
source and my photo
For: killer frog contest
source and my photo
For: killer frog contest
my photos
For: male fairies contest
May not be the best advice for creativity but it's an excellent place to start when you get stuck Photos around where I work and live.. every freepin day of my life.. OY
all my photographs
For: avatar mania contest
source only
For: killer frog contest
My Photos
source only
For: curved arrow contest
source only
For: killer frog contest
a fairy named blood wing (patterned after a Seraphim... one wing in Heaven the other wing dipped in blood)
For: male fairies contest
SBS enroute
For: iguana contest
Noah left the gate open and the boys went out to play Source and my Photos
For: trails contest
Source and Central Park Zoo Photo (no High res, photo taken a LONG time ago)
At the beginning of this movie the Monster eats a kitten. I walked out of the theatre. Never saw anymore of the film but this is how I visualized the monster. :) I know it was red, looked like ketchup and kept growing bigger every time it ate someone
For: movie night contest
I am not an animal
For: movie night contest
my photo and source with brushes
For: trails contest
hehehe.. for fun
go figure, source and my pictures
For: cogs contest
pictures I took on my break at work