Toad Warts

A group of toads is called a "Knot."
A group of toads is called a "Knot."
My little black purse. The colors that you see in the metal beads are just reflections from the surroundings.
For: black contest
I hereby give permission to use this photo in your artwork under the Creative Commons law. Here is a link for more details.
For: best stock contest
For: instruments contest
I will add the sbs shot later, but for now can you see what this is? I hope I'm understanding the theme for this contest.
I've never really used the "curves" tool, and playing around with it, I'm really surprised at what it can do. Great contest suggestion.
For: curving contest
This was taken right before the sunset, letting the light pass through. The distortion of the picture was cause by my weird macro lens.
This was indeed a more challenging contest then I though it would be.
For: surface panoramas contest
Well there is nothing wrong with the sign per say, and it's all how you look at it. Some will find this funny and some may find it offensive, what's your take on it?
For: faulty signs contest
And the winner is......
For: dogs contest
My kitty loves to play under this blue tarp, it's the kind you use for camping. Here he's finally resting giving me a chance to take this pic.
For: cats 2 contest