Shrine of the Bene Gessirot

Homage to the Dune Series The coils represent the Great Sand Worms and the exposure of the neck is for the power of the Voice... My Photo and Source
For: chandelier contest
Homage to the Dune Series The coils represent the Great Sand Worms and the exposure of the neck is for the power of the Voice... My Photo and Source
For: chandelier contest
source and my pic Named after the fuzzy creature in the Dark crystal and the Writer Character Investigator on NCIS I wanted to name him Abby but he didn't look girly or goth enough.. hehe
For: chandelier contest
source and my picture
source and my pictures
For: tin men contest
My picture of a Tip Monkey from a museum near my house combined with a photo of a friend in a suit combined with the source image
For: sequins contest
source only
For: sequins contest
For: surrealism contest
For: surrealism contest
all my photos and built in PS
For: surrealism contest
source and my pictures
For: dwarf contest
Picture of my music box inside a globe created in photo shop no other sources except PS and I used rendered clouds
For: snow globes contest
Built in Photoshop 7.0
For: snow globes contest
For: crosswalk contest
Monster with skin issues My photos and source
For: rings contest
Photo I took of a child in Tijuana, his mother was selling little tiny toys with her daughter and this guy was having no part of it. He was terribly sad and tired. I gave him 5 dollars for letting me photograph him and he immediately ran it to his mother. He finally smiled. (After I got to my ...
For: sea gull contest
Chihuahua in need of a cab
For: door mania contest
source only
For: press pot contest
Design base for a menu Border for the name of the company etc source and my photos
For: press pot contest
Patron Saint of all Animals source only and PS
For: puppy face contest
For: press pot contest
Singing Sharks
For: sea gull contest
I know I urked a lot of people when I changed my name from GolemAura to Drivenslush.. but it was the only way I could still participate in contests (thanks to all for understanding and letting me stay) I will upload MY SBS tomorrow.. had a very long day and a family a shelf of li...
used the branch and bracelet for a dramatic background then built a bagel head in front of it
For: rings contest