8255 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar George55
George55 says:

Layers, layers, layers. The image reminds of those ocean documentaries about small fish...when they swim together in groups.

(5 years and 1488 days ago)

The Living Swarm
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I like the way you need no sources. That's that way to travel. Well done.

(5 years and 1489 days ago)

Sport Mutant Sea Burtles  PLAY BALL!!!
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Most entertaining. I am starting to recognize yours before I vote. Sometimes I'm fooled but not this time. What a fun interpretation. And they look so happy. hehe Good job!

(5 years and 1489 days ago)

The Aqua Throat Ballet Company
avatar FairyGardens

I watched a video about this lonely volcano that inspired you to create this work. Beautiful story and song, I encourage other gentle souls to watch it too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh4dTLJ9q9o

"I have a dream I hope will come true
That you'll grow old with me and I'll grow old with you
We thank the earth, sea and the sky we thank you
I LAVA you!"

Just a suggestion, play with Adjustments - Color Balance on Lava texture and light beams to get more dramatic result. (Try adding green midtones and blue highlights to the light beams, they will match your hearts better)
I like the idea and composition of this image.

(5 years and 1489 days ago)

I Wish that the Earth, Sea, the Sky up above-a, Will send me Someone to Lava
avatar nilknarfsoive


(5 years and 1490 days ago)

Sport Mutant Sea Burtles  PLAY BALL!!!
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Cool creature, love the colors of the gradients

(5 years and 1493 days ago)

Long Beaked Bird over the Auburn Sea at Sunset
avatar CorneliaMladenova

The eight legged guy is precious, I want one for home, does he eat too much?

(5 years and 1493 days ago)

Take that Rubber Duck, Bread Water Bear is Here
avatar nilknarfsoive

Hahaha... made my day!!!

(5 years and 1493 days ago)

The Aqua Throat Ballet Company
avatar jbillitteri

Nice work, and very time consuming I would imagine

(5 years and 1495 days ago)

The Living Swarm
avatar George55
George55 says:

I like the sense of movement. Looks great. GL author.

(5 years and 1497 days ago)

To and Fro Work
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nice work. Feed me, Seymour!

(5 years and 1497 days ago)

Snake Fruit Dragon
avatar spaceranger

Interesting image, with a surreal feel! Made me think of Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927)

(5 years and 1499 days ago)

To and Fro Work
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

WOW author! Absolutely one of the best entries I've seen lately!

(5 years and 1500 days ago)

To and Fro Work
avatar Andy101
Andy101 says:

nice use of the turkey leg distort tool, most people don't turn that toolbar on. It is under->options->toolbars->poultry

(5 years and 1500 days ago)

The Eye Doodler
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nice logo play within the name, and the play on words in tagline.

(5 years and 1501 days ago)

The Phantom Mag
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

So creative, love the colors in this.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Long Beaked Bird over the Auburn Sea at Sunset
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Fun image, amazing work on this.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Take that Rubber Duck, Bread Water Bear is Here
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

What version of Photoshop has the Squish tool?? Creative work.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

The Eye Doodler
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nice BW contrast with colored metal holder.

(5 years and 1502 days ago)

Salt and Pepper Muscle
avatar George55
George55 says:


(5 years and 1503 days ago)

A Play on the Classic Droste
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Congrats, my friend

(5 years and 1504 days ago)

A Play on the Classic Droste
avatar aheman
aheman says:

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky..." wonderful!

(5 years and 1504 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Oh, man, now I want to change the score I gave this one, and score it higher. Is that possible?

(5 years and 1504 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernest!!

(5 years and 1504 days ago)

A Play on the Classic Droste
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Great expressions, but the phantom hand coming from his neck is odd.

(5 years and 1505 days ago)

Hipster Combo Casual
avatar thefinalcut

Great job! I knew when I saw this that it was yours. I'm not sure what's funnier, the eyes on the other characters or that Disney somehow licensed a Han Solo blow up doll......

(5 years and 1506 days ago)

You Go Girl!
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Nice use of the source, love the colorful landing zone...now where are those plutonium mothballs?

(5 years and 1506 days ago)

Metal Luna
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Clearly someone has lost their mind over liquid metal icecream, lol. It's a fun one for sure!

(5 years and 1506 days ago)

The Sherbert Man
avatar aheman
aheman says:

may the force be with you...hee...ha...

(5 years and 1507 days ago)

Benihana of a Galaxy Far Far Away
avatar aheman
aheman says:

querky...but nice

(5 years and 1507 days ago)

You Go Girl!
avatar aheman
aheman says:

cool boots. Suggest add saturation to the bottom shoes to match the intensity of color.

(5 years and 1507 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 1507 days ago)

A Play on the Classic Droste
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Magical spiral. Love the yellow kitty faces

(5 years and 1507 days ago)

Marching Kitty Shoes
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Tempting and yummy

(5 years and 1507 days ago)

Chicken Under Curtain Served by Jeeves
avatar nilknarfsoive

I like it!!!

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

The Eye Doodler
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Wow, you are fast. I'm still trying to think of an idea.

(5 years and 1508 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar robvdn
robvdn says:

I do like your cover in the SBS but it is hard to find it in the entry. Probably a closer crop will help.

(5 years and 1510 days ago)

The Minim Mag
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Is that a self portrait?

(5 years and 1510 days ago)

Hipster Combo Casual
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernest!

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

Nausea Heartburn Indigestion Upset Stomach Dia... well you know... Racer
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernest!

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

La Touche Finale
avatar George55
George55 says:

This is real good... congrats.

(5 years and 1511 days ago)

La Touche Finale
avatar George55
George55 says:

Well, author, you have included your magazine's cover on the shelf with the others. It is almost impossible to see the text, or to find out what the magazine's cover is about. Here is an idea. Why you don't make your magazine's cover bigger and more readable, and place it on top of the other magazines. It would be better, even if you cover some of the ones you have in the picture. At least you will give us the idea of what your magazine is about..... (Just my comment and my POV)

(5 years and 1513 days ago)

The Minim Mag
avatar George55
George55 says:

Nice cover.... check your spelling...
1- Were Objects d'Art Meet the Market. (I think so)

The magazine's name is kind of confusing. (At least for me)

The rest looks colorful. GL.

(5 years and 1513 days ago)

Chachkey Rag
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Too funny! Love the title and font you used. LOL@ Garrison Peeler! hahaha!

(5 years and 1513 days ago)

Chachkey Rag
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

That's ok, bet ya had fun with this one.

(5 years and 1516 days ago)

The Service of the Blood Fries with the Abbot Caloredon
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Congrats! Good research and masking!

(5 years and 1516 days ago)

In the Hay Field of Poland
avatar spaceranger

Congrats Ernie!!

(5 years and 1518 days ago)

In the Hay Field of Poland
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Looks great

(5 years and 1518 days ago)

Chicken Under Curtain Served by Jeeves
avatar George55
George55 says:

No comments... and a second well deserved place my friend.

(5 years and 1518 days ago)

In the Hay Field of Poland
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

How funny - love the cash register buttons on her face!!

(5 years and 1519 days ago)

The Mechanical Winged Hepburn with Lion Gear Buckle Headress