8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1603 days ago)

 Little Bird
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats !!!!!

(5 years and 1603 days ago)

V3 - Relaxing on Some Mushrooms
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1603 days ago)

Sitting tower of Pizza
avatar Drivenslush

True dat author, getting back into the swing of things is difficult, but you'll be okay.. love your style, always makes me smile.. you should really think about making a book.. LULU.COM would welcome you to make a table book of your work.. Keep PLUGGING!

(5 years and 1603 days ago)

Entry number 92409
avatar Drivenslush

boing, boinG, boiNG, boING, bOING, BOING, BOINg, BOIng, BOing, Boing, boing

(5 years and 1603 days ago)

Colorful And Talented
avatar Drivenslush

Blub blub blub Love the bolt idea!

(5 years and 1604 days ago)

Entry number 92409
avatar Drivenslush

Always loved dragonflies, wonderful work, (I remember my brother tying one to a very mean girls hair (a single strand) and her freaking out (I think he had a crush on her LOL) great Image

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Dragonfly Trinket
avatar Drivenslush

WOOT! All fixed! COOL!

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Mountain Avatar
avatar Drivenslush

There goes the neighborhood, next stop Judge Judy LOL.. great job

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

What the hell is my damage? This is frickin' brilliant.. dammit, my memory... My apologizes for not recognizing this skill, I'll try to do better

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Cold October
avatar Drivenslush

Love the Red balloon (half the saturation I'd use, but still awesome hehehe) the tree is much more grounded now, it looks much more part of the scene, definitely! It was perfect before, now you made it more Perfector (I know that's not a word,(Spell Check says so) but it works for me )

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Darkest Birthday
avatar Drivenslush

Super great! What's up with the placement of the tree into the skull? Seems a bit off center (though that could be your intent) Always loved that skull girl, has that whole Mexican Day of the Dead Feel. (I'm 48 years old, and Pennywise still scares the bajeezus out of me)
Side Note: That balloon sucks, use a red one with some power, you color miser, (Just Kidding) it looks fine, but you know if It doesn't have color that punches you in the face, I can't see it. hehehe.. Super great job by the way, just love lovE loVE LOVE IT!
Now you got to put spiders in her pockets and have her smoking a cigar LOL

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Darkest Birthday
avatar Drivenslush

Author got a spanking, Author got a spanking (just teasing) if you look at the HI RES you can see it.. sorta... hehehe... great idea, just wanna better vision.. as the two mods above just throttled you over... (hehehe) It's a hard contest, every time you have to work in a low res, it sends photoshoppers into a tizzy... damn resolution... Great help mods.. this is a tough contest

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Mountain Avatar
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, someone forgot to give this a title, (hehehe) getting back into the swing of things, I understand. Great Chop

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Entry number 92358
avatar Drivenslush

Glad to see your work again!

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Entry number 92364
avatar Drivenslush

Super concept. Maybe giving the returning beams from the Buildings a different color, or making them into some sort of plasma lightening to create the idea that there are two different weapons to add to the realism. Just a suggestion. Love the concept.

(5 years and 1605 days ago)

Under Attack
avatar Drivenslush

Super Nifty Reminds me of Around the World in 80 days

(5 years and 1607 days ago)

Sitting tower of Pizza
avatar Drivenslush

Eye candy

(5 years and 1607 days ago)

Chameleon Effect
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(5 years and 1607 days ago)

Dragonfy Rider
avatar Drivenslush

Very much Lord of the Rings. Cool

(5 years and 1607 days ago)

The Village Gnome
avatar Drivenslush

I think I saw something very similar in a bank once. Pretty funky

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

What an original idea. The lion sleeps tonight! Good Luck!

