The Speaking Street

Peppermint Hands & Tentacle Flea
For: mod chopping contest
source only
For: sunflowers contest
For: rubber boats contest
Congrats and well wishes
For: mod chopping contest
Smoke Brushes with Source
For: two cups contest
For: modern lighthouse contest
Quilts are the best at protecting from toe snatching monsters
For: quilting contest
For: modern lighthouse contest
Real Smoke Brushes combined with source
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool Be angry, and dispatch. —Cleopatra, Act V, scene II Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
For: weaving contest
"Ad hoc, ad loc and quid pro quo. So little time — so much to know!" George Harrison: Do you speak English? Jeremy: Old English, Middle, a dialect pure ... Paul McCartney: Well, do you speak English? Jeremy: You know, I'm not sure! Ringo: He's so...
source only
For: white castle contest
I AM THE WALRUS PENGUINS SHIRT EXPLAINED "The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko... I'd seen Allen Ginsberg and some other people who liked Dylan and Jesus going on a...
entered to late into the contest and got pulled :)
For: old contests contest
Song, I am the Walrus
For: mate contest
Thanks Chappy for the source reference My Photo also with source
For: white rose contest
source and my pictures
For: fox home contest
my photo and source
For: mate contest
all my photos
For: old contests contest
Took a tropical restaurant and placed it on a walk over in NYC
For: restaurant placement contest