2124 comments given:
avatar FallingHorse

The adjustments that Mossy is talking about are not about creating a selective coloured object. It is about adjusting the colour which by the guidlines on the site are allowed as per item 6.5 in the guidlines. The tool says 'selective colour' but it means that you boost(saturate) or desat the colour in the image to correct ie. whites. In fact I can say that there is an entry this week that uses this exact method

What Tools/Alterations Can I use?
In general, you should try to avoid editing your photos, whether in camera or with some editing software on a computer. Being a good photographer also means being able to take good shots without having to edit afterwards. We understand that enhancing pictures after the fact has a long tradition in photography and thus we allow for certain digital darkroom techniques, which is readily available in most photo handling software today. As a general rule, you are allowed to all adjustments which act on the whole picture and on exactly one picture (a.k.a. non selective editing). This includes:

- 6.1.: Level
- 6.2.: Curves
- 6.3.: Hue
- 6.4.: Saturation
****- 6.5.: Color adjustments/shifting****
- 6.6.: Brightness
- 6.7.: Contrast
- 6.8.: Gaussian blur
- 6.9.: Noise reduction
- 6.10.: Sharpness
- 6.11.: Crop and rotate
- 6.12.: Lens correction
- 6.13.: Camera raw editing
- 6.14.: Healing brush to remove dust and scratches from a scan or speckles from dust on your camera's sensor
- 6.15.: Duplicated layers
- 6.16.: Layer blending modes

(5 years and 3092 days ago)

going down the line
avatar FallingHorse

Love the DOF

(5 years and 3092 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I'm seeing some colour noise but not pixelated. Nothing that can't be removed with Noise removal software (although probaly at the expense of detail)

(5 years and 3093 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Beautiful snake

(5 years and 3093 days ago)

want a little bite from me?
avatar FallingHorse

I think it would be nicer with the blown out sun cropped, you don't really need it in the image to see that it's setting.

(5 years and 3094 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Sorry - his antennae ends looked feathery to me - but I wasn't suggesting it was off theme - I was suggesting that moths are on theme because they belong to the same order of insects. Funnily enough, we have the same looking ones over here in Aus but we call the cabbage moths.

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I would say that this is not edited in photoshop - simply clever use of bokeh from little lights like those string lights for Christmas trees!

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

Cherry coke
avatar FallingHorse

It is a moth. You can tell by the antennae Moths have feathery end to their antennae, butterflies have a thickened club or hook at the end. They all belong to the same insect order Lepidoptera though

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I must be really confused because I am right handed but left eye dominant. I do some thing left handed too lol I didn't see the last image but I like the leading line of the fence. It would have been nice if there was a cow or horse or something rural at the end of the leading line

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Cool - this must be in Melbourne?

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

City Circle Tram
avatar FallingHorse

I think that the image adjustments that Mossy has described are acceptable & within the guidlines - the same methods are used for some 'selective colour' entries in other comps.

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

going down the line
avatar FallingHorse

The focus seems to be on the very top letters in the 'arch' of the window

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

Odd Composition...
avatar FallingHorse

Love the bokeh too

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

Bubbling Pen
avatar FallingHorse

I would have cropped the bottome flowers off - the highlights are blown. I think it would be more attractive.

(5 years and 3096 days ago)

Flower and Flour
avatar FallingHorse

Shame about the legs - would have prferred to see the players

(5 years and 3097 days ago)

Team talk
avatar FallingHorse

Very beautiful in an alien kind of way

(5 years and 3099 days ago)

Color of September
avatar FallingHorse

What a pretty blue butterfly. Let's call him "Fluffy"

(5 years and 3099 days ago)

Common Blue
avatar FallingHorse

Ahh - renovators delight!

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

House for sale!!!
avatar FallingHorse

Yum - this makes me hungry!!

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Looks yummy! I don't mind the warm tones in this - it adds to the 'home-cooked' idea to me.

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

And a cherry on top
avatar FallingHorse

I have to agree - to me, food is about colour and texture and although this sounds really awesome, it needs the colour to kick it off

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

Fresh Cannoli...yum
avatar FallingHorse

Looks like the little one is more interested in dinner!

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

Kids...gotta love
avatar FallingHorse

Lol - love it!

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

To War!!
avatar FallingHorse

I haven't lived!

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

Jell-o Shots!!
avatar FallingHorse

I understand author - I wondered about the difference. A marked improvement too I may add

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

Shrine of Remembrance
avatar FallingHorse

Nice job author - I wanted to do something like this but still working on the technical side

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

52 pickup
avatar FallingHorse

This is the sort of thing I had in mind when I submitted the suggestion

(5 years and 3104 days ago)

See Weed?
avatar FallingHorse

Very creative

(5 years and 3105 days ago)

The Queen is Coming!
avatar FallingHorse

Love the motion that the image conveys

(5 years and 3106 days ago)

the dealer
avatar FallingHorse

Nice job of it - reminds me of Jack in the Box

(5 years and 3106 days ago)

The transformation
avatar FallingHorse

I bet this looks stunning in all its coloured glory

(5 years and 3107 days ago)

Forest flow
avatar FallingHorse

LOL - at least there are no other floaters

(5 years and 3107 days ago)

the ultimate royal flush
avatar FallingHorse

Oh cool - my son loves these

(5 years and 3109 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Love the POV

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

First World War
avatar FallingHorse

It's a shame all these live lost in the name of freedom and we can't take a walk in the park at night

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Nice - the sky really suits the building too

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Shrine of Remembrance 02
avatar FallingHorse

Perhaps next time take the shots in 'portrait' rather than landscape layout - you will need to take extra shots for the overlap but whne it comes time to stitch them you wont lose the top of the shrine

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Shrine of Remembrance
avatar FallingHorse

Lol - priceless!

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Two Faces
avatar FallingHorse

Oh yum - my favourite!!!! Even better than the chocolate coated variety.

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Turkish delight
avatar FallingHorse

Very pretty I like the high key take as well - suits!

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Coloured Gelatine
avatar FallingHorse

OMG - this could go all kinds of horribly wrong!

(5 years and 3110 days ago)

Watch out for rocks
avatar FallingHorse

Hope the stroller has brakes ... long way down!

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

O Brother
avatar FallingHorse

I like the desaturated colours.

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

Look at the Camera, Please!!!
avatar FallingHorse

Is that a giant hash cookie in the reflection? lol

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3111 days ago)

Letter from the wife
avatar FallingHorse

It could do with straightening a couple degrees counter clockwise

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

What is the purpose of wearing an ID card in his own store?

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Very quaint -I would have hidden the plastic chair inside

(5 years and 3111 days ago)

Wine bar
avatar FallingHorse

What a crying shame - you don't see many of these anymore

(5 years and 3114 days ago)

Covered Bridge No More?
avatar FallingHorse

Nice job author

(5 years and 3117 days ago)

Zooming by