of Gibraltar under thunderclouds with a pearl earring
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1547 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats... WOOT WOOT

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Kardashian with pearl earling
avatar Drivenslush

Great... congrats

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

So Sunflowery
avatar Drivenslush

woot woot

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Lego People  Bird
avatar Drivenslush

hehhehehe... great job !

(5 years and 1547 days ago)

Space Rangers On Duty
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1548 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

YOU SQUISHED THE LADY!!! (the original photo) Super cool. While I understand Spaceranger's dedication to model builders... (If you ever meet someone who put a ship in a bottle, hide all your sharp silverware if you say TOY) I think this chop is simply amazing.

I do believe a model can be considered a toy for this contest, as many models are available at toy stores... granted, if you've ever been in a hobby store or specialty Model shop the sophistication and "adult" attitude required to assemble them is mind boggling. Ask any one who has done a wooden model that requires an EXACTO knife to cut out the pieces...Yikes, I could never do it, I like my fingers too much. GREAT WORK AUTHOR.. and good luck

(5 years and 1550 days ago)

M3 Stewart
avatar Drivenslush

Very professional AWESOME

(5 years and 1550 days ago)

Your carriage is waiting
avatar Drivenslush

WOO HOO.. much improved author! GREAT!

(5 years and 1550 days ago)

Gundam in San Diego
avatar Drivenslush

As a first entry, this is SPECTACULAR. While I can see what you were going for with the texture, it confuses the focus because when viewing the image, I tend to flash to the hairs and debris and not the image. I think that's what Spaceranger is talking about. Good luck and toning back the debris would be a great fix on an already great chop

(5 years and 1550 days ago)

Gundam in San Diego
avatar Drivenslush

Very sweet

(5 years and 1550 days ago)

Into The Holidays
avatar Drivenslush

Mercy Buckets Monsewer Plew Pluie Plooie hehehehe (that's about all the French your going to get out of me LOL) Hiding under the desk before the teacher throttles and thunks me on the head)

(5 years and 1551 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Kind of like the light power in step nine, it's all good (the gold glow gives it that old time movie look) great job all round

(5 years and 1552 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Oh what a dunder poodle I am.. I didn't even read the title LOL sorry about that LOL You DID think about it!

(5 years and 1552 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Super great chop author, though the smearing effect has really distorted the source so much that with out the SBS there would be no clue as to where the original photo was used. Not a bad thing, but something to think about. Still gets a good solid vote from me because the work is outstanding. GOOD LUCK

(5 years and 1552 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

WOW, the French toile wall paper really helps A LOT author, it gives it such a nice feel, like going to Grandma's on Xmas Great job

(5 years and 1553 days ago)

Kardashian with pearl earling
avatar Drivenslush

The texture blending into the face is outstanding. Would some sort of French Toile Twill wallpaper light and dusty give it a little more grounding? The green is very bold for a modern room. (I'm just thinking of the Zelig theme here.) The pitch black background takes away from the painting effect that is done so gloriously in the face. (I'm thinking putting the same texture of the face into a dark bokeh/dark back ground of some sort, like old paintings always have, again sticking with the Zelig Theme). Excellent work, I'm just putting my two cents worth in. (I've looked at a bazillion Zelig images and they all seem black and white and dusty.) But what do I know LOL GOOD LUCK author.

(5 years and 1553 days ago)

Kardashian with pearl earling
avatar Drivenslush

The "Illusion" Is spectacular. The only suggestion is Placing the original Mask on the top layer, then PAINSTAKINGLY erase the interior leaving the edges intact. I've always had difficulty with making "see through" and I've always find that having the edges present adds to the effect. GREAT IDEA ALL ROUND. Excellent in fact An absolute Masking nightmare, and you did it amazingly

(5 years and 1553 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on 4th... woo HOO!!!

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Steampunk Millionaire Dog
avatar Drivenslush

Really AWESOME!!!! Great Job Congrats!

