One Of Its Kind

Here is a flower that is rare and unique. Not seen on planet Earth yet until today.
Here is a flower that is rare and unique. Not seen on planet Earth yet until today.
Just a flower that is not a common flower. This flower is one of its kind, and it is found in the mind or people who like beauty.
This image was done using Illustrator. The blendings of color for the petals, are gradient mesh, and the rest is simple color and lines.
Have not done drawing in long time, but wanted to participate.
For: custom still life contest
No photo reference was used to make this entry. It is the drawing of a shell, that I put over the table and drew it. The colors were added from imagination. Used the Burn and Smudge tools.
For: sea shells contest
For: spring start contest
Just the pen tool in Illustrator, to make the shape of the flowers. Used the Mesh Tool for colors, and finished in Photoshop.
For: spring start contest
This is an attempt of a drawing of my dog "Hobo", he is a toy poodle. Everything is done in Photoshop, using the smudge tool. The balls are circular selections, filled with a gradient, added clouds,and coloring.
For: dogs contest
NOTE: No reference pics were used to draw this litte dog. I had this image in my mind and started drawing it. I know the rules, and I had posted the photo (if I had used one). I posted a SBS. Photoshop work and I used the smudge tool, in most parts of the dog. The background is a glass filter....
For: dogs contest
Everything was done in PS.
For: fish contest
Used PS7 for this drawing.
For: fish contest
Staedtler Mars Lumograph 100 EB pencil. Stump blender. (No cottonswabs this time.) Eraser.
For: fruit contest
I used for this drawing: Staedler Mars Lumograph 100 EB Eraser Cotton Swab to blend
For: fruit contest
I was born October 9 ____ so, my Zodiac Sign is Libra. I thought of making a simple drawing of the scales. Your comments are appreciated.
For: zodiac signs contest
The name of this beautiful bird is "Cockatoo". The bird in the drawing is "Charlie" my bird pet for almost 25 years. He is very friendly, but makes a lot of noise, mostly when he is hungry.
For: birds contest
Sorry guys, it is hard for me to pronounce the name of this beautiful flower. We got some long ago, different colors and shapes, and wanted to share a photo and a drawing of one of them. This drawing was done using a felt pen.
For: flowers contest
I like flowers. Rose is one of my favorites. I have some growing in the garden. There is where I got the idea of making a drawing of a rose first, then fill the outlines with color. I tried Illustrator, but I think PS worked much better. I used the smudge tool, as I have done in some of my works...
For: flowers contest