88 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar oziipop
oziipop says:

yup awesome! I agree with cropping a bit more too. But all in all Fantastic!

(5 years and 2485 days ago)

Sand of Time
avatar Wayne Cheah

10 upon 10.

(5 years and 2486 days ago)

Sand of Time
avatar rusvelt2000

Amazing result, composition, choice of B&W, a long exposure that soften the falling sand, and obviously all the work that has been done to get this amazing picture. In my opinion a square frame might have worked better, most arm area is useless to the image. Anyway, it is one of my favs, great job author.


(5 years and 2486 days ago)

Sand of Time
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Very nice and deserved. Nice week for you!

(5 years and 2492 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Awesome find & capture! Love the lighting!

(5 years and 2493 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Looks like a relief done in a cypress cross-cut. Color & composition are lovely, but a hi res would help so we can see the details better.

(5 years and 2493 days ago)

The last supper
avatar Lorena_99
Lorena_99 says:

Yes, they made really a great job and you too!

(5 years and 2497 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Great, thanks

(5 years and 2498 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Welcome to the site, here is how you can upload the High Res.
o to;
My Stuff
my contest entries
find this entry and click on ;
edit entry
Upload the image again
remember to tick;
Also save full resolution image.
Your image doesn't need to be enormous, anything between 2.5mg and 3.5mg is plenty big enough.
Good luck

You may also want to darken the image a little to bring our the details better.

(5 years and 2498 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Indeed, I'd love to see the woodtextures. If those are all carved out, they made a great job with the sports bag! Good luck!

(5 years and 2499 days ago)

Wood stuff
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

If these are carving, I suggest you upload a high res, so we can tell.

(5 years and 2499 days ago)

Wood stuff