The Moon

For: twentyfive pics 2 contest
For: twentyfive pics 2 contest
Camera held upwards towards the spider and web with the blue sky and tree branches in the background.
Contrast between the young swan (cygnet) and older swan.
For: contrast 2 contest
Long grass (uncut) and short grass (cut in a shape of a path).
For: contrast 2 contest
Silver coins and Gold coins
For: contrast 2 contest
Image shot with 'color accent' camera setting (keep only selected color and change others to Black and white).
For: three for simlicity contest
A fibre optic blue lamp and a blue background.
For: blue on blue contest
No Fly Fishing Beyond This Point sign - Reflection on the Lake.
A photo of a cygnet - a young swan...
For: the letter c contest
The trees frame the lake.... my photo, I just deepened the colours of the lake. The trees were already dark.
For: framing 2 contest
Beach photo taken as the sun rised on a cloudy day.
A tree fallen dead into a lake.
For: dead trees contest