The moon or planet on the background is a circular selection filled with black and white.... A layer blending mode... and erased half of it.....Add a description...
For: impossible reality 2018 contest
Add a description...The butterfly antenna is made with a shape brush....
For: insect mutations 2018 contest
For: one hand contest
The back ground and the lines are rectangular selections filled a gradient... the sun is just a brush click with white color...
For: one hand contest
The moon is made of a circular selection, filled with a B-W gradient... outer glow...Add clouds... the sky is done with a gradient... and difference clouds.......
For: science fiction 2017 contest
For: science fiction 2017 contest
Background is a gradient.....
For: science fiction 2017 contest
The flower on top of the clown's hat, was done with a brush and bevel and emboss. Add a description...
For: heart shaped 2017 contest
For: gas mask contest
For: minimalist poster 2 contest
Add a description...FONT IS ARIAL..... comes with Photoshop.....
For: minimalist poster 2 contest
The font I used is called Constantia and comes with Photoshop.
For: minimalist poster 2 contest
For: human animal mix up 2 contest
For: supersized things 2 contest