2124 comments given:
avatar FallingHorse

Nice entry - GL

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Old, bare, and shocked
avatar FallingHorse

Great one

(5 years and 3605 days ago)

my rag doll
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one .... did you use a slow shutter speed lol

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Well done Lamantine.... still want to know what you were doing in the alcohol section at your age lol!!

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

No worries - thanks author & well done on your 2nd place

(5 years and 3606 days ago)

Aum/ Om !
avatar FallingHorse

It's a pretty big call to call someone a cheat publicly 04mehul. It would be more helpful to do some homework first.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Harvest Moon
avatar FallingHorse

Awesom shot - good luck author. Can't say I have heard of the "Kenelly-Heavyside Effect" either, so off to google I go to further my education too

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

setting moon
avatar FallingHorse

I'm not sure what is with the background of this shot. It looks like some half completed Photoshop work on the l/h side of the '3' and again above the crescent. It is more noticeable in the high res.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Aum/ Om !
avatar FallingHorse

I agree with Wiseman on this and selective adjustments aren't supposed to be in Photography contests. Correct us if we are wrong.

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Lady Luck
avatar FallingHorse

I have to agree with the author on this one

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Looks like part of a window blind

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

U - The Unknown
avatar FallingHorse

Good One author

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

L - The Door Handle
avatar FallingHorse

LOL @ itsmymoment. Every home should have one of these

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Actually - I like it. It doesn't appear OOF to me. The focus is in the middle and there is some high ISO noise . Some of the yellow lights have blown out a bit but I like it - it gives you the carny atmosphere and I can almost hear the associated noise that goes with the carny rides

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Flyng high
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one author

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

Coaster at Night
avatar FallingHorse

Lovely - never seen a ferris wheel as pretty as this. Bit of noise in the sky - you could probably do some noise reductiion without losing too much detail

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Ferris Wheel at night
avatar FallingHorse

Awesome - is it a HDR?

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

amusement parks_4bd187ac6a423
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one... what were you doing in the cellar?? :-P

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Yes - I like it without the fill-flash - it does look like it was framed intentionally dark. Like it

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Hard choice
avatar FallingHorse

Forget the bread lol! Wine and cheese goes down well

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Just add Bread
avatar FallingHorse

I would have liked to see a bit more space in the frame between the boat and the edge of the l/h side. ie. The composition may have been a bit better as he was rowing into the frame rather than out - he would have had that nice light from the sun too. Nice effort though

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Nice - like the contrasting coulour in the beach toys

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Warm nights
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Ditto on the blur - with the shallow DOF it looks like the only thing in focus is a patch of grass in the middle left

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I like the desaturated colour in this. I have used desat rather than B&W at times and I think it works for this

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Morning light
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one author. It gave me the same feeling as Busmav. You are certainly getting better at this

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

It is a lovely shot but off theme - there are animals in it

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Mountain fence
avatar FallingHorse

awesome - love the colours and the sheds foundations

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Violet Hill
avatar FallingHorse

So are the mountains in the background I think this would have been nicer with a straighter horizon.

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I like the OOF grass too - I might have cropped the blown out sun though

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Just a wire fence ...
avatar FallingHorse

Can't have those air-cons getting out of their enclosure and running around wild lol Good one

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Aircon Safety
avatar FallingHorse

I think grfc just means that the fence is middle of the run and not really the main subject for this contest but it would would make a beautiful entry in something else - especially with that sky and mountains, it would standout on it's own in a landscape contest. Beautiful colours - I can feel that crisp clean air

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Alone fence
avatar FallingHorse

I agree with the cropping suggestion! The OOF leaf is rather distracting

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Barb wire
avatar FallingHorse

Not sure about the sepia either - not enough contrast perhaps?

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Friiskiwi - I don't think you are supposed to identify your own work in the contests!!

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Fenced Bottles
avatar FallingHorse

Good one

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Fenced Bottles
avatar FallingHorse

Nice straight horizon too

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Nice one - love the b/ground fireman

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Help For Haiti
avatar FallingHorse

well done - good news article too

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

Rifled Raptor Gets Reprieve
avatar FallingHorse

Wow - didn't think these little 'milk-bars' existed anymore... 'spose this one nearly didn't

(5 years and 3611 days ago)

Hot Food
avatar FallingHorse

Showing your age

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3615 days ago)

warming ceramics
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3615 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Nice one - should have cleaned the dirt mark above the blue flower beforehand though. Lovely colours, good DOF though

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

flowers on chines jar
avatar FallingHorse

Dramatic indeed!

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

broken frame, broken heart
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one!

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

No More Light
avatar FallingHorse

Well done - nice find.

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I would too

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

Roof - Broken Beauty
avatar FallingHorse

Nice one

(5 years and 3615 days ago)

Broken Crayon