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Fishy, Fishy
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats baby doll, great job

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Steampunk Moth
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(5 years and 1554 days ago)

A different Way
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(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Heading for Nectar
avatar Drivenslush

GAH! Since my coma, the whole 1500's to the 1800's is a blur LOL (That part of my memory bank wasn't that good to begin with LOL) Napoleon it is LOL

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Tempted Napoleon at the battle of Gibraltar under thunderclouds with a pearl earring
avatar Drivenslush

The only problem is Who is the Zelig?... you have so many choices LOLOL.. I think it could be Napoleon or the Girl.. I'm pretty sure they came from the same time line

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

Tempted Napoleon at the battle of Gibraltar under thunderclouds with a pearl earring
avatar Drivenslush

Perfection! hehehee The dusty lavender wall is very French

(5 years and 1554 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

awesome improvements author

(5 years and 1555 days ago)

Lego People  Bird
avatar Drivenslush

Just love the background as well.. GREAT JOB!

(5 years and 1556 days ago)

Fishy, Fishy
avatar Drivenslush

Purdy Birdy Light burn brush (carefully) on the wings where they meet the body my improve the depth a bit (same with the tail, there is already a slight shadow there that could be worked upon.) the beak could cast a slight shadow to give it a little more distance from the body. But hey, it's great just the way it is, I'm just being nick picky Great work! I love how the smiley face slowly disappears in the pattern and you can't really see it unless you are looking for it. GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 1558 days ago)

Lego People  Bird
avatar Drivenslush

I'm going to the part of the SHIRE where the Tall Hobbits Live LOL and Smaug's pissy little brother is on patrol LOL.. awesome work all round

(5 years and 1558 days ago)

A different Way
avatar Drivenslush

Beep Boop Bleep

(5 years and 1560 days ago)

Space Rangers On Duty
avatar Drivenslush

Great Job Congrats!

(5 years and 1560 days ago)

For old times glory!!!
avatar Drivenslush

Super Sweet! Congrats!

(5 years and 1560 days ago)

Rough seas!
avatar Drivenslush

Fantastic work Congrats!

(5 years and 1560 days ago)

Sexy Pirate
avatar Drivenslush

There ya go!!! Congrats!

(5 years and 1560 days ago)

When the bottle breaks
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(5 years and 1560 days ago)

life at sea
avatar Drivenslush

Great choice in making it Sepia... really sets the mood.

(5 years and 1561 days ago)

I Have a Dream
avatar Drivenslush

Really slick look. The red plant looks like it would stick to your fingers. Super liquid fun! The big winged bug looks like some of the insects down here in Florida... only they're armed with bricks

(5 years and 1561 days ago)

Heading for Nectar
avatar Drivenslush

Well smack my bottom and call me Christmas... WOOOO HOOOOO! The HI RES is outrageous! LOVE THE BOLTS!!!!

(5 years and 1562 days ago)

Steampunk Moth
avatar Drivenslush

Thanks Lelaina hehehe, I knew there was a way to do it, I just couldn't wrap my head around it

(5 years and 1563 days ago)

So Sunflowery
avatar Drivenslush

To change the "Entry number 93252" title (Unless you like that name, hehehe) go back into your entry through your profile (my entries) and replace the image with the same image and you should be able to double click the title and it will give you the option to change it. A Save/Edit button should appear. I think that's how it's done. GREAT JOB again.

(5 years and 1563 days ago)

So Sunflowery
avatar Drivenslush

So Van GOGH.. happy happy Joy Joy (Ren and Stimpy!) Excellent. It's make the backs of my eyes tingle Great WORK!

(5 years and 1563 days ago)

So Sunflowery
avatar Drivenslush

Top hat and goggles=Steampunk (Just kidding, I have no clue) Love this chop though the eyes are very cool.

(5 years and 1567 days ago)

Steampunk Millionaire Dog
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats on 4th Cornelia... SMOOCHES!!!

(5 years and 1568 days ago)

Mystic Landscape