Square Tomatoes

For: all red contest
source and my photos
source and PS Pattern
For: pasta contest
my photo and Gradient PS
For: mandala fun contest
My Photo and PS
For: mandala fun contest
Simple manipulation Used the source to create the steps and place the pinto added smudge after masking
my elephant with source
source and my photos
For: amber contest
Thank you obsidiandawn Thank you qbrushes Thank you brusheezy My photo added to source
For: amber contest
My photos, source and flame brushes Textures in CS5
source and picture of a street lamp by my work place
For: two monkeys contest
source and my photos
source and bubble brushes
all my own work combined with source picture
For: old skeleton contest
Push Me, Pull You (I never did figure out how it pooped) Childhood mystery
My photos combined with source to make a version of Edward Scissor hands
For: pocket knife contest
For: typography contest
My Photos combined with source
For: eaten pear contest