8255 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar lincemiope

colours in harmony, and a perfect work, bravo

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Brick Work on Tuesday
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

This kissy face thing looks like what whales do at the bottom of the sea. good humor

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Monster Kissy Face
no avatar
Tosimos says:

amazing work. however looks more like fur lol GL

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Precocial Precocious Pink
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice one

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

My Heffalump Tea Kettle
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Perfect name, very creative :P

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

My Heffalump Tea Kettle
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Looks like a baby lion lol good job

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Precocial Precocious Pink
avatar spaceranger

Uhhh...it's not pink...it's purple.

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

Precocial Precocious Pink
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Cute, looks like a comfy ride =)

(5 years and 2815 days ago)

avatar nicehotcupoftea

Love that you've used a sewing machine - sewing on a machine often feels like driving.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

The Sew and Sew
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Cute - and so floofy!

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

...and all my Billities :)
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

A bike with bling!!! cool, author. LOL @ the style of that gonder lamp, dejavu.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

More Than I can Handle
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Cute, kind of like a kiddie trike.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Very clever, author, nicely done! Love the title. My mom has an old Pfaff.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

The Sew and Sew
avatar George55
George55 says:

This is a great image.... nice blendings... good luck.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

Belinda and Melinda
avatar George55
George55 says:

I do not want some of those underneath my bed sheets..... Creepy! But, funny image.. good luck!

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

Spliced Crab Twin
avatar George55
George55 says:

I think the blending works well, the attitude of the two gorilas are different, which IMO works. It makes the image more attracting. GL author.

(5 years and 2816 days ago)

Carlos and Mr. Pike
avatar tnaylor21286

Nice perspective. Good luck author.This kind of look like something from the Flinstone's. lol

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Been to TJ many times myself author, what an interesting place, so many contrasts in the same place...nicely done, the treatment in post processing works well here, it gives the gritty feel of the area well.

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

Before the Perform
avatar rusvelt2000

Now the it is real and better, and, I don't way to be a full-bore, but, maybe now the problem is about the distortion on reflection... isn't it?

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

avatar rusvelt2000

Great use of sources, tones and creativity. But the whole reflection should collide with the motorcycle, unless the back is floating, but the shadow under the weel prooves that it is touching the ground. IMO.

(5 years and 2817 days ago)

avatar jordyponce

What a comfortable seat!..Niceeeee chop!!

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

mariachi? fine photo, bravo

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Before the Perform
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

the more I look at this the more I like it, there is so much going on. What's with the couple in the back ground? are they having a cuddle or is he strangling her?

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Orange Bridesmaids Orange Taxies
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Aren't they sweet! Nice blend, especially with the shadows.

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

Belinda and Melinda

that is adorable

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

avatar rusvelt2000

Funny idea and great reflection of rocket and skyscrapers! Good Luck!

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

...another Boy Band
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

It's a good work but the fonts seem a bit off, you used 3 totally different fonts, that's not very visually friendly.

(5 years and 2818 days ago)

...another Boy Band
avatar jordyponce

I sure know what that is..Love Chicago!! - (Chitown)
Great job,fun as always!!,GL author

(5 years and 2819 days ago)

...another Boy Band
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Nice Congrats!

(5 years and 2819 days ago)

Shining Like a Red Rubber Ball
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

Very Nice! Congrats

(5 years and 2819 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

You should try to clone the head to create different spots, so it doesn't look like they're total clones.

(5 years and 2819 days ago)

Carlos and Mr. Pike
avatar Rumi
Rumi says:


(5 years and 2820 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar lincemiope


(5 years and 2820 days ago)

Spliced Crab Twin
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 2820 days ago)

Shining Like a Red Rubber Ball
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 2820 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Interesting idea, I like what you've done here. Perhaps work on the the front wheel some in order to make this cycle appear more trike like. Maybe create some distance behind the wheel at the front of the chassis. Those Goat Horn Handle Bars are Badd ASssssss.

(5 years and 2820 days ago)

More Than I can Handle
avatar madamemonty

Congrats well done

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar macarhign
macarhign says:


(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar rusvelt2000

I was quite sure it would have win the contest!

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Sushi Rubbernecking
avatar rusvelt2000

Congrats Mr. King! Nice challenge!

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Wow, cool manipulation, love the chains and masked swallowsails around them. BTW, that's 'mainsail', pronounced 'main-sl'. LOL

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

The Chains VS. the Swallows
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

So clever - love how you made the beak and tail!

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

The Water Wocky
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Nice job with getting some of the lavendar from the clouds into the reflection. Your neighbors the Joneses must be related to the Jetsons! Cute.

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Keeping up with the Joneses
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Love this concept! Nicely done, author.

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

God is a Female Argument
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Good design and clean work, nice depth.

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Hands Over in Orb
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Creepy and well done!

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Lasercut Dissemble Laughter
avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Funny and well done, author. LOL, the seagulls will have a feast!

(5 years and 2821 days ago)

Sushi Rubbernecking
avatar theodosiou

Hahaha! I like this one! Good luck

(5 years and 2822 days ago)

Horse Meat Walking
avatar theodosiou

Poor man! Perfect

(5 years and 2822 days ago)

Sushi Rubbernecking
avatar macarhign
macarhign says:

i like the font you used here author! what font name is it? or please show the link of that font where you download it... thanks and goodluck

(5 years and 2822 days ago)

God is a Female Argument