Who's in My Apple?

source only
For: stethoscope contest
source only
For: stethoscope contest
Free Symbols from http://www.tribalshapes.com/categories/kanji/1.html and my photos
For: japan contest
My picture combined with source
For: peacock contest
source and my pics
For: stone turtle contest
my photo added censor pixelation not to scare the children, looks like a brown heart now
For: idioms contest
my photos.. romaine lettuce, black grapes and grape tomatoes with Honey Mustard dressing combined with picture of a shoe
For: unconventional shoes contest
my version of an aye aye source and my photo
For: peacock contest
all my photo and built in PS
For: mailboxes contest
inspired but all the Bigfoot stuff source and my photos
built in PS7 with linear gradiants stroke and paint bucket fill
For: optical illusions contest
My pic and source and PS7
For: metal heart contest
my photo and source
For: metal heart contest
my photo and PS7
For: mailboxes contest
source and my photos
For: street pawn contest
all source and PS7
For: corn closeup contest
For: blue bicycle contest
source and my picture
For: metal heart contest
I miss you sweet friend and I'm pushing their buttons for you. I'm always here if you need translations and hope you return soon. Til we meet again :) Always remember... MEAN PEOPLE SUCK! all source
my photo,ps7,smoke brushes Damn Sushi commercial kept coming up on the frickin add on the side bar and I couldn't get the stuff out of my head Using Chopsticks as a business card
couldn't resist... hehehe.. My photo combined with source built in PS7
For: rubber boats contest
For: industrial nature contest