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I have several but this is my fav!
For: mythological beasts contest
Being a bounty hunter is not easy. Sandy Clowes can tell you about it, because she is one of them. Although you live for the danger and excitement, it's also a lonely and exhausting life. In the end you can't trust anyone... But ok, after all these years she's kind of used to it, the people, the t...
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
Have a look at the High-Res :) Thanks to Stockmichelle and NightFateStock
For: old clock contest
As I manipulated the blocks into some interesting patterns, they brought to mind the contour farming we see a lot of in our area. It would be amazing to see them from a higher vantage point, so that's what this little guy is doing. So much to see from up there. No outside sources were used.
For: containers contest
Although I am an atheist, I believe that religion is a great way to express art. So I made this in honor of handling the story of Christ's resurrection. I hope you enjoy.
For: crosses contest
Deep inside me A silent whisper in my mind Sweet surrender to Your love divine Peace enfolding In the stillness I empty my soul And Your healing presence flows -sixpence none the richer- the birds is from the former pic contest http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/16084/gulls-att...
For: crosses contest