When good pets turn BAD!
For: ransom note contest
For: ransom note contest
Three guys, stranded on a desert island, find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says "I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here."
For: jokes contest
How Old Is the Big Man?, nobody knows, Abandoned aged 4 with only his clothes, He fed like the beasts he saw in the wild, An accomplishment for such a small child, Over the years Big Man grew, Alone, in darkness was all he knew, He didn't feel cold, he didn't feel pain, He drank fro...
For: underground world contest
You go to a wild party *whoohoo* ...you take a pill.. *whooohoo* ...you score the hottest girl in the room....*whooooohooo* ....you keep seeing the disapointed face of your father .... DOH!
all comments are fake, image made of various screenshots of the site. image being commented on was hand drawn with brush tool (will be happy to provide detailed sbs for the flower/stickman)
Sorry for another robot, but I had started work on this some days ago & was side tracked.
For: air crane contest
advice and comments welcome on the illustration side of this...digital drawing is not my strong point but I`m practicing :-)
For: chill statue contest
For: pirates contest
For: pirates contest
Cyborg 54, the ruler of the machine world and created by humans in a sick experiment to make a humanoid race to serve humanity. The cyborgs were produced using a real human fetus and operated on within the walls of the womb, adding technology most humans didn't know existed. 53 cyborgs failed, 53 wo...
For: leather set contest
There a tons of tutorials for this effect...I haven`t followed one, nor have I used any special filters or brush`s that the tutorials tend to use.
For: hair closeup contest
Not traditional cubism I know, more of a literal take on it
For: cubism contest
This is a representation of the footage taken near Tiananmen in 1989. Now known as the "tank man" a normal citizen protested for freedom on behalf of millions by blocking the way of a column of tanks. He stood for freedom and is an icon to many people around the world. It still makes the h...
Just source used
For: bulbs contest
For: boat rope contest
Just Source Used
For: keys contest
Just Source
For: keys contest