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

Desert hedgehog
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(5 years and 1609 days ago)

Horizon X-2020
avatar Drivenslush

Lots of fun

(5 years and 1609 days ago)

No exit?
avatar Drivenslush

Great fix! (I'll leave the checking of your sources to the Mods, they're really good at that, and I suck at it LOL) Once you get the hang of it you'll be fine. Your masking ability is excellent... I suck at masking if there is a lot of debris hehe. It's all in the learning. Great to see your tenacity. GOOD LUCK and welcome to PXLeyes :_

(5 years and 1610 days ago)

V3 - Relaxing on Some Mushrooms
avatar Drivenslush

Terrific. Congrats!

(5 years and 1610 days ago)

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(5 years and 1610 days ago)

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(5 years and 1610 days ago)

Tiger Squirrel
avatar Drivenslush

WOO HOO, congrats!

(5 years and 1610 days ago)

PiGuana; the vegetarian (may be)
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1610 days ago)

Are You Sure He Is Human?
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1610 days ago)

Sunflowers from My Garden
avatar Drivenslush

Woot! Congrats.

(5 years and 1610 days ago)

Fish Reflector
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1610 days ago)

Rising From The Ashes
avatar Drivenslush

Well Poop on a Stick author, you've got a real talent and it just seems a shame that you would give up so easily. I can't force you to retry, but I'll tell you, when you use Authorized sources (especially Creative Commons) you end up with a product that is truly yours that can be used in any form of advertisements/art shows etc... when you use copyright, you risk a law suit that will kick you in the butt. Just think about the song Blurred Lines. It really lies within in you to create something that is yours full and clear. While this might seem like just a contest, the site really can't risk copyright infringement, it's just not worth it. Now buck up little camper and retry. Or not. The choice... is yours. (oh lord, I just sounded like Cherlindrea in the Movie "Willow" when she convinces the doubting Peck to take on Queen Bavmorda.) May the Force be with you! (Star Wars, couldn't resist)

(5 years and 1611 days ago)

V3 - Relaxing on Some Mushrooms
avatar Drivenslush

Vodka and TEQUILA?!?!?!?! You too brave author, Potatoes and Aloe Vera, YIKES.. though if you think about it, would coat the stomach well LOL

(5 years and 1611 days ago)

Together Despite Of Our Difficult Times
avatar Drivenslush

Kind of reminds me of two souls intertwining or maybe I had too much vodka and cran... hehehe, FUN!

(5 years and 1612 days ago)

Together Despite Of Our Difficult Times
avatar Drivenslush

Super awesome! Do you think the farther away engine would be smaller? Perspective wise I mean. It looks like it has duo engines and the engine closer to the camera would be larger. No big whoop. Excellent chop!

(5 years and 1612 days ago)

Fly again
avatar Drivenslush

Super Cool! Love the spots!!!

(5 years and 1612 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Creepy as all hell... hehehe

(5 years and 1613 days ago)

PiGuana; the vegetarian (may be)
avatar Drivenslush

Pass out the Razor Blades! J/K, great!

(5 years and 1613 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Little birdie go tweet tweet!

(5 years and 1613 days ago)

 Little Bird
avatar Drivenslush

Happy Pretty Fishy!!!

(5 years and 1614 days ago)

Fish Reflector
avatar Drivenslush

Super fun. Love the sepia.

(5 years and 1615 days ago)

Painting created from photos
avatar Drivenslush

Congrats.. LOTS OF WORK!

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

Returning home
avatar Drivenslush

Great Job! Congrats!

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

They are There
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 1617 days ago)

The Rising
avatar Drivenslush

CONGRATS!!! Awesome, (Title still sucks.. hehehe, just messing with ya )

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

Entry number 91870
avatar Drivenslush

Clean my glasses, I think there's enough goo on them I could use a scraping to fry eggs..hehehehe (great fix)

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

Cooling Off After A Hard Days Work
avatar Drivenslush

Great thinking author! There's a small erase stripe on the bottom of his right shoe, may want to clone that out of the image. Very good idea all round.

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

Cooling Off After A Hard Days Work
avatar Drivenslush

GREAT! Much better, though it was great before as well. GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 1617 days ago)

Sunflowers from My Garden