
For: white contest
For: curving contest
Another swiss army knife, I know the idea is not very original but I wanted to do one for me :) All sources used are of my own, taken on purpose for the entry.
For: failed cellphones contest
Sorta speaks for itself.
For: failed cellphones contest
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."
For: stone path contest
It's a ring from my daughter, worth a few cents...
For: jewelry contest
For: aniplants td contest
...i know the way!!! USB spermatozoon are heading to the main USB port to "exchange" data!!!! :)
For: usb contest
For: night lights contest
Well come to the dark side!
For: pxl letters contest
Just crop it. Hope it's better now. Thanks jaw!
For: face closeup contest
For: face closeup contest
For: minimalism 2 contest