source and photos
For: iron valve contest
For: rose thorns contest
For: fork contest
Picture I took of the ocean combined with the source picture
For: dirty statue contest
sources mine gradients and basic brushes
For: light people contest
All extra photos are mine
For: rose thorns contest
"Of course I love you.. my admiration for your talent and who you are almost causes physical pain from all the joy it brings" ~me
For: air filter contest
For: happy joy contest
For: stone face contest
my photo and source
For: white rope contest
Source combined with my photo for brick texture
For: old weights contest
Took the source pic and changed its perspective to fill the room. Placed a picture I took of a merry ground horse into the image and polished with filters to fit into the room. Added light filters and color layers to change the lighting to the right upper ceiling. Cropped burned and polished ...
For: web window contest
all sources in SBS
For: pandoras box contest
For: old weights contest
School mascot
source and my photos
For: two seagulls contest
Changeling A considerable amount of lore about fairies revolves around changelings, fairy children left in the place of stolen human babies. I placed a simple weave pattern in the water travel disk to give it texture
For: metal globe contest
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest
For: mixed manipulations 1 contest