In Love

Arrogantus Pretentious, or the more common name, the Snark, is a parasitical animal that attaches itself to people at birth. Using their sharp, little claws to hook into its host, its growth is dependant on cruel, thoughtless or careless comments uttered by said host. The Snark believes it is an exp...
For: cactus seed contest
For: pashmina contest
For: reflective contest
My first thought for this contest was to wake a lightbulb balloon! This just seemed like a very steam punk-ish thing to do so I ran with that :)
For: hot air contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
Credits to ImaginaryRosse Chonastock
For: yellow leaf contest
source and PS
For: yellow leaf contest
source only
For: yellow leaf contest
Looking at an apparition forming in his crystal ball.
Credits: deziner02 omychamo
A tattered edge design.
For: pxl on tour contest
I have the first alternate design on my SBS. Please feel free to check on it & leave some feedback if you'd like. This was a quick concept I made during my free time. Just want to participate anyway. Btw, I hope this is quite a "Less is More" Shirt-Design. --- Thanks in adv...
For: pxl on tour contest
acrylic on black...from my own mind
For: eyes contest
For the first time R, G and B have dared to come out of the computer screen...And they can feel the nature..... they r away from virtual world..... experiencing the reality
For: air balloons contest
For: swiss border contest
Thanks to fakethislife for the cliffs.
For: weave contest
source image used in: snake and moon see SBS for detail
For: weave contest
Thanks to alvimann from morguefile, for the pic of the little bird.
For: weave contest