Sweet Treat

The bundle of cherries I picked that day made some beautiful pies :)
These three little girls were draging this poor little boy around the play ground, this was them tryin to push/pull him up the slide!
For: caught contest
Yummy Ginger Sorbet topping with Mint & Crystallized Ginger
For: yummy treats contest
Fresh Peanut Butter Cookies right out of the Oven!
For: yummy treats contest
Sugar Cookies with Fresh Whipped Buttercream
For: yummy treats contest
This is my neighbors front tree and I just bumped up the contrast some...
Playing in the park with my Lily :)
For: walking contest
Grilled Onions, Tomatoes, Red and Green Peppers, Zucchini and some Yummmmmy Feta on Top!
For: toppings contest
For: toppings contest
Got this shot at an early morning car show :)
For: chrome contest
I had to super zoom in on this creek to see someone and stacked these rocks. It was pretty far into the rocks I can't see how someone could have even gotten there!
For: rocks 2 contest