8255 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Does your therapist know about this?

(5 years and 1428 days ago)

New Flavor
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

hehee I love when people critique the insanity of the fantasy in your own mind. It's the same way I don't dream in the rule of thirds. Your image is amazing.

(5 years and 1428 days ago)

In the Depth of Worry
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater

Beyond awesome.... whatever that word is

(5 years and 1428 days ago)

Purple People Eater
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Looks so labor intensive. Great job!

(5 years and 1428 days ago)

Flying Off the Grid
avatar TorDoni
TorDoni says:

Nice image, surrealistic, yet realistic, ...at the risk of being anal, I'm going to nitpick on a couple of areas, the image of the girl seems to be showing through the background pix, it can be seen superimposed on the door on our right, and the bench would actually interfere with the opening of the door. The shadows of the hand with shell, and hand with fish should be a warmer grey to match the overall warm scene.
The door on the left should cast a shadow on the hand.
I know I'm being very picky, if so tell me to shut up,...just trying to help out.

(5 years and 1428 days ago)

In the Depth of Worry
avatar madamemonty


(5 years and 1431 days ago)

HDR Jarhead vs Sepia Civil War
avatar madamemonty

A silly question from someone down-under, why is the flag backwards on the uniform?

(5 years and 1432 days ago)

HDR Jarhead vs Sepia Civil War
avatar George55
George55 says:

Lots of layer work on this one... Love the colors and the image. GL

(5 years and 1433 days ago)

Flying Off the Grid
avatar WYSIWYG


(5 years and 1434 days ago)

The Bat Mobile
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernest!!

(5 years and 1434 days ago)

The Bat Mobile
avatar nilknarfsoive

And the cleavage? Okay, I'll zip it... your work is just fun.

(5 years and 1434 days ago)

Her Mother was a Tractor, Her Father Left Town without a Trace
avatar nilknarfsoive

Ouch! Smack. Smack. Gentle smack.

(5 years and 1434 days ago)

Her Mother was a Tractor, Her Father Left Town without a Trace
avatar nilknarfsoive

Why is her hand placed there? Sexy pose?
#dirtymind... LoL

(5 years and 1434 days ago)

Her Mother was a Tractor, Her Father Left Town without a Trace
avatar nilknarfsoive


(5 years and 1434 days ago)

The Bat Mobile
avatar George55
George55 says:

Fourth... not so bad....

(5 years and 1434 days ago)

Board Meetings got interesting now that Coconut Hubcap Lucy was in Charge
avatar George55
George55 says:


(5 years and 1434 days ago)

The Bat Mobile
avatar TorDoni
TorDoni says:

Nice one, love it!

(5 years and 1435 days ago)

Flying Off the Grid
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Everything goes better with bacon.

(5 years and 1435 days ago)

Tractor Tank Parked on Slicing Bacon Platform
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Her father wanted to plow new fields.

(5 years and 1435 days ago)

Her Mother was a Tractor, Her Father Left Town without a Trace
avatar TorDoni
TorDoni says:

You're welcome, just a simple fix.

(5 years and 1436 days ago)

HDR Jarhead vs Sepia Civil War
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

World War flank steak, nice! Great job adding the tank turret.

(5 years and 1436 days ago)

Tractor Tank Parked on Slicing Bacon Platform
avatar TorDoni
TorDoni says:

Since you flipped the soldier's image, his name is backwards and needs to be flipped again and adjusted to fit.

(5 years and 1436 days ago)

HDR Jarhead vs Sepia Civil War
avatar madamemonty
Moderator says:

Author please add the background source.

(5 years and 1437 days ago)

Mustard Gas Delivery Atlanta
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I was just going thru' your portfolio and found this. What a low score and no comments. No one even laughed. I wonder about people sometimes. This is so funny and so well done and so real, I wanna lick his head. hehe

(5 years and 1437 days ago)

Covering the Battle Between Zsa Zsa and Elke
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

OMG, my grandmother told me about that.

(5 years and 1438 days ago)

Mustard Gas Delivery Atlanta
avatar George55
George55 says:

Hello author. I look at your image and I see that the reflections on the glass windows are not right. Remember when you see yourself in a mirror or a reflective surface you do not see a flipped image, you see the front of the person, animal or object. In this case, I see no relation between the diver and the reflected image. If you find the image of another diver where you see the chest and face maybe it would make it better. The way you have it, you show the shoulders in both reflections, not the chest and face. Just giving you an idea...

