8255 comments given:
avatar Drivenslush

Magical WOO HOO

(5 years and 3179 days ago)

Look what Dad made me!
avatar Drivenslush

that's a LOT of work!!! good luck author

(5 years and 3179 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3179 days ago)

For Sale!
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3180 days ago)

Which Road?
avatar Drivenslush

Very Well done!!!

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

tribal elephant god
avatar Drivenslush

hehehe, NOT SAYING NUTHIN!! hehehe (good luck author)

(5 years and 3180 days ago)

Kiss the Frog
avatar Drivenslush

super well done

(5 years and 3181 days ago)

Doll Parts
avatar Drivenslush

good job author GOOD LUCK!

(5 years and 3181 days ago)

Drain bamage
avatar Drivenslush

super creepy and EXCELLENT!!!

(5 years and 3181 days ago)

The Spawning
avatar Drivenslush

really fun piece, good luck

(5 years and 3181 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3182 days ago)

For Sale!
avatar Drivenslush

very well done, great sbs

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

Crazy hair
avatar Drivenslush

very pretty, the texture on the birdhouse is WONDERFUL

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

Nesting Place
avatar Drivenslush

now ain't she purdy!!! great job

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

quite sweet GOOD LUCK!!!

(5 years and 3182 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Chinese Junk!!! (love those boats, favorite one ever was in the 5th Element because it could fly) great job author

(5 years and 3183 days ago)

Coffee Ship
avatar Drivenslush


hehehe.. great humor

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

What a cute Mutt.... the dog's kind of nice too


(5 years and 3186 days ago)

The Duke of Manchester
avatar Drivenslush

could burn the feet a little to ground them a bit, very nice Idea

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

Go Shake a Tower!
avatar Drivenslush

like a scene from Chaining the Lady!!! SAVE THE METAL BOWLING BALL that doubles as a Body Guard! (Love Piers Anthony) hehehe

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

The Maker
avatar Drivenslush

WONDERFUL.. good work!!!

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

Globes in the Goblet
avatar Drivenslush

UGH.. those heels and her poor ankles...hehehe.. great job with a very (ahem) sterile source.. (SAG is going to beat her bottom) hehehe

(5 years and 3186 days ago)

Oh, It Was LAST Night
avatar Drivenslush

and it still looks like everything will slide off the bar LOL

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

Drink Slinger
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3187 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3187 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

CONGRATS!!! on 2nd place .. wooo HOOOOOO

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

Old Soldier
avatar Drivenslush

awesome Idea, great use of the source

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

my big eyes)
avatar Drivenslush

Very steam punkie! good luck!

(5 years and 3187 days ago)

Spice Production
avatar Drivenslush

as Tony the Tiger would say... THIS IS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Take your chances
avatar Drivenslush

attack of the Psycho Sperm.. lol.. talk about a deadly evolution LOL.. good luck author

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

hairy things)
avatar Drivenslush

LOVE the glasses good luck author

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Comedy House
avatar Drivenslush

the simple shadow you placed under the saucer would help the little guys you created, (a little gauss would help) a soft burn brush over the saucer's lower edges could aid in the thickening of the ship (giving it density) (dodging the top accordingly) but then it would become my creation and not yours... the cartoonish effect is done quite well, if you wish to bridge into a more dense image, go for it with my suggestions, but I do love the fact this is recognizable as your own.. GOOD LUCK (and as always.. IMHO)

EDIT: the easiest way I find to manipulate gaussian blur is to go full tilt, open a layer underneath the little ships and draw a very flat oval, fill it with black. Go to Guass blur and just move the slide bar til the edges blur nicely (keep it as dark as it is, you can always reduce opacity later... place the disk under one of the little ships and align it with the size moving it back and forth til it looks good (Use scale to make the size right) then just play with the opacity till it looks well blended (You may have to gently burn the bottom of the ships so it blend well (next time you are driving down the road look at the shadows cars cast on the road, you'll see that it's darker directly under the car and where the wheels meet the road then the rest of the area (that's a guass blur..also the wheels them self will be darker just at the edge where it touches the road (sometimes the exact same color) it's an easy way to create realism.. and to ground and object so it doesn't look pasted on)

Good Luck.. !! and good job

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Out on another planet
avatar Drivenslush

@Chappy.. Devil? YES.. Handsome? well I'll give you EASY.. hehehehe

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Captain America
avatar Drivenslush

pinching a witch's bottom? seriously? (great job

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

very well done, great SBS

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Solaris V
avatar Drivenslush

fantastic source, good luck!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Reminds me of Triplets of Bellville, nice expression

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

excellent blending job, GOOD LUCK!!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

Lots of Fun, and beautiful (really reflects your love!)

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Treasures in Bloom
avatar Drivenslush

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Deep Waters Monster
avatar Drivenslush


(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

background grid is a nifty effect! good luck author

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

great work, the suspension ropes are AWESOME!!!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

New Sword
avatar Drivenslush

Lots of hard work here, good luck author

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Elf princess
avatar Drivenslush

There ya go author.. "very neat Idea "

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

The Luggage
avatar Drivenslush

he's SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome!!!

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Captain America
avatar Drivenslush

really is good work.. good luck

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Precious chest
avatar Drivenslush

Great job, and very clever thinking .. good luck

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

True Sea Monster
avatar Drivenslush

He is BEAUTIFUL!!! good luck author

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

very nice blend

(5 years and 3190 days ago)

Head gear