1162 comments given:
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

lol thats an ostrich not a penguin

(5 years and 2910 days ago)

Bugs and Birdy
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Eladine says:

hmmm turning a cellphone booth into a public shower/bathhouse .... interesting thought.. LOL

(5 years and 2923 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

this could be just an existing line art or a brush, could you show a little more in the steps? maybe just the workpath black on white? or something..

(5 years and 2932 days ago)

Golden Tree
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Eladine says:

how is that a step by step? i see 2 times the final result and once the source image

(5 years and 2932 days ago)

Golden Tree
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

very cute!!

(5 years and 2932 days ago)

 Cherry Much
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Eladine says:

Perhaps you want to try make it look as if you watch the ship thru the window of a ship cus as it is now the waterdrops seem as they are on glass. that would work if you see the frame of the window

(5 years and 2934 days ago)

Brazilian Dogfish
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I like it as it is

(5 years and 2935 days ago)

Rising Sun
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Eladine says:

nice image

(5 years and 2936 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

thumbs up for the passion still being there after a year

(5 years and 2936 days ago)

Pin-up Girl
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Eladine says:

author I dont know what you mean by judging by the votes.. you cant see the results yet can you? And dont forget just because someone elses picture wins above yours does not mean that yours is bad.. ppl just have to make a choice... It was a good idea to take the source out of its surrounding and using it in a totally different aspect.

(5 years and 2936 days ago)

Lippy Lip Lip Ride!!
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

Well I have tried again and there is something popping up in 3d but still cant read or see what it is. I dont know what went wrong but its not readable in 3d.

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

Out Of Phased
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Eladine says:

1st source is an illustartion... not alowed .. i like the work though

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

try to give the tulips more depth with shadings inside the tulips. the idea is good though

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

there is something there for sure in 3d
but I cant really see what is there I will try it again later..

im a little tired at the moment been out all evening...

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

Out Of Phased
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

excellent work

(5 years and 2938 days ago)

The Crow
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Eladine says:

Never played it but I knew it was a game interesting one you choose yummie

(5 years and 2938 days ago)

Welcome to Candy Land
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

Image improved a lot author good job

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

A Knight and His Pawns
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Eladine says:

in Dutch soccer is called voetbal which directly translates as football since you kick the ball with your foot. As much as I have seen from American football, thats how the more civilized form of rugby is called here, they dont really play the ball with there foot that often but they run around with it and throw it more often, which is not allowed in soccer. I think the name football is more apropiate imo but then the question raises wheter its a football ball or a football LOL

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I dont know if this is of any help to you :

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

Miss Scarlet-Billiard Room
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Eladine says:

WTF!!! very well done!!! saw it without a problem

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

too blurry

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

right above the top pocket the picture gets cut off and above that its pitch black ill make you a sample.


on my sample, the red line shows excactly where the picture is cut off. everythign above the red line is black

(5 years and 2939 days ago)

Miss Scarlet-Billiard Room
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

too bad its not more centered.

(5 years and 2940 days ago)

Pink Rose
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

Oh i like this picture, the lil cafe/bar really invites me in with those warm colors.. wonder why no one is inside except the personal on the right

(5 years and 2940 days ago)

Red Doors
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

She is very pretty, I notice shes got small eyes.. and It is up to the mods if its on theme or not.

IMO you it is lucky (in this case) you gave your daughter the right name for the contest.

(5 years and 2940 days ago)

R- Is For River
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I typed somethign yesterday but i guess i forgot to press say LOL

anyhow,, its a great image as a first entry for this contest, very much on theme. I hope there will be many more entries with some a little bit more mysterious where you don't see right away what is supposed to be seen.

For me it works when I just stare at it and let my eyes focus on the same spot and dont blink.

it works perfect the planets pop out nicely in 3d. nice work, great opening entry!

(5 years and 2940 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

the light on the people you used is from different directions and don't match with the light sources in the picture and the shading.

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

Clue Game
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

gratz good job!

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

playing in the rain
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

gratz well deserved

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

Watch out
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Eladine says:


(5 years and 2941 days ago)

In the Dewy Morning
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Eladine says:

gratz well deserved!

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

Marguerite Bird
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Eladine says:


(5 years and 2941 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

gratz well deserved!

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

Birth of a Solar System
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

What a cute and unique image.. I have actually known a man in Luxembourg, Bettendorf who was keeping a lion as a pet.Long ago though, when I was a kid. Friends of my family where living across the street and you could hear him roar often. I wouldn't wanna pet him though...

And I did went to do some research

By wiki under lion description: "The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger."

I guess that means they are cats...

By wiki under Felidae description: "Felidae is the biological family of the cats; a member of this family is called a felid."

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

King Nap
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

lol the face of the guy statue is somewhat like shreks lol at least to me lol i no its not though. funny image

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

simply irresistible
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

ooo what a cutie

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

Happy Birthday
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Eladine says:

Nator that was actualy quite common in tournaments for knights to be all decorated.

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

very colorful!

(5 years and 2941 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

heh great title!

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Snow Boot
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Eladine says:


(5 years and 2942 days ago)

TV Addict
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

lovely paw!

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

excellent picture just what I had in mind

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

White bear in the water
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

Well the other more creative entries ended up third, don't get me wrong, the other chops are very good as well I just think yours and the other should have gotten extra points for creativity. Ah well for what its worth, my vote on yours was the highest.

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Unfinished Replica
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I am a little disappointed that an entry like yours with a little more creativity then just a change to bald image, didn't ended up higher in the winners list. But that is not your fault you made a very nice entry, one of my favorites in this contest.

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Unfinished Replica
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I am a little disappointed that the more creative entries didn't ended in this contest above the less creative ones... not you to blame though you made a great enry.

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Going Alone
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

its a very very nice drawing but what bothers me here is the grey background

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

there ya go, something else then a woman

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Concept Bike Designs
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

u are right author but you should have asked the pilot to land so u could wash the window n make a new shot. :P

well you can always remove the spot for yourself outside the contest

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

cloud mountain
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

ooo i no someone with the same shoes lol pretty girl

(5 years and 2942 days ago)

Beauty on the Rocks
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Eladine says:

still the place looks pretty tidy not completely run down at all..

(5 years and 2942 days ago)