(5 years and 1440 days ago)

avatar George55
George55 says:

I know what you mean. But it looks better this way. I knew you were going to fix it right away. As for the cashews and nuts.. I really thought they were...knowing you... Thanks for following my advise.

(5 years and 1440 days ago)

Supervison of Ghouls
avatar George55
George55 says:

Welcome my friend... yes! It looks better.

(5 years and 1440 days ago)

Riding with Bozo
avatar George55
George55 says:

Ok, I like this image. Your imagination working over time. However, the bulk that the statues are supposed to be holding over their backs, it looks like it is behind them. A little cloning or erasing will make the trick... you know how to do it. Make that bulk of nuts and cashews come to the front over their shoulders. Your image will look better. The figure to the left looks cool....

(5 years and 1440 days ago)

Supervison of Ghouls
avatar George55
George55 says:

UUUUPPPSSS! What is this, jumping from the balloon without a parachute or wings to fly freely? Well, this is my observation. Is the statue held by the cords from the balloon, if so, the cords should be more vertical, not curved as you have them. I do not see any connection between the statue and the balloon, I mean the cords. But...it is a fun image any way....

(5 years and 1440 days ago)

Riding with Bozo
avatar nilknarfsoive


(5 years and 1444 days ago)

Supervison of Ghouls
avatar George55
George55 says:

Fourth not bad..... good work my friend.

(5 years and 1447 days ago)

The Cousins of the Cozen
no avatar

brilliant idea and vision. bunny mountains from ears, i had to look twice or more to truely appreciate this, very clever

(5 years and 1448 days ago)

Throwing Bunnies into Yellow Squishy Mountains
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Kind of like rainbow bobbins.

(5 years and 1449 days ago)

Stepping into Time
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

So that explains Kandahar.

(5 years and 1449 days ago)

The Dawn of Forging Earth
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

How do you churn out such quality work so fast? Are the big coffee beans the secret?

(5 years and 1449 days ago)

Time for Caffeine
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I need to see the dental floss source you tied the watermelon with. hehe

What awesome detail. But I still love Lucy the most.

Oh, is that little Ricky in this one?

(5 years and 1449 days ago)

Fruit Salad Mobile (Ode to the Angry Orange)
avatar nilknarfsoive

CBR-ish.... I like!

(5 years and 1450 days ago)

The Dawn of Forging Earth
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Holy bat cave, Batman

(5 years and 1450 days ago)

The Bat Mobile
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I love Lucy

(5 years and 1450 days ago)

Board Meetings got interesting now that Coconut Hubcap Lucy was in Charge
no avatar

very creative

(5 years and 1451 days ago)

Throwing Bunnies into Yellow Squishy Mountains
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Love the 'sun face'! this is so Sesame Street, like a little stage set. Cute characters in all their variations.

(5 years and 1453 days ago)

Bringing up the Sun
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Cool combo, didn't see the original, but this version is very funky monkey cloak 'n dagger. And hey, scars, whether physical or emotional, are testaments to your toughness to get through the 'stuff' called Life. Most of us have some and ALL of our days are numbered. Carpe diem, my friend.

(5 years and 1453 days ago)

Homage to Cloak and Dagger
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Cool treatment of disparate images!

(5 years and 1453 days ago)

The Cousins of the Cozen
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Your mind is brilliant, what a fun imaginative image! The wolf is the best.

(5 years and 1453 days ago)

The Summer that Never Was
avatar nilknarfsoive


(5 years and 1455 days ago)

The Apple Reward for the Chess Horse
avatar George55
George55 says:

I love it.... congrats my friend.

(5 years and 1455 days ago)

Bosch Tower of the Two Headed Apep
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernest!!

(5 years and 1455 days ago)

The Apple Reward for the Chess Horse
avatar George55
George55 says:

Here is congrats again....4ths are never bad....

(5 years and 1455 days ago)

A Unique Approach to the Game
avatar George55
George55 says:

A well deserved third...congrats my friend.

(5 years and 1455 days ago)

The Apple Reward for the Chess Horse