Terminator egg
Photo is my own
For: curving contest
Photo is my own
For: curving contest
Detailed SBS included.
For: curving contest
For: curving contest
For: bw chairs contest
A high key attempt.
For: vases contest
there comes a day in every snowman's life...they hear the dreaded word...."Spring"
For: snowman contest
1962 tradewind airstream. Our hobby is camping. For almost a year it was finding the camper. The next years hobby was doing a ground up restroration.
For: hobbies 2 contest
This puppy was at a pet store, just waiting for someone to fall in love and take him home.
For: mythological beasts contest
A snowgun producing some... snow... 25s @Æ’/8 iso 100.
This is a champagne glass lighted with a led light ring.
For: light rings contest
And still counting...
For: joy contest