
a nicely sculptured leaf, which I thought played well with the sunlight, creating its own shadows. Image slightly cropped and rotated.
For: minimalism 2 contest
a nicely sculptured leaf, which I thought played well with the sunlight, creating its own shadows. Image slightly cropped and rotated.
For: minimalism 2 contest
Credit to peej0e from sxc for the barbed wire stock.
For: unconventional shoes contest
The word derives from the Greek γυμναστική (gymnastike), fem. of γυμναστικός (gymnastikos), "fond of athletic exercises", from γυμνάσια (gymnasia), "exercise" and that from γυμ...
For: stretching contest
This was sort of last minute and half old work, but I decided to do card #13 Death.... Sorry to person before me, didn't mean to use the same card. As for the subject matter, I really wanted to portray the feeling of judgement before afterlife. On one side it is heaven, the other is hell (no l...
13 is always the best number to me :). Notice that the Death has many fingers, not 5 as human hand, that's what I intentionally did. He takes to soul of the victim and imprison it in his amulet, eats the victim's heart and thrown to body to the river of magma... Please view in full to see all the ...
Some things inside this strange Jack-o-lantern
I got the splatter brushes from this URL.
For: dirty statue contest
My favourite horror creature is the good old Zombie...soooo meet Mr P ;) Used picture as reference... My technique: Apply solid colour and smudge smudge smudge, alternating from soft to hard brushes. This was created in Photoshop CS5 +- 15hours painting...
For: horror creatures dd contest
For: city parks contest