8255 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar George55
George55 says:

Lovely creature..... love the wings..... good luck!

(5 years and 2507 days ago)

Chimp Fly
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Lovely idea, creative and l like the colors at these kind of contest (photoshop). GL

(5 years and 2508 days ago)

Chimp Fly
no avatar
sivan says:

Nice !

(5 years and 2508 days ago)

Chimp Fly
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Great idea!

(5 years and 2509 days ago)

Chimp Fly
no avatar

Cute! Great clarity.

(5 years and 2509 days ago)

Chimp Fly
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Congrats for the nice composition!

(5 years and 2517 days ago)

The Test Tube Accident
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

so disturbing but nice idea

(5 years and 2521 days ago)

... and it
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 2521 days ago)

The Test Tube Accident
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Beautiful flying blossoms

(5 years and 2521 days ago)

Bubbles and the Pinwheels
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Very psychedelic!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Bubbles and the Pinwheels
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Dunno why, but it makes me think of something you'd see on Pee Wee's Playhouse. LOL Nicely done!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Soap Man from Montana
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Nice attention to detail and lighting. Well done!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Gimp Swan
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Creepy and very distracting! Love the subtleness.

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Drinking Backwards
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Great idea, and put together well! Your shadowing is a little too intense though. Otherwise, it's quite believable.

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

... and it
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

This is cute, and nicely detailed! Love the 'bluing' effect. Really like the humor factor.. *Wondering how it got through the small opening*

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

The Test Tube Accident
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Great idea, great composition and ok, you find a very nice way to save the foot of ballet dancers! Also, you make a anatomy mix up with good taste. GL

(5 years and 2524 days ago)

Gimp Swan
avatar George55
George55 says:

Congrats Driven.....!

(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar kcinsti
kcinsti says:

interesting usage

(5 years and 2527 days ago)

A Day at the Toidy with Krispies and Coco
avatar lincemiope

lol.. big idea, fine work, bravo

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Zombie Puppy being Bunny
avatar lincemiope


(5 years and 2528 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar IRONCOW

Great image it makes you want to look closer at it kinda pulls ya in. Shadows are all over the place. The fish in the tub and the bird at the right seem to have light from the viewpoint, yet the rice crispy square looking thing in the middle has it from the top back right. then the vulture at the top left has it coming from the right to the left and up. Shadows on a image should be done last and all from the same point.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

A Day at the Toidy with Krispies and Coco
avatar KooFoo
KooFoo says:

I like the picutre really much, but you could improve the reflection of the horse person, the perspective seems a little weird and the outlines of the star wars looking r2d2 figure could be a little bit better made

(5 years and 2531 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Made me smile

(5 years and 2534 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
no avatar
maya21 says:

Amazing.......wndrful creativity gud lck

(5 years and 2534 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

I like the checker board, Nice idea.

(5 years and 2534 days ago)

Avoiding the Pin
avatar lincemiope

a beautiful symbolic image
in my humble opinion, you could play with the best levels of fusion
but my compliments

(5 years and 2535 days ago)

Viper Luna Bloom
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

It's a big ass moth!!!!

(5 years and 2538 days ago)

Viper Luna Bloom
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 2542 days ago)

Simple Choo Choo
no avatar


(5 years and 2544 days ago)

Simple Choo Choo
avatar tnaylor21286

Hello author. The reflection is off a bit. It actually is different than the original tomato all together. I will try to help you out to the best of my abilities. I would duplicate your tomato and all the elements that make up the tomato (such as the mouth glares, etc...) then I would merge all the duplicated layers together. After this flip the merged layer and move it straight down to the base of the original tomato. Reduce the opacity to about 50% and then cover with a reveal all mask. Now use a black to white gradient on the mask to reveal the tomato so that it gradually fades to nothing at the bottom. I hope this helps. There is probably a better way to explain this. Good luck author.

EDIT: Sorry author i didn't even look at the source picture before I commented. The reflection is fine. I think something with the mouth is off a bit though. I cant quite put my finger on it. I think the top lip in the reflection is too dark. if you look at the lips on the "original tomato" the upper lip is not even there. if you look at the reflection the upper lip is very dark. Otherwise, Good work and good luck.

(5 years and 2547 days ago)

From the Bowels of the Cult
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

scary tomatoes
i wont go for this movie

very nice keep it up

is that the reflection of tomato? then you should decrease the opacity

(5 years and 2547 days ago)

From the Bowels of the Cult
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 2548 days ago)

Liquid Head
avatar CorneliaMladenova


(5 years and 2548 days ago)

Light House Weiner
avatar Heathcliffe

I love the angle of the pis. Good luck

(5 years and 2550 days ago)

Liquid Head
avatar paudiyal
paudiyal says:

Neck portion got messed up a bit. Good idea though

(5 years and 2550 days ago)

Liquid Head
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

ok ok good

(5 years and 2550 days ago)

Sanity in Glass
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

good work

(5 years and 2554 days ago)

Liquid Head
avatar pikkar
pikkar says:

fruits dose not blend with the image. it is bright

(5 years and 2554 days ago)

Sanity in Glass
avatar Cellesmiles

Good one!

(5 years and 2554 days ago)

Light House Weiner
no avatar
lukezd says:

Good idea, bad shadows

(5 years and 2555 days ago)

Liquid Head
avatar gopankarichal


(5 years and 2573 days ago)

Ears of Graceless Pastry
avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

Congrats on 2nd place!

(5 years and 2575 days ago)

Ears of Graceless Pastry
avatar Heathcliffe

I like the overall 'story' feeling to this - like straight out the history books Yay about that middle line too.

(5 years and 2578 days ago)

Ears of Graceless Pastry
avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

Surely that fence would 'give'!

Yeah I agree about the blue, a 1 - 2px feathered selection usually works best, and you can create an action so you don't have to keep going into the settings!

GL Author

(5 years and 2578 days ago)

avatar dustfinger

I think i will keep some distance when i encounter a bird that big.. The high res shows a small blue line around the bird. It would be nice if you could remove that (may be by giving a blur to the mask).

(5 years and 2579 days ago)

avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Most realistic entry so far, I like this one, I'm only waiting for someone to get rid of that middle line where the plastic was molded together. Think you might be able to do that with a clone tool would be my recommendation . If not this is still a great pic.

(5 years and 2580 days ago)

Ears of Graceless Pastry
avatar George55
George55 says:

Congrats Driven.....well done, love that movie....

(5 years and 2582 days ago)

Re Mi Do do So
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

That's hilarious! LOL! From the clip I watched, this must have been a crazy movie, not like the Spielberg I know!

(5 years and 2583 days ago)

Can Me if you Catch
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Oh, yes, quite a scene, I remember it well! Nice work here, love the stacked skyline.

(5 years and 2583 days ago)

Re Mi Do do So
avatar Heathcliffe

I agree - the comment really enhances your entry - thank you for doing it so well

(5 years and 2584 days ago)

Mister... M... i... s... t... e... r,  Period, Mister