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your source picture is uploaded to a outside link and the link can be recognised by other users as being yours.. that takes away the anonimity. you can upload your own pictures in the step by step, or even better as a stock picture so everyone can use it.. its a nice picture you took
nice chop 
(5 years and 3850 days ago)cant rly see whats happening inside o.o;
(5 years and 3850 days ago)ahahahahahaaaaa so funny
nice job author.. im not sure about the shading from the bottle and the contrast on the pig also the cutout could a lil bit more looked into, but its a very funny piece.. good job 
(5 years and 3850 days ago)perspective seems slightly off
(5 years and 3850 days ago)lmao i think is a great imagination but wouldnt it be better if there was a cashregister there too o.o; lol :P that would cost them a lot of money now adays :P
(5 years and 3850 days ago)and thats relevant because??
(5 years and 3850 days ago)looks better now author
he rly has the look in his eyes saying: " make my day " XD
(5 years and 3850 days ago)a: i think its off theme cus this is not really the same as taking a person or animal and replace the skin and b: you let a program put the skin on you didnt do it yourself.. and c: o.o it doesnt look like fur.. have a look at my puss in boots tutorial:http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/1253/How-To-Make-Puss-in-Boots.html there you can find out how to redraw fur on edges
but again i dont think it looks like fur at all anymore to be very honest o.o; the texture looks smudged and blurry, i have not enough knowledge of the 3d programs now adays anymore to know if that can be done different and better so i cnat give you better advice there..
(5 years and 3850 days ago)this looks very pasted on theres no shapes and form in the layer with the cow skin, try taking one part of the cowskin and use warp to form one part of the body, then do the next etc etc till you have all parts done and then make a displacement map... ill think it will look a lot more realistic
(5 years and 3851 days ago)ur not alowed to show your identity on entries.. i suggest you remove your name. I like the work but i think the edges are too sharp, i sugest a soft blur on the edges cus the black outline it has makes it look weird. arround the nose i would try to make the shapes on the skin make look rounded so they follow the body shape and not go straight over..
(5 years and 3851 days ago)awww its cute but the grey on top of the head thats comming thru and on the back would look much better if you had that covered too..
cute idea 
(5 years and 3851 days ago)the cut out on the apple is really looking odd, the eyes look nice the hand looks copy pasted, theres a apple shadow but its shadow has no hand with knife and i personally would of done more with the inside of the mouth, keep working on it its a nice idea, you could soften the edges a lil with a soft blur btw that makes it blend in better with the back ground and softens the cutout..
(5 years and 3851 days ago)I like the idea but personally i think sthe snake skin is too strong still to make it appear like its the bananas mouth like the idea a lot tho and its a clean chop
(5 years and 3851 days ago)nice clean chop...
(5 years and 3851 days ago)o.o; the eyes are a bit choppy (the brown part) and the guys cutout is a bit sharp.. try a very soft blur on the edges to soften it. on a side note.. it doesnt look like food anymore o.o;
(5 years and 3851 days ago)I like the whiskers
no commetns other then that :P nice job
clean chop
(5 years and 3852 days ago)XD you knew i would check it right? :P
(5 years and 3853 days ago)nice job on the ears and head, shadows are good...
enjoy your meal XD
(5 years and 3853 days ago)the shadow from the doll is wrong and the shadow from the cow doesnt match the others, i like how you did the eyes on the statues and the idea is cool...
(5 years and 3853 days ago)lol she looks a lil lost lmao
(5 years and 3853 days ago)I think the reflections are too sharp from the mountain in the water...
(5 years and 3853 days ago)its too dark to really see it o.o;
(5 years and 3854 days ago)i aggree with ponti. The rules sais its alowed so theres nothing to argue over really here... o.o; I cant say i aggree with it tho...
(5 years and 3855 days ago)im not sure how this is on theme.. you made a work with a little fairy, not an age reduction o.o;
(5 years and 3856 days ago)awaitign the step by step but looking good so far
(5 years and 3856 days ago)very nice
(5 years and 3856 days ago)the colors of rocks dont match and the light on the faces is too strong compared to the light on the big rock
(5 years and 3856 days ago)uhm o.o; what is it?
(5 years and 3856 days ago)its a nice idea but they dont look like they are batteling
(5 years and 3856 days ago)i had a simulair idea but cant enter anyway.. besides i dont know if i could of beaten your entry.. nice work
(5 years and 3857 days ago)looks better all ready but still i would suggest to use the warp tool on the flowers on her leg... the root arround her leg looks odd but i cant put my finger on it how to change it
(5 years and 3857 days ago)its a nice image and i rly had to see this in high res, thnx for adding the high res
. but i think if you put a lil more work in it its gonna be much better... the flowers arround her leg ar not in perspective (i asume they suposed to be going arround her leg?) try bending the flowers at the sides of her legs a little with warp tool, and the shadows too light. i also would suggest to vary the colours of the flowers just a lil bit (near colors but not exact same.. that makes it look more natural) i dont know what you pur arround her other leg and arm but that arround her leg really looks weird. what is it? maybe add a bow for arroudn the pigs neck in light pinkish so the flower there seems attached and not just pasted on since is the excact same flower as the others, you might want to change the petals a little maybe.. holding off my vote for now... I like the mood you gave to the image... goodluck 
(5 years and 3857 days ago)very nice entry... one comment ,, if you look where the arm is attatched to the banana you can see this straight line a lil to the left top.... and on the banana it self is a line too.. those two lines should meet.... im thinking with a tiny bit warping you vcan get that fixed.. and while you add it that same place.. theres a blurry spot arround there

(5 years and 3858 days ago)very nice work tho
omg that has the same look as my old mill tutorial
we gonna get a sbs?
(5 years and 3859 days ago)o.o; see thats how hard i find it to judge it right o.o;
(5 years and 3860 days ago)thnx for explaining
(5 years and 3860 days ago)very nice wok and funny idea
(5 years and 3860 days ago)ive never used maya so i cant really judge the difficulty lvl at all without a step by step...
(5 years and 3861 days ago)ooo talk about sugestive
nice work
the reflection i think is too bright... cause then you would see the wall reflected too 
(5 years and 3861 days ago)the zipeper is way too blurry
(5 years and 3861 days ago)step by step please
(5 years and 3861 days ago)i have a deja vu feeling here looking at this :p nice work
(5 years and 3861 days ago)very nice work, just some parts are not rly in perspective o.o; and i guess im getting old :P nice work
(5 years and 3861 days ago)very nice idea
and well executed
(5 years and 3861 days ago)very nice composition
(5 years and 3861 days ago)author ur reply is uncalled for O.o if you have personal issues can you keep that to privat? this is not the place to vent them...
(5 years and 3862 days ago)o.o; smoking is bad for j00 :P freaky girl
(5 years and 3862 days ago)thnx, for some reason i didnt see a step by step when i looked at this first maybe because when you click on a image from the panel to the right they dont show there... i have noticed that before o.o; anyhow thnx for pointing out
do you import the barbwiremodel into bryce or can you render the bryce scene in 3ds max ? i have never combined them so o.o;
(5 years and 3862 days ago)back ground is usualy in the back.. meaning the graveyard in this case...
(5 years and 3862 days ago)are those standard models or did you build your own?
(5 years and 3862 days ago)