2124 comments given:
avatar FallingHorse

Definately on theme to me - not sure what is happening with that yellow ring around candle flame? Great idea but somehow the lines of the background are detracting from your subjects

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

All 4
avatar FallingHorse

Lol - Oh dear - nearly had one of these moments on the weekend - was glad to show the 4x4 drivers up though!

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Uh... kinda stuck!!!
avatar FallingHorse

Well done author!!!

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Fire on water...
avatar FallingHorse

I agree Jawshoewah - amazing shot - looks to me like HDR too. A 'shining example' of the theme

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Morning Flare
avatar FallingHorse

I personally cqan't see why HDR is unacceptable as long as it's on theme - it's a widely accepted form, but in this case I can see no lens flare

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Good one - too many times have I hit the delete button only for wanting the shot back later! Now I just keep the Raw image - never delete Raw as I keep these as my 'negatives'

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Ragtop with Some Flare
avatar FallingHorse

OMG - those shoes and bling are to die for!!!

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Tony Material
avatar FallingHorse

Nice pic... even though clown wanna make me puke. I would probably crop a little of the dead area from the top - just above the jumping castle.

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

Miss Twain
avatar FallingHorse

Wonder who this is lol Nicely done - love the reflections

(5 years and 3633 days ago)

Ssshh, don
avatar FallingHorse

The blurry bars in the foreground are distracting and dtract from the overall image

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

From the window
avatar FallingHorse

I'm not sure I like the POV - taken from a different angle would have given you a nice leading line/diagonal

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

Picnic Time..
avatar FallingHorse

The high res shows a lot of colour fringing (lens aberration) particularly over areas that are dark with light b/ground which I find is common in some zoom lenses at the long end. It can be corrected in software. Overall it's nice - it looks like you have a 'Topaz' filter over it - correct me if I am wrong.

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

Waiting on the parade...
avatar FallingHorse

I agree - the subject is hard to distinguish andloses its brillance amongst the 'rubble'

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

I like this better than the original. Good one

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

Double trouble!
avatar FallingHorse

Good one

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

4 elements
avatar FallingHorse

The saturation looks a little overcooked in the sky

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

There is no detail in the highlights (waves) - highlights have blown out. You could try the recovery slider if you have it in your software.

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Water and wind
avatar FallingHorse

Good entry. Personally I would crop out the uninteresting sky to just above the dark rock formation. I don't think you need the sky to show the 'wind' element - especially with those wicked waves.

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Wind and water
avatar FallingHorse

nicely done

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

wind and water
avatar FallingHorse

Like th blue in the water - it reminds me of a restaurant in my old hometown (Geelong)

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Welcome to the club now
avatar FallingHorse

I think most buildings are placed adjacent to streets. The theme says taking pictures in the street not of the street so in my opinion it fits.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Light Show
avatar FallingHorse

Nice - love the pink

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

IMHO it could do with a crop at the top. The eye is automatically led to the light but in this case the light is both at the top and bottom so a little distracting

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Below the Castle
avatar FallingHorse

nice - the theme says any sort of track so i think it fits the theme I'm sure a trail is still a track

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Magic woods.
avatar FallingHorse

Actually the theme says any sort of track!

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Down, down, down
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Sea side
avatar FallingHorse

Yes - definately need to fix the horizon

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Easley SC
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3638 days ago)

High Street, small town
avatar FallingHorse

Nice lines

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Cool - Corio Bay

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

geelong lights
avatar FallingHorse

Still - it might pay to keep the organizer in case you get CRAFT disease (Can't remember a F@#ing Thing) :-P

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Showing My Age
avatar FallingHorse

Nice take on theme... no points for music taste though lol :-P

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

One of my favourites...
avatar FallingHorse

OMG Atari- i had this as a kid - just like the one in the front!

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Nice - well done

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Coffee & Milk
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3640 days ago)

My Hubby
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3640 days ago)

not a day without em
avatar FallingHorse

Can relate to this one

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Necessary Evil...
avatar FallingHorse

Nice - I agree although I don't get too much done now I have dSLR

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

coz she can!

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Showing off, and loving it
avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Fur and blanket
avatar FallingHorse

Oh my - looks like Telstra has been around to do the work!

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

no connections
avatar FallingHorse

OMG - 9 kids - she deserves a golden gown

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse

Well done!

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Arabian Nights
avatar FallingHorse

I would also sugest a levels adjustment to darken the shadow a little - the use of the cracks in the paint could have given you a broken heart

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

a heart
avatar FallingHorse

Nice idea - well done

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Calamity Jane
avatar FallingHorse

Seen it before - but great shot anyway

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Green and Yellow.
avatar FallingHorse

It's a little OOF

(5 years and 3643 days ago)

Tiny jobs for the tiny baby
avatar FallingHorse

Cute budding photographer

(5 years and 3643 days ago)

The Photographer
avatar FallingHorse

Blwong bubbles is definately an activity a 2 month old would be doing - I think it's on theme considering the age. Looks a bit like 'Dragan' processing - nice.

(5 years and 3643 days ago)

avatar FallingHorse


(5 years and 3643 days ago)
